"#Russia's devil-mongering rhetoric sounds ridiculous to our ears only because we in the West are not the main target of the message, writes author Sofi Oksanen." @SofiOksanen
"Moscow's #Satanism rhetoric is therefore just a reformulation of the #denatsification of the early years into a more understandable form for audiences for whom the #Nazis do not symbolise absolute evil in the same way as in the West -
the fear of demons is more universally unifying than the horror inspired by the Nazis."
Poem for #NAFO
Arise, ye NAFO meme forces
For truth and justice in the land
Rise up to fight against the vatniks
On Twitter they take a stand.
With wits sharp as steel blades,
Their courage cannot be denied.
No opponent can withstand them, 1/5
When their memes are amplified. 2/5
From the halls of Congress to social media streams,
They rise up with might and zeal.
Disinformation will not prevail;
Their mission is clear: Truth shall be heard! 3/5
What has already been done: "Cyberattacks on Ukrainian and now foreign-based supply chains, and cyber-enabled influence operations—intended to undermine #US, #EU, and #NATO political support for Ukraine.
Russian military operators also expanded destructive cyberactivity outside Ukraine to #Poland, a critical logistics hub, in a possible attempt to disrupt the movement of weapons and supplies to the front."