Die Entscheidungen deutscher oder hier ansässiger Unternehmen sprechen Bände darüber, wie es um die wirtschaftliche Lage hierzulande tatsächlich bestellt ist. Eine Zusammenfassung ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:
Why is it so difficult for people to understand, that we WILL deliver tanks, but we won't go forward alone. No, we will not send tanks alone, we will send them in a group. And this group shall include more countries than just a few.
We are not blocking or opposing, no we are ready to send Leopards, preparing everything necessary. It'll come down to weeks. We encourage our partners to train soldiers already now. We most probably won't block permits despite not having any requests.
But why is it so down on Scholz who in every perception is blocking? He is actually blocking nothing. It is a wide array of partners unwilling to jump in and that also includes the USA. Some Polish and Finnish tanks, NL money and Ringtausch ones are not enough.
Huge focus on synchronised acting in the round of #Ramstein. Not only by Germany, but by all partners.
Focus number one of #Ukraine is air defense. Thus Germany will deliver #Patriot. Seven more Gepard from the industry and the following Iris to come also. Logistics and training ofc on top.
Whats the mood around Europe and the US with the upcoming #Ramstein meeting, the #Leopard question, regarding #tanks for #Ukraine?
Starting with #France . Le Monde has a good and moderate article about tanks in general for Ukraine, giving a good overview about what was done and what has to be done. lemonde.fr/international/…
"For the moment, we are giving Ukraine samples," explains Marc Chassillan. Since the beginning of the war, the equipment delivered has improved in quality and performance, but not in quantity. The deliveries announced are not insignificant, but they will not be sufficient
So what's gonna happen today in respect of #Ramstein#FreeTheLeopards: Scholz is gonna deliver Leopard collectively with Poland and Finland. Maybe some of the naysayers are in the boat too.
That is obviously bullshit. While the USA stands firmly with their line not to send tanks and also long range missiles and everyone is fine with it, Scholz stands firmly with his line not to send tanks alone. Besides it has always been an open inner coalition discussion.
Where will those #Leopard come from? We won't get 100 of them, most probably just three groups from Poland, Finland and Germany for now. That's why we need the USA. #Ukraine️#FreeTheLeopards#tanks
Finnish are realistic about the issue:
"On the other hand, no European country has taken much of a lead on the Leopard issue. Perhaps we will wait and see who will take the first step."