Today I am going to piggy back off both yesterday's essay and two people I respect but in this case disagree with. Both are probably smarter than me and at least one of them operated at the heights of military power so this essay may well be hubris on my part. I'll let you be the
judge. Yesterday was of course a brief thumbnail history of why strategic bombing doesn't work. Not working is however not the same as not killing, destroying, and causing untold misery which is why this tweet exists:
I did not hear @general_ben's actual words but I am going to proceed as the tweet is a faithful accounting. First I don't have any moral qualms about #Ukraine hitting naval facilities or airfields where missile launching platforms are located. In fact having weapons able to sink
The Black Sea Fleet wherever they were unless they flew a white flag and exited the area would help Ukraine by reducing the number of launching platforms. Second, Ukraine already can and is targeting shorter ranged systems like the S-300 wherever they can find them excepting
#Belarus where both Ukraine and Belarus seem to have a tacit agreement to not force Lukashenko to go all in with Putin. #Russia uses Belarus to stage attacks and she loots the countries armories but she does not get to use the country's troops. Less than ideal for Ukraine but far
from the worst possible situation there. A Ukrainian screening force on the border is far less resource intensive than another combat theater. The big problem for Ukraine regarding missile attacks is getting at the launchers. Iskanders are road mobile and will be nearly
impossible to locate and destroy. This is the lesser of the impossibilities though. The Iskander M is an SRBM with a limited ability to hit targets in the West but it can be moved far enough back from the border to hit anything in the east and remain unreachable even with ATACMS
or similar systems. The bigger impossibility is the bombers. They can be based anywhere in Russia, fly to anywhere in Russia and launch from anywhere in Russia, Black Sea or Belarus. The US has launched strikes on a land locked Asian country from Missouri. There is simply no way
get at the bombers. It sucks, but I said what I said. There are two options. The first and only way to end the missile attacks is to kill so many Russian invaders that the link between Putin and Russian society is broken and he is forced from power. Ukraine is doing its best to
make that wish a reality. The other is to call Russia's bluff and create no missile zones using NATO Patriot batteries and other ABM capable systems in order to facilitate the humanitarian work of repairing the grid and caring for the Ukrainian population. Since Russian bombers
don't do penetration raids these no missile zones would not kill Russians and the only way NATO troops would be at risk is if Russia decided to pick an even more unwinnable fight. Some Russian missile would still get through, but the numbers would go down. Combined with dwindling
Russian stocks of missiles and improving Ukrainian anti-cruise missile defenses the number of successful strikes would continue to trend down. Even Iranian missile shipments would only prolong Russia's ability not improve them. Both helping Ukraine break the Russian Army faster
and closing Ukrainian skies to Russian missiles are political questions. My leaders @JohnBoozman, @SenTomCotton and @RepFrenchHill know where I stand (as an aside, I had to use my congressman's parking lot the other day to bet backed into Conway PD's sally port for a delivery).
They know I support sending more, better and now to Ukraine and they know I want NATO to close the skies. Do your leaders know how you feel? Politicians are naturally risk averse, Putin was in fact counting on this when he invaded. So let your leaders know the riskier position
is turning a blind eye or only offering a limp hand to Ukraine. Sadly, until the Russian Army is broken the suffering will continue. Even NATO anti-missile systesm will only lesson not end it. Until that day we need to step up. So here goes my daily pitch. Ya'll know that
@MriyaReport is my go too but that I also advocate for others like @U24_gov_ua and @UkraineAidOps but today in particular I want to push forward @3xR_team and ask them a specific question (anyone who knows can answer) Does Amazon Poland/Europe stock traction boards or other
off road recovery gear? @OKCityRyan was talking last night on @MriyaReport about getting stuck. Having a shovel, some kitty litter and a set of traction boards in each relief convoy might be an actual life saver. So if anyone could check for me that would be grand. Of course
includes to the actual people who have to break the Russian Army like the @georgian_legion and @belwarriors but is only 1/3rd of the battle. The last third is the bonking. Russian dis-info efforts must be combatted wherever they pop up. Thats the reason for #NAFO#FELLAS but a
word of warning here. We are the good guys not the baddies. Yesterday a Fella got suspended for advocating tit for tat. He deserved it period full stop.
