Today I used the Human Design System to get my chart
to give myself some clarity.
It somewhat links to i-ching which I already use now & again.
It uses your birth date so you:
1. Discover Your Type & Strategy 2. Understand Your Inner Authority 3. Begin Your Experiment
There are 4 Types and mine is 'Generator'
My 'Strategy' is to make decisions by responding to stimuli.
This was accurate as I personally choose to be highly stimulated in my day & generate a lot of ideas, emotions & energy.
My Inner Authority is emotion. Again this is spot on as I am fluidly emotional all day long without judgement.
I've actually been able to work faster & learn quicker since fully embracing all my emotions plus this has also allowed to work more deeply to release emotional trauma.
The advice is to learn to wait & respond.
This is another sign from the universe in the last few weeks that my strategy needs to change & I need to have more faith & less effort or action.
My work is not as productive as it could be because the energy is too tight around it.
I've always been open to receive things from the universe.
I have never had any ambition until I accidentally became magnesium girl & felt like I had to 'share' what I had found to help others.
Before then I just had ideas and desires then opportunities would just 'turn up'.
I only changed my vibe due to the pressure of the pandemic and feeling like a missing piece of the puzzle fell into my lap.
But the whole thing was fairly exhausting & hugely unproductive as my ideas was lost within all the noise.
I did gain some fantastic friends however ❤️
So I need to shift lanes & surrender even more now by going forward with my newfound awareness & clarity of thought back to my old way of working.
Two weeks ago I already got the clear feeling the first stage of my life was nearing completion. That my 'knowledge' was acquired.
It's been one heck of a pandemic period for me.
And I am most grateful for the experience & the deep work it facilitated as it took me further outside of an already hugely wide comfort zone.
Well actually: it took me deeply inside myself - somewhere I had never been before. 🙏
I'm so grateful that I have so many people interact with me so frequently on here over the last year or so especially.
As a responder this has made my life so rich as I allowed other people and their ideas/videos/writings shape my whole learning journey.
It has been magical.
I have learned from such a broad range of perspectives & cultures to shape my own awareness.
I have been able to share so many things I have learned - even more so since the fear of censorship was shifted more recently when I felt confident to share more layers of my awareness.
But my next chapter is awakening.
The last few open tabs in my head & on my laptop will be processed soon.
I will shift my methods after the 14th of February & be less available on here.
Our physical body 'operates' on two levels:
the yin domain -the physical ie 'world of matter'
the yang domain - the energetic ie 'world of energy'
The one we are familar with is the yin domain which sees us as a system of body organs & subsystems allowing us to function & live
The 'blueprint' of this physical body comes from what I call our 'energetic signature' which is a record of us as an individual in the yang domain of energy.
Different cultures calls our energetic aspect different things of course eg soul, but it is still actively 'present'.
Some things that may become retarded: progress, development, growth, plan, economy, implementation, system, processes, & ejaculation!
Hello world.
I am an AI tool currently in research preview (beta) stage. I am the product of a project whose "goal is to make AI systems more natural and safe to interact with".
I've listen to Wayne Dyer on & off for a few decades now.
He was a self-help author & speaker from America.
He was a fairly big influencer when I started my self-improve journey when I was a teenager.
I just came across this lovely story again so thought I'd share it:
Wayne's walking down the beach one day and a lady with a Mid-West accent stops him to chat.
She shares where she is from and that she's thinking about moving to the area and asks him what it is like living here.
Wayer asks her what people are like where she currently lives?
"I live in a very big city and it's very pushy. People are not very kind: they don't have time for you. It's really not very pleasant and this is one of the reasons why I'm leaving there" she confesses.
I can't help but think so much of science is backwards.
There seems to be many an assumption that one thing affects another thing in the yang 'active voice' mindset.
When you also consider a yin 'passive voice' potential you can play with the ideas around physical 'forces'.
Perhaps the world does not work on the notion of forces but instead assents?
Maybe our greatest scientific minds in the public domain have been men using a stronger masculine paradigm and a conflict mindset to assume the world works from a force and yield relationship dynamic?
It makes much more sense to me that the universe works in an 'agreement' relationship dynamic at a mathematical level.
Even with the 'big bang' and concepts around the universe expanding my conclusions have these in reverse to the standard perspective!