The pictures showing the carnage of #Bakhmut are straight from Flanders 1917... Chewed up ground and bodies lying row by row where they were mowed down like grass. Then there is the video of the SU-30S going down in flames. Add in yesterday's video showing a KAMAZ truck
that was turned into a sieve and the picture is pretty clear: #Russia is fucked. While I am very happy that Russia finds itself in this position, it didn't have to be this way. Had Russia stayed the course it started in 2012 and not brought Shoigu to the fore the war likely would
have gone much differently and might well be over by now. A decade's worth of real reform and re-arming would have made the Russian's much better at what they tried to do. Even if they were only twice as good (still bad by Western standards) and started a month later or earlier
with dry ground the weak state #Ukraine was in at the time would have radically changed the war. Luckily for all outside of Russia instead of developing new leadership cultures, acquiring functional weapons and stressing soldier skills we got rampant corruption that torched
Russian ambitions. Ukraine on the other hand had started its reforms later following the 14-15 war. It was far from realized, totally rebuilding a military culture is a work of decades. Until the last private retires as a senior non-com and the last junior officer retires as a
COTGS there is something left of the old way of doing things. With one exception: high intensity war. Nothing motivates like pain. Losing men and officers by the ton load is usually very motivating to do things different. It certainly was for Ukraine. They mobalized somewhere
between 700K-1 million men. Some like previously trained reservists and territorial units were thriown straight into the fight. There was no choice. But tens to hundreds of thousands were held back, re-equipped, retrained along a more effective model and turned from a gaggle into
a scapple. #Ukrainian units getting these conscripts knew they were being given potential not bodies. Well trained, well equipped (by pre-war standards) and by all appearances well lead the blend of pre-war soldiers, reservists, territorials and conscripts has managed to eject
Russia from half the lands it occupied after Feb 24. The picture could not be more different on the #Russian side. With the decision makers insulated from the horrors and attrition of the front the Russian Army is frozen in its pre-war format. Conscripts who don't know how to
soldier, junior officers who don't know how to lead and field grade officers totally disconnected from what the reality at the front is. It takes real work not to learn the lessons of combat. Yet here we are, fields of bodies around Bakhmut. I am no general, I have no secret
sources, just a quick mind a good read of history and an ability to look forward by looking at previous trends. What we are seeing around Bakhmut reminds me of only 1 previous battle in all of human history: Verdun. In 1916 the Germans thought they could bleed the French white.
after some initial success that back footed the French the French adapted and learned. The Germans didn't and in the end the Germans ended up spending their last force capable of offensive operations in the West until 1918 on fruitless counter attacks. Combined with the need to
respond to British pressure on the Somme 1916 was really the year that Germany lost the war because she lost the cream of her army. Thats Bakhmut today. An attacker tries to force a positional battle but fails to adapt to the situation as it changes and itself becomes stuck in a
disadvantageous positional fight and bled white by its own obtuseness. Russia's mobilization netted Putin 200-330K troops. Did he instruct his army to go over to the defensive as everyone outside of Russia predicted? Everyone thought he would take time to train up this windfall
of manpower and use the lull by not attacking to make a strong play at defending #Kherson. Everyone was wrong. Instead, we saw Putin used these untrained conscripts and #Wagner penal units in human wave attacks. The Russian army was defeated before the gates of #Kyiv, the areas
of the Kharkiv Oblast and the retreat from Kherson, but it's moral glue is dying outside Bakhmut. Armies don't bounce back from that quickly at all. It took the French months to fix the problems that lead to the mutiny of 1917. It very nearly cost the British Army its moral glue
covering for them with the senseless attacks at Passchendaele, but the factors that let the French reglue and let the British hang on don't exists for the Russian Army. Now winter is here, and I am going to be honest, I don't know when, I don't know what the trigger is going to
be, but the Russian Army is going to shatter. Putin is no Stalin able to rally a beaten mob outside the gates of Moscow. When it breaks the Russian Army will have no compelling reason to turn and fight, Ukraine is not going to invade Russia, they know that: their wives, mothers
and children will not face wars desolation because they ran away. The only way to stop the impending doom is to stop the dying for no gain. Given that past is prologue I think the chances of Putin saying, "ok that's enough" is closer to zero than one. That of course means there
is a very real silver lining. The US is trying to authorize another $37 billion in aid and Europe is sending more as well. The better and more effective the Ukrainians get, the faster the Russian moral glue falls apart. We in the West must keep arming Ukraine. Thats the message I
tag @JohnBoozman, @SenTomCotton, and @RepFrenchHill with every day. Send more, send better, and send it now. Of course kicking the Russian army out of Ukraine won't stop the missile strikes, won't free the captive and kidnapped Ukrainians inside Russia buts it s a huge start
towards achieving those goals. However, before we can free the captives, we must feed, warm and care for the millions of Ukrainians Russia has not yet managed to kill, deport or cause to flee. Private donations are critical. Give what you can to any worthwhile charity you believe
needs waiting to be filled. Or maybe sned a personal message via @SignMyRocket, or buy some swag from @saintjavelin ... So many ways to have a meaningful impact in Ukraine. Of course this war is also multi-domain. So fight back against Russian dis-info, bonk away and stay
informed via sources like @MriyaReport. Until Ukraine Wins On Ukraine's Terms: Slava Ukraini! #RussiaIsATerroristState#RussianArmy@mfa_russia <--- still losing and you owe a lot of Russian and Ukrainian mothers an apology for being evil little shits.
