A quick thread on key strategic elements of a possible #china#taiwan#usa conflict.
This aims at showing key facilities, areas of interest and a big picture and provide links where applicable, for those who want to dive into details.
Lets start with the overall picuture.
The western strategem in the pacific involves containment around island chains, acting as "unsinkable aircraft carriers and bases", with Taiwan at the core of the first chain.
Countering this strategy is a key component of the chinese expansion in the south chinese sea.
For this, china has forcefully expanded tiny atolls in the Spratly and Paracel Islands into military strongholds, including literally creating land.
On this map, you can see the approximate reach of Radar installations (White) and Air-Defense Missle installations (Red) present on the Paracel and Spratly islands.
These Islands provide china with a very strong military reach within the South Chinese Sea.
This presence is supported heavily by military installations on Hainan. It is a heavily militarized Island, home to very significant, and countless, chinese military installations, including the Yulin Naval Base, home to an UNDERGROUND HARBOR!
As China has countless facilities for Aviation and Military Assets, we only focus on the "crown jewels" in this thread.
Chinese Strategic Aviation "still" Flies a Tu-16 Derivative, called H-6. Despite the Tu-16 being a 50s design, it is a capable bomber. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xian_H-6
Anqing is the primary base for these bombers, notice the two long runways, and the tiny detail: both are connected to a mountain, that has entrances and underground facilities.
The main purpose of these bombers is threatening US Carrier Groups.
A second base, that could be of significant interest, is Luhe Airbase, supposed to be home to the mysterious new, and so far unseen, H-20 Stealth bomber. @thedrive has a nice article on it. thedrive.com/the-war-zone/4…
@thedrive To complete the chinese nuclear triad, one needs to look at the "nuclear missle fields", supporting over 100 ICBM, that china has constructed in the north-west of the country.
@thedrive The last, interesting detail regarding China is: They have practiced attacking US Carrier Groups in the open. They literally build "fake" Carriers in the desert, to try shooting them with their very novel and capable "ASBM" DF-21D.
More details here: news.usni.org/2021/11/09/sec…
Now lets look at Taiwan, as potential target.
One could presume that any hostilities would begin with Matsu (or Kinmen) Islands.
Both are very close to the chinese Mainland, the assumption is, USA would not go over war with China over them: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsu_Isl…
The second potential Island Group would be Kinmen, equially close to mainland as Matsu, but more populated and potentially better defended.
Depending on the ultimate goal, China could try to take one, or both.
Either way, I would not sleep well there. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinmen
A well suited place for any chinese landing would be the beaches of the Xinwu district. Taiwan is really rocky, and these are beaches well suited.
As both sides know this, any landing would be preceded by massive MLRS bombardment from Mainland.
A key facility for the defense of Taiwan are the Airports on the eastern side of the Island. The most important one is the massive base at Hualien.
You can only see parts of the base on the map, as most of the airbase is hidden in the mountains.
As every Airport and facility in Taiwan has a dual use capability, its defense will not depend on key facilities, but at its ability to fully mobilize its entire population within days under arms, and provide them with anti-tank and anti-air weapons.
Lets look at US assets.
Okinawa can be considered the key element of any US Assistance to Taiwan. This is why ANY involvement of USA will implicitly mean that China will have to attack Japan to avoid USAF stopping their attack.
Kadena can not only support 100s of planes, it also holds ammunition supplies to conduct combat operations for weeks without outside supply.
Take a look at the mountains near Kadena AB, they are literally 100s of ammunition bunkers.
If for whatever reason Kadena has an issue with the runway, no problem.
The US Marine Corps has a huge base a couple km away, Futenma, that can of course draw from the storages and facilities at Kadena.
The next piece of the puzzle is the green area on this map, the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippin… .
This deepwater ocean would be home to the US Pacific Fleet in support of Taiwan.
If US supports Taiwan, China must succeed in "beating away" the US Pacific Fleet from here.
This is however, not the complete picture. We "pan" a bit to the east, and see in bright blue an island called "GUAM".
Guam is home to one of the largest Airbases in the World, even bigger than Kadena, and it sits on the second island chain.
Without taking out Guam, China has no chance of "winning" any battle in the Philippine Sea, as Anderson AFB in Guam itself can support an Air Force bigger than most countries on this planet.
