I know people so deeply connected to this movement. The longer it takes manifest the more depressed they become. Its very sad to see fellow humans suffer at the hands of grifters. The Nazis really knew what they were doing.
Earth Alliance psyop is promoted by the same acct below.
On 6/5/22 Saturn turned Retro - heading back to🟥 Uranus. We went thru this tumultuous time last year w/ GOV tyranny over cv19. This time will be worse. Saturn has unfinished business to attend to.
🛡️#T3OccultAstrology JOE BACK COVID+
12:51pm EDT Moon🔴Transiting Mars on House 6 (health) cusp opposition Natal Mars at 12d♏️House 12 cusp(slide 1)
Moon🔴Uranus/N Node (fate/health) 7/22 @ 1:19am (slide 2) Unexpected bad news still to come.
All this opposes House 12 cluster
There's a lot going on here with the fast moving Moon transiting over this very malefic hotspot. All related to death and health. Thing is, after the moon leaves, Mars, Uranus, NN will still be active on a deeper level as they oppose all natal♏️H12(1) planets in H6(2).
Last night #JoeBack complained about no sleep seen here (1) (9:30pm) as Moon straddled Natal Moon waxing Transiting Mars.
They called the infection as the Moon was in contact between natal Moon, nearly on top of Transiting Mars (2) (6:30am). No coincidence.
Ok, so we know Putin is a #DovosBoy and that the US #RomanCult et al are included in the #DavosAgenda under #BuildBackBetter. Does this mean Putin and Davos et al are fighting non-Davos National elite factions that endeavor to retain US Constitution?
If so then why are all Davos nations lined up against RU in the war against UA? Or is this just a faced? Of course it is. Thanks to @FedorovMykhailo we know UA will rebuild w/Bs💰 granted from key Davos Nations to become a New Jerusalem so to speak.
But what's with the anti "Globalist" and "Liberal Ideology" speak? Thats Davos. Right?
Well, there's a second group emerging slowly that is similar to Davos. Its @Pontifex@inclusivecap which is spearheaded by Rothschild et al.
Only 33 Nations Score Under 90%
China, Russia, USA have the worst scores at 43.2, 53.9, 58.7 respectively. #SriLanka, the #BuildBackBetter prototype, is in the top 16 highest scoring on the ESG scale at 98.1
Ray Dalio is betting Billions on FED's typical (planned) overcorrection (stagflation/recession). Of which the resulting effect will see a 40% chance of a US Civil War leading to WW3.
I say Davos already fired 1st shot w/ CV19
Ray won't tell you he knows all this because he's part of the agenda and most of his customers are the conspirators. Ray has access to and has participated in government protected financial war game theory models.
He know what's coming.
🛡️#T3Perspective KARMA IN THE USA
Blavatsky and Steiner spoke to the coming #NWO as far back as the 19th century. They warned that it would consist of dark occultists using high tech.
Over the yrs w/ social programming these #PriestKings have developed a narcissistic society.
They created a feel good at all cost, #BraveNewWorld, hedonistic brand of humanity completely void of or w/ a false Christ consciousness - people who know not themselves.
The US has become a boiling kettle of bad karma as we continue to support the deeds of satanic government.
The #PriestKings are hedging their bets that at some point in the near future much of humanity will be born debilitated by bad karma, a result of past life complacency and pleasure seeking. These fractured humans will be easier for them to identify and control.