Hey @mtracey I would like to answer a question for you. You asked how many Jews were saved by US (military) intervention in the Holocaust. Its a complex question but bears directly on the ongoing #GenocideOfUkrainians occurring today. So lets start with the basics. The estimates
are the 2 of every 3 Jews living in Europe in 1939 had vanished by 1945. I say vanished vs dead because some few managed to flee to nations that did not end up under the Nazi boot. In addition, the number is self is less than absolute because so many records were destroyed so
there is legitimately a grey area but its on the margins. The accepted consensus is there were 9 million jews in Europe prior to WWII.…
Yesterday I talked about the carnage outside Bakhmut resembling Flanders fields, and the type of battle resembling Verdun and how that would shatter the Russian Army. Today I am going to expound on why I think this is the case. Armies shattering after failed offensives is not an
unknown thing. There are 3 really good examples from WWI and they all have some things in common. The Kerensky Offensive, The Nivelle Offensive and The German Spring Offensive of 1918 especially the later offensives that targeted the French and Americans.
All of them involved armies that had been absolutely mauled, poorly defined strategic objectives and a leadership disconnected from the trauma suffered by the troops. In the Kerensky Offensive, Gen Brusilov who had almost knocked Austria Hungary out of the war a year earlier
Good morning, with all the dour news from partisanship to whatever is going on with Twitter I thought I would start my daily essay with some comedy. hat tip to @wartranslated
That truck is the ultimate catfish for a mechanic. From 50 feet away you might think its repairable... up close its total scrap. Imagine being a flesh and blood creature when that rain of metal comes down? Yeah that parts not funny. What will drill neat little holes in steel
will pink mist anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it. No wonder the Russian's have decided running is better than driving. More and more reports coming in that the latest tranche of Russian Lend Lease to Ukraine will not disappoint. Though to be honest I don't know if that is
Not my normal essay, that will be in a bit. This is a short thread on Pelosi. I wake up to tweet after tweet singing her praises. Now hopefully my readers now that while I may add some rhetorical polish, I will not lie to them. Pelosi did break barriers, but she was not the GOAT.
Her entire leadership career has been defined by just 3 goals. 1. Insider trading to help her husband make hundreds of millions of dollars via being invited to IPO's of tech companies they did not invest in, did not understand but did have regulatory power over. If you count her
husband's wealth (made while she was in office) she is among the richest in the House and she has consistently blocked insider trading reform. This brings up point 2. Luxury and privilege. From the insider trading, demanding a private jet, to $20k ice cream freezers she lives
Suddenly all these GOP'ers are calling for an audit of US aid to Ukraine. It's like they got marching orders. Now I don't think those orders came from Russia. Unlike the wiggidity wackity libs I remember that Trump was actually really severe on Putin. Toughest pre-Feb 24th
sanctions, blocking Nordstream 2, hitting Assad twice despite Putin threatening grave consequences and then of course turning a Wagner assault on US troops into a bloody burnt smear on the Syrian desert. So this is something new. maybe its just politics, at least I hope it is,
but we can't rule out dark money. So without further ado, I will audit the effectiveness of US aid to Ukraine. 1. The pre-war Russian Army doesn't exist anymore. A more than 100% casualty rate of the initial invasion force, the loss of thousands of tanks and vehicles, expending
What we know for sure: 1. a missile hit Poland killing two people. 2. It's Russia's fault. Poeple can argue if it was a SAM that went off course, or a SAM that was repurposed into a SSM, if it was fired from #Belarus, #Ukraine or #Russia. They can push outlandish theories like
Russia claiming Ukraine did it in order to get NATO involved to help Ukraine stave off an impending defeat (as Ukrainian troops retreat East across the Dnipro in the South and all the way to the Belarus and Russian borders in the North). They can argue about what type of rocket
motor and get into the weeds about enameled metal vs brushed metal vs the angles of bolt holts and setting pins. They can argue that NATO should or shouldn't do this or that. I think NATO should close the skies over Western Ukraine so there is my marker. These are all things that