This map shows the approxmate movement of the @USNavy Carrier Strike Group 5 in the South Chinese Sea in the past days.
The blue icons and circles are chinese installations in the spratly and paracel islands.
I believe this is directly related to #pelosi#taiwan.
My hypothesis:
@USNavy The US really wants to avoid confrontation.
The US also knows that diplomacy works best with a solid backing.
Is the CSG5 there to "support Taiwan"?
No. Okinawa is closer, the Phillipine Sea would be better for a CSG.
This is deliberate, a position between Paracel and Spratly
@USNavy I consider this positioning a very careful message to the PLAN that USN would cut spratlys and the lower SCS off, and if required, turn the carefully crafted islands, into a bunch of parking lots.
It is also a clear message regarding Chinese ASBM: We do not fear them.
Wie lässt sich der "gordische Knoten" der deutschen Handlungsunfähigkeit im Rahmen der #ukraine Krise lösen?
Ein Versuch, das unmögliche als Chance zu sehen, und in diesem Faden aufzuschlüsseln.
Annahmen, Konflikte, Lösungswege zu einer strategischen Handlungsfähigkeit (1/n):
(2/n) Grundannahmen:
- Die Sozialdemokratie ist ein wichtiges Element deutscher Politik.
- Die Reform einer "Volkspartei" geschieht nie in Regierungsverantwortung
- Die SPD ist nicht fähig, sich mit Scholz im Kanzleramt, vom aktuellen Kurs des Appeasement zu lösen
- Das Appeasement Russlands* (*durch die SPD) ist für die überwältigende Mehrheit der Grünen nicht dauerhaft tragbar
- Das Appeasement Russlands* ist für die überwältigende Mehrheit der FDP nicht dauerhaft tragbar
Das Kanzleramt stellt die Sachlage im Bezug auf die #ukraine stetig "kreativ zu eigenen Gunsten dar".
Ein Faden mit dem "Versuche der Korrektur" zu Munitionslieferungen- und Mengen, im kleinen 1x1. #ampel
Zum Leopard 1:
Es wird suggeriert, es gäb keine Munition.
Die Bundeswehr hat eventuell wirklich kaum Munition, das Kaliber ist jedoch standardisiert.
Andere NATO-Staaten haben garantiert noch volle Arsenale, mindestens die, die das Kaliber noch aktiv Nutzen, wie die USA im M1128.
Zu den "erheblichen Lieferungen von Munition", 16 Millionen Schuss. Das ist nicht erheblich.
Wenn ich pro Soldat 400 Schuss als Ausstattung ansetze, sowie 100 Schuss zur Ausbildung der frisch mobilisierten Soldaten, kann ich damit exakt 32.000 Soldaten ausrüsten.
This Thread (1/n) will show russian "strategic assets", explain what they are, and provide the google maps link for further exploration by yourself. #russia#Ukraine
Lets start with the russian strategic aviation base Engels:
The base, named after communist icon Friedrich Engels, houses TU-160 and TU-95 strategic bombers, including their nuclear weapons.
The location in central russia allows departure before any ICBM can strike.
This base is called Severomorsk-3, it houses russian naval aviation, and protects the murmansk area.
Just below it, to the south, you find "ZEVS", the communication array to relay nuclear attack information to russian strategic submarines. google.de/maps/@68.87068…
A brief thread on potential operational goals in the area around #Izyum, and how they are pivotal for the shape of the conflict in the next few days in #ukraine.
This will decide IF #russia can gain their "second operational objective".
A very significant russian presence of fresh and well equipped BTG indicates that RU considers this a critical AO. They have "sacrificed" a general in the battles around Izyum.
What do they attempt to achieve?
Lets try to find out!
We have to look at openrailwaymap.org to really understand what is going on. The railways through #kharkiv are blocked. Voronezh (in green) would be able to directly supply the AO around E-Ukraine. For this they need to capture two key areas of rail infrastructure.
@War_Mapper RU appears to hold back amphibious forces, indicating that it is waiting for an opportunity.
My assumption: The current plan is a landing at Sanzhiyka Plyazh, south of Odessa, once the land based attack threatens Odessa from the east, to split defenders.