Some may be associated with spinal dysraphism (e.g., a congenital dermal sinus), which may lead to bacterial meningitis caused by atypical organisms (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus species, and anaerobes)
The presence of atypical pathogens, rather than typical pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae, suggests the presence of causative complications. 5/7
Initial antimicrobial therapy was adjusted to cefotaxime (CTX) based on susceptibility testing.
The response to treatment with CTX was partial (the CSF culture remained➕), and a switch to meropenem was required to achieve negative CSF cultures. 6/7
A 49-YO♀️: fever, myalgia, headache, blanching papular rash on her trunk & limbs, & conjunctivitis (1)
Neutropenia & mild hepatitis
The patient's husband accompanied the patient to the Cook Islands: a highly similar rash (2) 1/6
Zika virus, endemic to Southeast Asia & Africa, is transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes.
Clinical manifestations (fever, maculopapular rash, myalgias, and headache) are similar to other arboviral infections, such as dengue and chikungunya, 3/6
Lactante ♀️ de 5 meses: fiebre, síntomas catarrales, buen estado general y lesiones redondeadas, algunas anulares con centro violáceo y otras en diana, algo sobreelevadas, desaparecen parcialmente a la vitropresión y de aspecto indurado 1/6
82 años♂️, DM, dislipemia, y enfermedad arterial periférica: dolor torácico anginoso con semiología de insuficiencia cardiaca.
ECG:⬆️segmento ST en V2-V3 y DI-AVL.
Coronariografía: arterias coronarias sin lesiones 1/6
A 77-YO ♂️, 2 weeks before herpes zoster on the right T3 and T4 dermatomes, celecoxib to treat new-onset back pain: a coalescing, erythematous eruption that spared the skin surrounding crusted herpes zoster lesions
A reverse isotopic response or an isotopic nonresponse occurs when:
✔️a new skin disorder by an unrelated disease
✔️spares the area of skin previously affected, healed dermatosis.
Lactante♀️, 20 meses: fiebre, sialorrea, lesión costrosa hemática con contenido purulento y restos de costras melicéricas, eritema, edema y lesiones vesiculosas en 2º dedo de la mano, adenopatías epitrocleares, vesículas en paladar y aftas en encías 1/5
A 12-MO♀️ girl, immunization for hepatitis B, 2 weeks prior: a rapidly spreading, nonblanching, nonpalpable, purpuric rash over legs & cheeks surrounded by edema, 37.6°C, nontoxic in appearance
The next day, the hemorrhagic rash became palpable
Pharyngeal PCR:➕for enterovirus
🔬 of purpuric lesions: leukocytoclastic vasculitis, & DI studies showed vascular wall fibrinogen deposition, consistent with ACUTE HEMORRHAGIC EDEMA OF INFANCY (AHEI) 2/9
✔️6–24 months of age,
✔️during winter,
✔️nontoxic presentation,
✔️low-grade fever,
✔️abrupt onset of large purpuric skin lesions,
✔️and edema in face and extremities 3/9