The argument that nits breed lice is not a valid one where we assume human life has inherent dignity. Ukrainians kill Russian soldiers because they must. Targeting civilians doesn't work. Terror, strategic bombing, reprisals the shit doesn't work. It's a road to hell paved with
bad intentions. Ukraine is better than that so we are called to be better than that. We must uphold the ideals of our societies it's what makes Ukraine worth fighting for: They are an US not a THEM. #RussiaisATerroistState that is perpetrating a #GenocideOfUkrainians it must
Today's essay is for everyone who has to take time out of their bashing Russian dis-info accounts to explain why Ukraine MUST be better than Putin's goon squads running around perpetrating a #GenocideOfUkrainians. This really should not need to be said but here we are anyway.
First the Laws of War prohibit war crimes. Beginning in the mid-to-late 1800's the great powers began to formulate a series of rules and laws that would hopefully lessen the impact of war on the civilians. They were imperfect, often ignored and reflected the views where
imperialism, colonialism and wars of conquest were still acceptable. Still between 1864 and 1907 we had the First Geneva Conventions covering the sick and wounded in war and the Hauge Conventions. This is what took us into WWI and even then during that horrible war the High
Its a drab dreary morning in Arkansas, most of us are still bloated from yesterday. To my non-American friends yesterday was Thanksgiving in the US and it is our biggest feast day of the year. A people already known for over eating and indulgence go all out for this one. However
what follows that Thursday of Gluttony is a Friday of miserly yet riotous shopping. Right now at 7AM local time there are people who were running as if zombies were chasing them to be the first to lay hands on the gigazised TV hours ago. Black Friday store shopping horror stories
are epic. Thankfully now we have Amazon so that shoppers who don't want to throw elbows to buy their grandkid a toy can still throw dollars at consumerism like a lotto winner at a strip club. <--- Thats me by the way. Not the Lotto winner the person who doesn't want to throw
In the 1920's and 30's there was a massive debate going on. An Italian Giullio Douhet had theorized that future wars would be won by strategic bombing. His theories gained a lot of traction. Famously Billy Mitchell and Hugh Trenchard (father of the RAF) were converts to his ideas
on the future of war. Mitchell went so far as to sink an old German battleship to "prove" the concept. Though he was accused of cheating (opening doors, no crews to do damage control etc) the ship did sink.
in that era they really thought they were on to something. Bombers of the same generation as fighters tended to be faster, could fly higher and at least on paper could defend themselves. Of course, each new generation of bomber sparked a new generation of fighter that took
You might have seen the word #Holodomor going around. It is what the world calls the last #GenocideOfUkrainians by #Russia. A quick break down. Stalin needed cash to pay for a rapid industrialization of the Soviet economy. Grain sales were a major source of foreign currency.
Outwardly facing and using useful idiots like the @nytimes' Walter Duranty played up the idea of a workers and peasants paradise all the while knowing that starvation was occurring. Inwardly, the #Russian public was shown agit prop films and propaganda portraying the Ukrainian's
as evil counter-revolutionaries who were hoarding food and deserved to be punished. There were further problems stemming from collectivization leading to poorer yields and the whole was something between 3-7 million dead. If the upper number is true it represents a greater number
Hey @mtracey I would like to answer a question for you. You asked how many Jews were saved by US (military) intervention in the Holocaust. Its a complex question but bears directly on the ongoing #GenocideOfUkrainians occurring today. So lets start with the basics. The estimates
are the 2 of every 3 Jews living in Europe in 1939 had vanished by 1945. I say vanished vs dead because some few managed to flee to nations that did not end up under the Nazi boot. In addition, the number is self is less than absolute because so many records were destroyed so
there is legitimately a grey area but its on the margins. The accepted consensus is there were 9 million jews in Europe prior to WWII.…
Yesterday I talked about the carnage outside Bakhmut resembling Flanders fields, and the type of battle resembling Verdun and how that would shatter the Russian Army. Today I am going to expound on why I think this is the case. Armies shattering after failed offensives is not an
unknown thing. There are 3 really good examples from WWI and they all have some things in common. The Kerensky Offensive, The Nivelle Offensive and The German Spring Offensive of 1918 especially the later offensives that targeted the French and Americans.
All of them involved armies that had been absolutely mauled, poorly defined strategic objectives and a leadership disconnected from the trauma suffered by the troops. In the Kerensky Offensive, Gen Brusilov who had almost knocked Austria Hungary out of the war a year earlier