Brexit was the single best strategy for the UK to pursue in order to safeguard everyday Briton’s long-term national security. Bi-lateral trade and investment deals are easier to negotiate, execute, and monitor. In multi-lateral deals, one is only as strong as their weakest 1/6
link. Just look at the failures of the so-called EU.Brexit has nothing to do with racism. It’s the foundation for a proper national security policy. It’s not anti-immigrant. Once the borders are secure, a diverse and inclusive immigration policy will be implemented. Today,2/6
Brexit naysayers are blaming the administration for lower tax revenues and a declining business climate…in an environment where ill-conceived energy policy, Putin’s massacre of Ukraine, inflation caused by aggressive monetary printing, and a general European (and global) 3/6
recession are primarily responsible for the malaise. I’ve analyzed many of the twitter accounts that have been responsible for fanning the anti-Brexit ire. A majority of them are pseudonym accounts that were formed in the last three years and have followers with similar 4/6
characteristics. The Chinese, Russian, and Iranian government’s aggressive social media operations are all stoking the anti-Brexit fire. 72% of registered voters turned out to vote in the Brexit referendum. 17.4 million voted to safeguard their sovereignty against 5/6
天安门大屠杀 Today commentates the 33rd anniversary of the #Tiananmen Square Massacre in China. The CPC has made #HongKong a police state. This will be the first remembrance without a public commemoration in #HK . Remember this was about inflation and runaway food prices 🤫1/8
China’s military executed over 10,000 students protesting food scarcity and runaway prices. The government rolled their tanks over the dead students and then washed their remains down the sewer with fire hoses..#Emblematic of how Xi treats his detractors. #XinjiangPoliceFiles 2/8
As the Rules-based world marches ever closer to a kinetic conflict with China, we must all remember the bravery that Tank Man showed the world in defiance of China’s poor policies and autocratic government. 3/8
The mentally ill shooter in Uvalde bought and took possession of his first AR rifle on his 18th birthday last Monday, May 16th. On Tuesday, he bought over 300 rounds of .556 ammo, on Thursday the 18th, he purchased yet another AR. While this might have been his first 1/8
aggregated assault, the multiple purchases of ARs could have been immediately flagged and investigated by ATF. We should immediately raise the age of acquisition of AR platforms to 21yrs old. Ramos (Uvalde shooter -18 yrs old), Harris & Klebold 2/8
(Columbine shooters 18&17 yrs old), Lanza (Sandyhook shooter 20 yrs old), maybe add a multi-week waiting period while conducting mandatory background checks? ATF should use programs similar to their FN 5.7 plan to inquire around multiple gun purchases. The glaring 3/8
I agree with @joshrogin on the potential blunder the administration is considering making on tariffs. China was acting (and will act in the future) in non-economic ways in order to force certain U.S. industries out of business. They are focused on our steel and aluminum 1/4
Industries. China was advancing free electricity (the primary costing element) to their steel and aluminum smelters to create a massive competitive price advantage against US companies. Our capacity utilization of our entire aluminum industry had dropped from high 80’s 2/4
To low 70’s in a SPAN OF TWO SHORT YEARS. China’s plan was to bankrupt several of our key industries to create a full dependence on Chinese foundries. These tariffs HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH INFLATION. They are in place to preserve U.S. national security. @POTUS@JakeSullivan46 3/4
🛑 China is preparing for war. First, Xi orders Chinese banks to risk asses and insulate against potential U.S sanctions. Now Xi is directing Chinese nationals overseas to divest of any assets. China has been hoarding grains for over a year…Xi’s 1/5…
playbook is obvious to anyone willing to connect the dots. In January 2020, China updated their “Foreign Investment Law” which gives Beijing the power and ability to NATIONALIZE FOREIGN ASSETS/INVESTMENTS under “special circumstances” which include war. 2/5
In mid 2021, China’s new Counter Foreign Sanctions law enables Beijing to seize corporate assets and detain expat employees if the underlying corporation simply is complying with foreign sanctions. 3/5
What a great morning! Today, after almost seven years, Hollis Greenlaw, Ben Wissink, Cara Obert, and Brandon Jester (formerly of United Development Funding) will be sentenced to federal prison on 10 felony counts each. These convicted felons defrauded over 30,000
investors of hundreds of millions in a Ponzi-like scheme where they raised new funds to pay old investors their fictitious returns. Years ago, The @SECGov and @SECEnfDirector enforcement lawyer settled multiple fraud charges with these criminals without having the
requirement of audited financial statements and LEFT the now convicted felons in their management positions to continue their fraud against small investors unabated until the @FBI arrested and charged them for criminal behavior. The @FortWorth_SEC enforcement lawyer
Asian coal cracking to new highs today.Sri Lanka is bankrupt and has only one day of fuel, Senegal out of jet fuel, Nigeria etc..the Biden administration’s energy policy can no longer be set by small NGOs and well-meaning green kids…we better issue executive order suspending 1/4
The Jones Act, greenlight the Keystone pipeline, and begin permitting LNG export facilities again FAST. Our energy policy needs to be reworked immediately. Poor countries are being priced out of the distillate markets which will lead to global food catastrophe. Just think 2/4
@GretaThunberg and @Earthjustice will have contributed to children around the globe dying from lack of food availability because their climate shaming didn’t come with a complete understanding of proper, incremental energy transition policy. When the East coast runs out 3/4