Government has published proposals for new #nature targets. It's good to see the 2030 #StateofNature target to halt #wildlife decline recognised as an apex goal. Thanks to all who campaigned with us.
In particular, on biodiversity, the long-term target for wildlife (10% increase on 2030 baseline by 2042) could see species abundance *lower* in 20 years' time than it is today.
That's not in line with the Government's 25 Year Plan promise to pass on #nature in better condition.
There's no target for the condition of SSSIs, despite the previous promise (below) that 75% will be in good condition by 2042.
The target for 500k hectares of habitat creation/restoration is a gross figure and does not take account of net losses, so we could see overall loss.
Water companies will be required to reduce phosphates, but not nitrogen & only at the end of the wastewater process - missing out spills.
Farmers will need to reduce nitrogren, phosphorus & sediment, but measurements will be based largely on monitoring, not real river quality.
This seems extraordinary in the context of available technologies for frequent, accurate water quality data in-river, which could help identify/target/solve pollution problems.
Also really out of step with the public mood on #waterquality.
On #airpollution, the target to reduce PM2.5 particulates to 10mg/m3 won't need to be met until 2040. That's 10 years after our recommendation and falls far short on meeting World Health Organisation standards.
On waste, it's good to see a goal to cut residual waste going to landfill or incineration, but there's no target to reduce our overall consumption of raw materials. This despite the fact S1 of the #EnvironmentAct seems to require a target to cover waste AND resource efficiency.
Plus there are missing measures. We'd like a strong target to reduce England's global environmental footprint. Otherwise, we risk cleaning up here but exporting harm abroad.
These targets are important. They'll form the framework of legal accountability by which the Government's environmental promises can be judged.
They're the legal hooks for the OEP to take action.
And we've seen time and again that targets in law drive action and investment.
This is also meant to be the framework that takes up the slack as the UK leaves EU-derived targets behind (air quality, water quality, circular economy, ocean recovery and more).
We need to make sure that they add up to deliver the Government's promise to restore nature.
So please, if you can, respond to the consultation and join is in pressing the Government to aim higher on targets for #nature's recovery.
Its response to the #DasguptaReview starts with a promise on international biodiversity that HMG can't deliver. A better response would be to halt #nature's decline at home.
Of course, it should also commit to reducing the UK's #GlobalFootprint as a way to contribute to the international biodiversity crisis.
Next, the Review focuses on raising private finance. That's an excellent ambition & the Impact Fund is welcome.
But the top thing Gov can do to unlock finance is a commitment to halt nature's decline that's "long, loud and legal": a #StateofNature target in the #EnvironmentBill
Thank you @DefraGovUK for listening to the 60+ charities and 160,000+ people backing #StateofNature.
Now we need to make sure that the details of the target are right: it must cover as many #species as possible, with measures for abundance & diversity of #wildlife. We'll need an action plan for delivery, clear reporting to Parliament and accountability.