Wondering what is really behind #BadPlanning#Travesty4OireachtasScrutiny & want to know what the Government is doing just on one of many bills before the Dáil rises for summer recess next week? Well then brace yourself for this👇
On Apr 6th over 2 mnths ago, MoS @peterburkefg told the Seanad the Gov. planned to introduce #Seanad amendments on a whole range of other matters & to other legislation to an already complex & controversial #Planning bill on #SubstituteConsent
But they didn't, instead ...👇
..instead the Gov waited until the Bill finished in the #Seanad and with a week to go before the Dáil rises as the bill arrived in the Dáil for 2nd stage, @DarraghOBrienTD announces the Gov are bringing all those & even more changes to the bill. In fact ...
..in fact Gov are proposing 48 pages of amendments to a bill of 16 pages (incl its cover) 3 times the size of the bill. These include major changes to the #Planning Act, Valuation Act, also to #Marine legislation passed just at end of last year which they say they need to fix &👇
Knowing well the volume of their 48 pages of changes to be considered on top of completing committee and all remaining stages of the original planning bill - Gov proposed just 90 mins of #Dáil time for it's #Constitutinal role in legislative scrutiny by #Oireachtas. This means 👇
After pressure from TDs Gov. increased the ttl. time to 150mins They have to consider the original controversial #planning bill B4 they can consider these additional 48 pgs & amendments to them. So they will run out of time & most of the changes will be passed with NO scrutiny🤮
To be clear: The cabinet agreed to these amendments. They know this. So they're all complicit in this #Oireachtas abuse & its constitutional role in law-making which is being made a mockery of - just a year since @PresidentIRL highlighted how his #consitutional role was impacted.
Those are strong words - but to be clear: TDs got first sight of these amendments late yesterday. They have had NO briefing on them, and won't get one until after the deadline for them to table amendments on them on Mon am. So only hours of the working week & this is complicated
You have to read the Gov amendments alongside existing legislation and knit the two together resolving all the proposals to "substitute this for that" / "delete this bit" / "add this bit in" to even come up with the text of what is proposed & all B4 u can even identify issues!!
And U may need to look at EU legislation,intl. conventions or case law to check if there's issues B4 u can even think about drafting amendments to correct amendments or improve them, or include safeguard so poorly drafted provisions aren't abused and all in just hours👇- it's 😱
So then if there are amendments on the Gov amendments TDs will probably get to see those on late Mon or early Tues while the Dáil is still in session!Yet they have to be prepared for vote on Wed on all of this & lets be clear there's a snowball's chance in hell of proper debate
So it's no wonder we've #Planning issues & errors by decision makers following legislation which hasn't been afforded proper scrutiny to make it robust, compliant & clear. Most egregious of all the Gov have the audacity to be railroading in restrictions on #JR#AccessToJustice 👇
Lets be clear some of #JR changes being railroading in without any Pre-leg scrutiny are worse than their equivalent proposals in the notorious,highly discredited Heads of Bill with draconican changes on #AccessToJustice
These new changes may seem innocuous to the uninitiated
There are changes will require the public to engage lawyers to exhaust all admin option to sort errors of authorities & #ABP b4 they can apply for leave to #JR. But no solution for how the public can recover their costs for that effort & no #stoppingtheclock on JR window - also👇
Another change allows authorities extraordinary discretion to make major changes to decisions any time after JR leave is granted,with no safeguards!
There's a real risk effective cost recovery will be an issue to cover the public's lawyers & lawyers may become reluctant to act
Also proposed is a massive trespass on #judicialdiscretion on the matter of remitting decisions back to the decision-maker to mend their hand instead of quashing the decision and it wholly fails to recognise remitting in many instances doesn't make sense. #Courts#AccessToJustice
Many of these proposed changes on #JR are likely to drive dysfunctional behaviour. They don't incentivise authorities to be meticulous in decision-making.
