& it's not just us - UN bodies reported on STF involvement in #torture as far back as 2002: (P30 of report)
IN 2015 UN investigation cited #stf in connection with disappearance & #torture & mentioned their close links to #tamil paramilitaries in the East of #srilanka
Not to mention UN spoke of #stf involvement in an emblematic case - #trinco5 students - which IIGEP investigated & ended up just getting witnesses out of country as process so dire & .@amnestysasia championed as a case. @ThyagiR
Our report on #torture & sexual violence by #srilankan police (including TID) & army - some of it in known police stations - in the last 2 years under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. #lka
@UNHumanRights In this report we draw the linkages to the past, examining how the security forces used similar tactics (& white vans) in 1987-90 against mainly #Sinhalese. Those who survived were called "returned prisoners" Drawing on old .@amnesty reports & the commissions .@iqbals37 sat on.
Let’s look first at the UN contemporaneously collected data (Petrie report) - 54,715 casualties (including injured some of whom may not have survived) in just 4 months in a tiny area of land in #SriLanka - 7,737 of the names of dead were corroborated by 3 sources.
The UN contemporaneous data did not include the most devastating final weeks of the 2009 war - rough estimates for which below - but there was nobody able to count by then. #lka