We just published as preprint our RCT on convalescent and vaccinated plasma.
Importantly the trial showed that in a selected group of patients with hematological and oncological malignancies, SARS-Cov-2 antibody containing plasma is a effective medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
In fact, it not only reduced time to discharge from the hospital (primary endpoint) but also survival (secondary endpoint). While these results should be confirmed in a separate study, the effect size is convincing.
Note that the study confirmed findings of other studies, that showed no effect in unselected elderly patients and patients with laboratory findings suggesting higher risk of severe disease.
Titers of neutralizing antibodies increase in patients with cancer only in response to plasma while in other groups they increase even without plasma donation. Thus suggesting a pathophysiological explanation of the clinical findings.
These results come at a time, when monoclonal antibodies are no longer effective in these patients and other treatment options are often limited due to drug-drug interactions and other reasons.
Thus these results suggests that especially high titer Ideally hybrid convalescent/vaccinated plasma which is easily accessible could provide a treatment option for these vulnerable patients who often are not sufficiently protected by vaccination
We just published a preprint of a 20-study individual patient data meta-analysis of the diagnostic yield of urine versus sputum based diagnostic tests for TB.
The work impressively shows why we need a non-sputum based test for TB even if it compromises on sensitivity in comparison to the sputum-based tests. Sputum is simply a difficult sample to get.
This work was done in HIV+ patients, but it applies more broadly to TB in children, extrapulmonary TB, and I would also venture to say TB in underserved settings.
Polio - is back.
We thought we had it almost eliminated but were not able to go the final mile in countries like Afghanistan, Nigeria ridden by conflict #poliobmj.com/content/379/bm…
Just to remind ourselves, Polio is this horrible disease that can leave people paralyzed for life. Recently one of the last people died who was in an iron lung due to Polio, that is paralyzed so the he was unable to breath on his own.
In 2016 we were at 46 cases globally and it was a matter of walking the final mile....no it is no longer
And it will again be a matter of equity in access to vaccines and communication about the individual and population health benefit. #equity
#Tuberkulose #Vaccine
Impfung fuer Tuberkulose - Es gibt sie, sie ist nicht schlecht, vor allem in Kindern und wir duerfen sie in Deutschland NICHT geben, auch nicht in hoch-Risiko Personen
Andere Daten, die dies unterstuetzen ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2509719…
A meta-analysis of observational studies of BCG vaccination showed a pooled estimate of 27% efficacy against initial M. tuberculosis infection and 71% efficacy against tuberculosis disease.
In a recent randomised trial in the NEJM, BCG efficacy to prevent infection in adolescents was 45.3%.
Efficacy is thought to be greatest in persons without previous mycobacteria exposure and may last for 10 years.
The world is moving on. But for those interested: We just published the update to our living systematic review on accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDTs with a meta-regression assessing the influencing factors journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/a…
In brief, Ag-RDTs detect most of the individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2, and almost all (>90%) when high viral loads are present, independent of variant (at least for all known variants; for Omicon, I am extrapolating from other data).
With viral load, as estimated by Ct-value, being the most influential factor on their sensitivity, they are especially useful to detect persons with high viral load who are most likely to transmit the virus.
Viral kinetics in a controlled human experiment with WT Sars Cov2
- incubation period short: approx 2days
- virus first detectable in the throat
- 18hrs later in the nose
- viral load rose higher in the nose
- symptoms apparent after 2-4 days
- viable virus for approx 6.5days
- but PCR positive in 33% at day 28 still
What does this tell us about rapid tests?
In summary:
- tests should be performed in the nose because they were optimized for the nose (most tests)
- an additional throat swab might detect the infection earlier
- but saliva can affect the test negatively
Aber wichtig ist die klinische Sensitvitaet und die ist weiterhin sehr gut. Wohl auch, weil die Viruslast bei Omicron sehr schnell ansteigt. Hier eine der ersten Publikation zur klinischen Sensitvitaet einer mir sehr gut bekannten Gruppe aus USA. medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Die Frage ist mehr: Wuerden Tests, die einen Rachenabstrich nutzen, die Infektion frueher erkennen?