My top tips: 1. Educate yourself (eg. in #unitmasters) 2. Add “interested in #blockchain#crypto#web3 etc. to your LinkedIn profile 3. Start creating content in whatever form suits you. Create a public #proofofwork of your involvement in the space 4. Start using Web3 apps!
#1 - @theunitnetwork offers a FREE six-week blockchain literacy programme several times a year.
#2 While you believe #crypto & #Web3 is only for YouTube influencers or #blockchain developers, there are recruiters out there who can't find candidates for #HR, #Marketing, #BizDev, #CustomerSupport and other non-techy roles. Indicate your interest before you have the knowledge!
#3 I'm a writer - so I've published mainly written content on and @publish0x. It opened many doors for me. You maybe good at video or Twitter 🧵 or doodles! Choose your medium! It could be as easy as regular "Today I learned..." posts!
#3 cont. You don't need any followers! All that matters is that your content is findable once a recruiter checks your profile. I once hired someone who had 1 follower on YouTube and had made a video showing his enthusiasm and knowledge of our project. Way better than just a cv!