At ERCOT Board meeting tmrw & at a Texas House Cmte Wed, #ERCOT’s Independent Market Monitor (IMM) will present. The IMM quantified the cost of recent @PUCTX policy changes in her ERCOT presentation & there are some shocking numbers. 1/🧵 #txlege#txenergy…
Here’s the presentation she’ll make tomorrow. The kicker is in this slide: The “conservative operating posture” of the @PUCTX & @ERCOT_ISO have cost consumers a minimum of $670m over only five months. (The range is $670-$845m) #txlege#energytwitter 2/…
The news here is the RUC costs, which market participants & consumer advocates have been sounding the alarm about for months. In my @REWorld article I said it was hard to tell exactly what RUCs cost, but now we know: $460m ytd thru 5/31/22. That’s more than I would've guessed. 3/
In fact, in March, I estimated to @rtoinsider that the non-spin & RUC costs were ~$1b/yr. @ERCOT_ISO's CEO told @tkleckner1 those costs were "way off." He was right, sort of. Turns out, I drastically *underestimated* the cost. Over a year it's ~$1.6 - $2b!…
In that same article, I told @tkleckner1 it would be nice to have some actual numbers. Now we have them. These costs are shockingly high, PUC & ERCOT are adding ~10% to power costs. That's 100s of dollars to most Texas families and 1000s for Texas businesses. #txlege 5/
The IMM says these out-of-market non-spin & RUC procurements only "may" improve reliability. So it begs the question, which I hope the ERCOT Board & #txlege members will ask: what are we paying for and is it worth it? At this point, the energy-only market only barely remains. 6/
Remember, it's not just rates. Texans now have higher rates *and* higher use. Texans consume more power than most Americans bc (1) homes are bigger & it’s really hot (this summer esp.) & (2) we have very low #energyefficiency goals leading to higher use—and higher bills. #txlege
We're in a power affordability crisis in Texas now & these costs are likely to go up even more.
Note, costs would likely be higher w/out the fantastic performance of combined #wind & #solar in May & June. The House Cmte will also discuss transmission congestion on Thursday. 10/
Will be interesting to hear the discussions @ ERCOT & in the House, esp. from the IMM. Will they throttle back on these costly policies or stick with them? Will they recommend or take action to help customers with their insanely high power costs? #txlege#energytwitter 11/
Remember too, this #ERCOT Board is now politically appointed bc of #SB2 so there's an added political dimension to these higher costs.
SB2 is another topic at the 2nd day of House hearings on Thursday (along with weatherization and transmission congestion). #txlege 12/
Virtual power plants (or VPPs) are aggregations of distributed energy resources, or small energy sources close to or at homes and businesses. Take enough small storage or solar or reductions in demand and add them up and you can reach levels that add up to large power plants.
@ArushiSF says DERs are available today but are "unrealized dispatchable assets to ERCOT." @Tesla believes minor changes to existing practice could "immediately unlock grid reliability services from small DERs that can be dispatched as an 'aggregation'" #txlege#txenergy
It should surprise no one that the #ERCOT grid isn't fixed. There's a good chance there will be outages at some point over the next 3 days. Here's a look at what's going on.
A LOT of thermal power plants are out for maintenance (~16GW) & Friday, more broke: 6 gas plants = to ~3GW, roughly an Austin worth of power. I'll get into why power plants are breaking below. #txenergy 2/…
Here are four key things to remember as Texans spend the weekend obsessively checking @ERCOT_ISO’s dashboard to see how the grid is holding up. 3/…
In the midst of this historic May heat wave, the @PUCTX meets this morning. Should be some interesting discussions of ongoing market design changes, transmission, etc. Tweet thread with a few updates below.
Agenda and livestream here:… #txlege#txenergy
Staff filed a memo to implement #SB1281 on #transmission in #ERCOT. Commissioner Cobos says its important to alleviate congestion "Today's economic problem is tomorrow's reliability problem." We need to get these projects going.
This Saturday, ERCOT expects 69.3GW of demand, an insane amount for a weekend in early May.
Temps likely to be ~92-93 in DFW and Houston, 95 in Austin, 100 in Midland & 104 (!) in Laredo. These would likely be records (or near records) for May 7. #txlege#txenergy#txwx 1/5
I believe the previous record demand in May is ~67GW & all time summer peak is 74.8GW. That we would reach that much demand on a Saturday in May is extraordinary. Usually demand is much lower on the weekends. Extreme weather from #climatechange is already happening. #txlege 2/5
#ERCOT expects 20GW of thermal plants to be offline. Wind expected to be @ 12GW & solar's likely to break a record ~9GW. I expect every battery on the grid will be ready for peak @ 5pm. Still, there will likely be tight conditions. Buckle up. #txlege#energytwitter 3/5
Ex-@PUCTX Chair DeAnn Walker is testifying in Brazos Electric Co-op's bankruptcy proceeding. They just took a break after the the Judge (I think) basically warned Walker to be very careful about what she says next.
I say "I think" because I couldn't tell who was talking but clearly there was an insuation that either PUCT Chair Walker was perjuring herself or admitting to breaking a law or something equally bad... #txenergy#energytwitter#txlege
Might have been the Plaintiff's Attorney and not the Judge with the warning...
First off, I do NOT expect outages this evening. I could be wrong but despite the graph below, w/ temps in the 40s in Houston, there shouldn't be any issues tonight.
But this highlights why storage and dispatchable demand response are needed in ERCOT right now. #txlege
Demand is high bc inefficient heat is driving the peak higher than expected. Because we have very little committed, paid residential #demandresponse, and most of that peak is residential demand, there's little ERCOT can do about it. This is a policy failure. #txenergy 2/
Note that the mismatch between supply and demand is not large, and doesn't last very long. If we had more storage and more dispatchable #demandresponse, this wouldn't be an issue at all.