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Dec 24th 2022
Guys, we go again! No rest on the frontline for the brave warriors defending #Ukraine, so the least I can do is report on it and the least you can do is read and spread the news, ensure there is NO war fatigue.

Welcome to Saturday's news thread, Day 304 of #Russia's illegal war:
So much happened yesterday, including numerous fires in Russia, in Moscow in particular.

Then there was a likely assassination in Melitopol and reported drone attacks on Crimea.

Missed something? No problem... click and scroll yesterday's thread:

Last night @RishiSunak published this festive greeting for the people of #Ukraine.

Impressive! Has the British PM has been using the @JohnLewisRetail creative team?
(for non UK followers John Lewis is renowned for its Xmas ads)

Read 42 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
Day 272 of #Russia 4 day plan to take #Kyiv and 10 days to control #Ukraine. How's that going?

Here is another daily thread covering all the news as it happens.

Missed something yesterday? Here's the link for all Monday's news:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine

Let's start with the daily losses as estimated by #Ukraine.

The total of #Russia's soldiers killed for Putin's egotistical and illegal dream has reached 85,000

The 100,000 figure remain on track to be hit shortly before New Year.

#RussiansGoHome #StandWithUkraine️
British Intelligence comes to the conclusion I wrote about four days ago when #Ukraine appeared to have struck an oil terminal on #Russia's Black Sea coast with a 'marine drone'

#StopRussia #SlavaUkraini
Read 43 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
You've found the start of another daily thread covering the war in #Ukraine.

It's the 251st thread since #Russia's illegal invasion.
The fight for sovereignty and freedom continues.

All the news & analysis in one place.
ICYMI, Monday's stories are here:
I'll start with a couple of curious updates from stories which broke yesterday...

First the case of one of #Russia's richest men who gave up his citizenship saying he couldn't be a part of a fascist country.

But Oleg Tinkov, who now lives in London, has since deleted this post
Next I am concerned about what's happening to the ships which left #Ukraine's ports yesterday despite #Russia suspending its agreement in grain export.

A flotilla of grain-laden vessels seem to have all turned off transponders, either continuing incognito or anchored off 🇺🇦coast
Read 40 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
A new week begins and a bit of a landmark day in #Russia's war as we reach Day 250.

This is the start of the 250th daily thread, with accurate news from #Ukraine. It's still strangely quiet so far, but if you missed yesterday's updates, here's the link:

#Russia's police have opened two cases against Sergey Mamontov for this horrific incident.

The regional branch of the "United Russia" party has said he will be expelled.

#Ukraine's state energy company tells civilians there will be no quick end to power cuts.

Indeed, residents are warned rationing will continue throughout winter and may get worse if #Russia's strikes continue.
People are urged to always have essentials/power banks etc charged.
Read 42 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Friday 28 October, Day 247 of the illegal war in #Ukraine.

#Russia continues to kill civilians while inventing stories with zero proof

Catch all of the important news in this thread, updated in real time.

If anyone wants to buy me a coffee, click here💜
The bodies of 10 more civilians killed by #Russia in this war were found yesterday. Details coming up.

If you need to catch up on yesterday's news, scroll through the stories here:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Having listened to all of #Putin's speech yesterday, it was clear his intention was to portray the US (and allies) as aggressors, and how #Russia only wanted peace.

The world's heard this before.
Putin playing games, seeing how long he can copy his hero

#Putler #WarCriminal
Read 34 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
A random thread about #mobilization around #Russia.
Murmansk oblast plans to draft around 1000 people, out of roughly 800.000 population.

People in Moscow called up without any military experience.
Material moves from East to West the same as people do. Here in #Krasnoyarsk
Read 19 tweets

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