They shift the burden to the public to clean up errors yet leave them to bear the risk of costs & erode the #courts role
Wondering what is really behind #BadPlanning#Travesty4OireachtasScrutiny & want to know what the Government is doing just on one of many bills before the #Dáil rises for summer recess next week? Well then brace yourself for this👇
On Apr 6th over 2 mnths ago, MoS @peterburkefg
told the Seanad the Gov. planned to introduce #Seanad amendments on a whole range of other matters & to other legislation to an already complex & controversial #Planning bill on #SubstituteConsent
But they didn't, instead ...👇
..instead the Gov waited until the Bill finished in the #Seanad and with a week to go before the Dáil rises as the bill arrived in the Dáil for 2nd stage, @DarraghOBrienTD
announces the Gov are bringing all those & even more changes to the bill. In fact ...
As an Irish citizen of a Constitutional Republic - I am yet again appalled this morning by what I witnessed this Government do to the #Oireachtas in the making of #legislation - facilitated today by @smytho a Minister of State in #DECC from @greenparty_ie - details below👇
On 14 June in 2nd stage debate on a bill on #CircularEconomy & #Mining the Minister flagged in less than 6 lines of words - a major scope change to the bill for "essential amendments on Committee Stage in this House to address some urgent matters concerning energy capacity" BUT👇
17 days later the Government:
😡Had not briefed even informally the JOC HLGH responsible for Planning or the JOC Env & Climate Action responsible for the EPA on the changes
😡Had not ensured a copy of the amendments was on the Oireachtas website for today's debate on them
Extraordinary scenes in Seanad on deeply flawed Horticultural #Peat Bill. On top of exemption from #planning , the bill stayed enforcement action & disregarded unlawful extraction & more putting us clearly in breach of EU law - key parts of their #PeatBill NOT highlighted🤔& 👇
- #Peatbill didn't even bother to provide properly for allocation of all the assessments required by EU law. Talk about giving #falsehope to those impacted by the successive failures! U simply can't stick ur head in the bog when it comes to EU law - at least u shouldn't but 😱👇
What @reginadoherty described as "a foolish legal action" tinyurl.com/2p8k59xr added insult to injury to our National Courts who rightly upheld the challenge . The #PeatBill added further insult and disregard to the EU Court of Justice's rulings.
An application went to Board in August 2020, but a further round on consultation was triggered given changes made to the Irish legislation for this process to address issues identified in a Supreme Court ruling in July 1 in case taken by An Taisce. But ....
Despite the fact the Oireachtas had required in primary legislation the new info to be made available online by An Bord Pleanala they didn't do so for over 3 weeks of a 5 week consultation - buried in height of August holiday period & weeks after the issue was highlighted to them
Confused about the #ClimateBill furore? Understandable! Will @EamonRyan amendment this evening address the concern arising from the amendments rushed in during the Seanad stage last week? No IMHO. Why? Respectfully I can only describe it as a red herring fix on a v dodgy powers.
The amendments Government made at the last minute in Seanad allow for the establishment of a parallel accounting system & rules devised at the discretion of Gov in regulations, which will govern the all important carbon budget which is at the heart of the framework in the bill.
U know this runs the risk here in Ireland of the rules being influenced by sectors who will argue for dodgy unscientifically proven rules & ways of calculating what they have done & have yet to do on GHGs,in ways which are NOT consistent with the UNFCCC approach. So Safeguards?🤔
An all time low for an Irish Government has been hit. By pure chance this afternoon I noticed what appeared to be a Government motion to ratify the deeply controversial EU Canada Trade Deal #CETA next Tuesday 15 Dec. Yes the one with the dreaded #ICS#ISDS clauses. Yes its true -
#CETA which so many #Greens had expressed opposition to... the one which leaves us massively exposed to claims from foreign investors .. the one we fear will create a regulatory chill making the Government even more reluctant to take effective #ClimateActions the one ..
Mairead McGuinness said could damage #Irishfarming and which we'd need to have a safeguard clause and consider a compo package for .. the day AFTER she voted for it in the EU Parliament agriland.ie/farming-news/c…
.. a nice killer blow now on top of the #Brexit