We have put together a video " C-19LAP: Navigating the Department of Labor (DOL) Long COVID Online Dialogue" which you can also find here!
If you feel @C19LH_Advocacy should be involved in informing stakeholders,we need you to go vote for us! Unfortunately, votes will be considered, and we do want to ensure we have a seat at the table to advocate for you! bit.ly/C19LAPDOL1
The @C19LH_Advocacy ensures comprehensive advocacy for the #LongCOVID community, which means acknowledging all of it's associated conditions & building partnerships with those orgs, researchers, physicians & communities to ensure we work collaboratively. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL2
The level of disability seen in Long COVID & Associated Conditions (LCAC) is largely underestimated & we see a misguided focus on workplace retention, when many are well past that threshold, & it is not being recognized or planned for accordingly. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL3
Capturing dynamic disability is essential for all forms of assistance. A large portion of the #LongCOVID community & those with its associated conditions suffer from dynamic disabilities. It is time to recognize & implement help for this population. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL4
#BIPOC communities, single parents & caretakers, pediatrics & independent contractors are only some of the communities overlooked in data collection & planning. We have 9 special pop's chapters that help us better understand some of the issues faced. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL6
There is NO EXCUSE as to why we do not yet have National Public Education & Awareness Campaigns on #LongCOVID at 2.5 years into the pandemic. As we have before, we're calling for accurate, national, commercials, billboards, ads & more to educate the public bit.ly/C19LAPDOL7
Employers should implement long-term employee safety policies. Investing in the long-term health of employees is in the best interest of the employer & the employee. We lay out a comprehensive approach of what that may look like. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL8
A National Dashboard to report non-compliance & submit evals would help inform guidance. Many employees do not feel safe asking for revisions to accommodations, making complaints about coordinators, nor do they have time to wait for EEOC responses. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL9
Many #Longhaulers are now about to lose their licenses & certifications due to being out of work & unable to physically obtain them. Employers can help employeers by supporting legislation that supports our shared goals & offering other help to employees. bit.ly/C19LAPDOL10
On 8/7, we discussed the Biden-Harris Administrations reports on #LongCOVID & offered a full circle look at where we are as a community & what is needed to move us forward to ensure each action in motion today, makes it over the finish line. 1/25 🧵
We discuss the need for you, your friends & family & other community allies to GET VOCAL & help get policymakers to understand the decades long impacts that #LongCOVID will have on their communities due to its systemic effects. #AllHandsOnDeck for #LongCovidAction
If more people got involved in the efforts happening now, the sooner millions could see help! If we don't begin changing public policy now, we may miss our window of opportunity to do so in our lifetimes. We need action now! Not later, not in a few months, not next year, NOW!
On 8/11, the @CDCgov revised #COVID19 guidance as to “not disrupt daily life." These changes are reckless.
18M+ w/ #LongCOVID experience significant daily disruptions to life. This revision indicates those casualties are acceptable in exchange for comfort. #StoptheSpread 🧵 1/7
We are calling on the @CDCgov to recognize the long-term, systemic health & socioeconomic impacts caused by the disability faced as a result of #LongCOVID & its associated conditions, a result of the initial #COVID19 infection.
The U.S. has seen over 1 million deaths due to #COVID19 & 1 in 5 infected develop #LongCOVID.
At current *documented* case counts, the U.S. has ~18 million #Longhaulers. The @CDCgov 's own data estimates only 1 in 4 cases are actually documented. (4x as many w/ #LongCOVID).
This month, we’re celebrating #DisabilityPride, recognizing how far we’ve come & also how far we have left to go to secure justice & equity for all people with #PWD in the U.S. Join us all month long to learn more & to celebrate the ADA anniversary later in July! #ADA2022#C19LAP
This month, we’re celebrating the rights promised by the ADA & reflecting on what more must be done to make its promises a reality. 32 yrs later, disability remains a cause & consequence of poverty in the U.S. It’s time to secure economic justice for all disabled people! #ADA2022
According to polling from @TCFdotorg@DEJCollab & @DataProgress, 8 in 10 voters across the political spectrum support updating Supplemental Security Income’s outdated asset limit to help more people w/ disabilities thrive. Learn more: tcf.org/content/commen…#ADA2022
Tonight, millions of #Longhaulers were hoping that @POTUS would become a champion for #LongCovid by utilizing his platform to create more awareness & educate the American people about the sheer devastation Long Covid has caused & will continue to cause for decades. He didn't.
We hoped @potus would continue to emphasize mitigation efforts being essential in our battle against #COVID19 & #LongCovid. Instead, Americans were told they could remove their masks as we move back towards a "safer normal" & that those vaccinated & boosted are protected.
For #Longhaulers, there is no "return to normal." We also know that people can still get infected with #COVID19 even if vaccinated. While vaccination helps prevent severe disease during acute infection, we KNOW that #LongCovid most commonly occurs in mild-moderate cases.
Awareness & education are key in propelling the #LongCovid & #chronicillness community forward. #Longhaulers in the millions are being failed in healthcare & social supports.