Jännityksen ystäville:
- @antti_tuomainen : Majavateoria (hanki koko trilogia)
- Niklas Natt och Dag: hanki koko trilogia, päätösosa 1795 ilmestyi tänä vuonna #isänpäivä#lahjavinkki (3/x)
About terrorist #bombings by #Russia 1) RU's main tool of influence is spreading terror and fear. The goal is to influence policies in different countries. In #Ukraine they try to affect the conduct of the Ukrainian government. (1/x) 🧵
2) Ukraine is becoming the most experienced nation in dealing with this terror tool. Russian intimidation is not making them scared, but more resistant.
Note: They already had #Chernobyl. They've also experienced a politically motivated genocide, #Holodomor. (2/x)
>>Ukrainians have plenty to teach to their fellow Europeans about how to deal with Russian intimidation. Let's learn from them! (3/x)
Some of you have wondered, why an earth would Russia destroy its own infra #nordstream. The question itself is the answer: all eye balls on the #gaspipe and national security > the attention is drawn to something else than Ukraine. Besides: (1/x) 🧵
- If a country is willing to kill it's own citizens the way #Russia does, why infra would be some special exception? (2/x)
- If #Putin is ok with using terrorist attacks against Russia's own citizens, why infra would be such an impossible idea? Remember how he rose to power? By blowing up apartment buildings and claiming it was a terrorist attack.(3/x)
About "referendums" in #Ukraine. Many have asked, why #Russia even makes the effort to stage "#referendums", which look so fake to any Western country. But let's go back a bit and look at the #Baltic states under Soviet occupation.(1/x) 🧵
- In Baltic states we know this "referendum"-play very well: the USSR occupied Baltic states through performances that bears similarities to these "referendums". (2/x)
- As a result in my textbooks in #Finland there was no word about occupation, but I was told how Balts "joined" happily to the family of Soviet republics. This is what Finnish curriculum taught at school a decade after decade.(3/x)
In March I understood that the invasion might lead to the end of #Russia'n Federation. Since that I haven't seen signs suggesting this scenario wouldn't be possible. But is the West prepared for the possible dissolution of the federation and its consequences? #Venäjä (1/x) 🧵
- If the Kremlin understands the collapse might be a possibility, they might find themselves in #China's pocket. That's not good for the West and this also might lead to lifting the sanctions > the rule of tyranny in Russia continues. (2/x)
- There's no empire that would've given up its expansive and colonial ideas willingly. In Europe the former empires chose the path of the EU. So, it's not given that former colonial powers choose the bad path for the future. (3/x)
I'm grateful to #Ukraine, because:
- I've been writing about #Russia'n colonialism and its consequences for 20 years. I define myself as post-colonial author. But when I said that aloud, Western journalists very seldom understood what I meant: (1/x)🧵
They didn't connect #Estonia's occupation history nor the USSR with colonialism. Since February I haven't had to explain this.
- You made the energy-weapon visible. Even though Russia has been using it for ages, the Western countries just didn't see it. (2/x)
- You made the Russian cultural appropriation visible. Even Google defined Ukrainian artists like #Repin and #Gogol Russians. The West didn't understand it's a problem even though cultural appropriation is a tool to make the colonialism look like "justified" or "natural". (3/x)
Muutama sana aiheesta, onko #Venäjä heikko vai vahva. Vaikka sen taistelutaidot ovat ilmeisen heikot #Ukraina'ssa, sen kyky aiheuttaa kaaosta muualla maailmassa on vahva, samoin eskalaatiotaito on kova. 🧵(1/x) mtvuutiset.fi/video/prog1649…
Vaikka Venäjän propaganda ei lännessä uppoa enää yhtä hyvin kuin ennen, samat vanhat disinformaatiokanavat operoivat tehokkaasti esimerkiksi Afrikassa. (2/x)
Vaikka Venäjä ei kykene massavainoihin (ainakaan vielä), se on kyennyt murskaamaan opposition ja vapaan median omassa maassaan. Nostamalla esiin rangaistavia esimerkkitapauksia se eskaloi pelon ilmapiiriä omassa maassaan. (3/x) @MTVSuomi#viidenjälkeen