"Our last video on #Japan's semiconductor industry ended with the industry at the very peak of its powers.
Taking place over the span of 30 years, the island country's rise to #semiconductor supremacy>
> shook the industrial foundations of the West.
The Japanese semiconductor #industry once seemed invincible. But what goes up must come down. In this video, we look at Japan's semiconductor decline." (publisher-blurb)
From the comment-section (by "Jim Golab"):
"I was at #Motorola Memory Division in the early and mid-80’s. The 1985 crash devastated the chip suppliers because right before it, the computer companies were selling into a boom and were so desperate for #DRAM, that
>they would make the same order to multiple vendors, ..then cancel the other orders once any one vendor fulfilled the order. This was..ok as long as the sales were growing and the vendors eventually sold the chips (likely at a lower price), and had a shot at future business,
>but was a catastrophe when the computer companies had the market downturn and cancelled most of their orders.
Suddenly the chip vendors saw almost ALL of their demand go away, as well as all of their FUTURE orders.
My company went in one year from having its best year ever to having its worst year ever. It was a bloodbath."
As ever so often, this is a case of only being able to voice such an opinion to such a large audience because of the existence of these "patriarchical ways".
Abschnitt 1.2.2 von Abschnitt 1.2 ist eine einleitende Übersicht ueber die andere 'theoretische Marschroute': schnellstmögliche Anomalie-Erkennung, insbesondere in sequenziellen Daten.
Der erste Absatz wiederholt Selbstverständliches:
> (1) jede nichttriviale Definition von 'Anomalie' kann zu Fehlalarmen führen; (2) der Wunsch, Anomalien schnell zu erkennen, begünstigt Fehlalarme; (3) der Versuch, Fehlalarme zu vermeiden, führt tendenziell zu langen Latenzzeiten (bis Anomalie gemeldet wird).
Der Absatz
>ist nicht gut geschrieben: ein Satz ist ungrammatisch, ein anderer enthält ein #Plenking.
Im nächsten Absatz wird eine Unterscheidung zweier Richtungen in der Literatur zur Anomalieerkennung eingeführt: #Bayes-Methoden einerseits, #Minimax-Methoden andererseits.
>as a politician of keen intelligence lacking in those puissant qualities that are essential in a man who is to conduct the business of our country through the coming year.
I hope therefore that [#WinstonChurchill] may remain outside the Government[!]
>The degree to which his clever but unbalanced mind will in future fulfill its responsibiities is very speculative.
He handles great subjects in rhythmical language, and becomes quickly enslaved by his own phrases[!!]
He deceives himself into the belief that he takes broad views>
BILD(print)2022-06-22; S. 2:
"Historisches Blüm-Versprechen wackelt mehr denn je
..Tabu-Thema der Spitzenpolitiker:..Rentenkasse!
..Als [zur] Bundestagswahl 2021 der Wissenschaftliche Beirat beim Bundeswirtschaftsminister Alarm schlug, ging die gesamte Regierung auf Tauchstation>
..#HubertusHeil (49, #SPD) [tut] so, als sei bei der
Rente alles in bester Ordnung.
..Minister #Heil, so kaputt ist die Rente mittlerweile: Schon heute schießt der Bund 116 Milliarden Euro/Jahr an die Rentenkasse [zu]. Tendenz: weiter steigend.
>in Rente gehen, wird der Beitragssatz (teilen sich
Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber) bis 2040 von 18,6 %
auf rund 25 % hochschnellen.
Doch Minister #Heil duckt sich weg. Die Fragen von BILD ließ er gestern unbeantwortet.
Um die Finanzlage der Rentenkasse etwas zu entspannen,