A 77-YO ♂️, 2 weeks before herpes zoster on the right T3 and T4 dermatomes, celecoxib to treat new-onset back pain: a coalescing, erythematous eruption that spared the skin surrounding crusted herpes zoster lesions
A reverse isotopic response or an isotopic nonresponse occurs when:
✔️a new skin disorder by an unrelated disease
✔️spares the area of skin previously affected, healed dermatosis.
Lactante♀️, 20 meses: fiebre, sialorrea, lesión costrosa hemática con contenido purulento y restos de costras melicéricas, eritema, edema y lesiones vesiculosas en 2º dedo de la mano, adenopatías epitrocleares, vesículas en paladar y aftas en encías 1/5
A 12-MO♀️ girl, immunization for hepatitis B, 2 weeks prior: a rapidly spreading, nonblanching, nonpalpable, purpuric rash over legs & cheeks surrounded by edema, 37.6°C, nontoxic in appearance
The next day, the hemorrhagic rash became palpable
Pharyngeal PCR:➕for enterovirus
🔬 of purpuric lesions: leukocytoclastic vasculitis, & DI studies showed vascular wall fibrinogen deposition, consistent with ACUTE HEMORRHAGIC EDEMA OF INFANCY (AHEI) 2/9
✔️6–24 months of age,
✔️during winter,
✔️nontoxic presentation,
✔️low-grade fever,
✔️abrupt onset of large purpuric skin lesions,
✔️and edema in face and extremities 3/9
✔️ a superficial bacterial infection of the hair of the axillae
✔️misnomer, given that it is caused by corynebacterium species as opposed to fungi. 2/6
Lactante, 9 meses: lesiones peribucales, edema palpebral, conjuntivitis, xerosis peribucal con costras melicéricas, eritrodermia generalizada y lesiones en cuello, extremidades superiores y glúteos, con signo de Nikolsky +. 1/5
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria La enfermedad de Ritter está causada por cepas de estafilococo productoras de toxinas que se dirigen al complejo desmogleína 1 en la zona granulosa de la epidermis, provocando la exfoliación de la piel. 3/5
A 59-YO DM, steroid, myasthenia gravis with thymoma: headache & deviation of tongue to the R side with fasciculation suggestive of right 12th cranial nerve palsy
CT: sphenoid sclerotic changes, soft tissue density lesion with calcification. 1/9
MRI brain: a hypointense lesion involving the body of sphenoid (R > L) and clivus on T2 weighted images and T1 weighted images with moderate contrast enhancement possibly fungal in aetiology. 2/9