In a recent discussion, a question was asked about whether or not homeowners could stop the #hum and low-frequency noise from entering their homes using bass traps & sound-proofing. I shared some of our experiences in trying to deal with the #LFN and #vibration. 1/...
I've heard the hum In at least six different professional #recording studios who spent tens of thousands of dollars on sound proofing and noise mitigation. In #calgary, a family spend a tremendous amount of money wrapping their entire house in sound proofing material and... 2/...
...they still heard the hum. In fact, because the #noise mitigation was so effective in the studios, the hum was worse because there weren't any other sounds competing for my ear's attention. 3/...
The hum in Calgary was measured in numerous locations 2008-2012 and was always present at or around 40 Hz. #wavelengths at that frequency are around 28 feet long and can be disrupted by a dense mass of material, like concrete... 4/...
...that is half that length, or approx. 14 feet thick not particularly practical nor within the budget of most #HomeOwners. While there has been #acoustic research focused on achieving this same result of disrupting LFN waves in more accessible ways... 5/...
...neither I nor the people I've worked with have come across anything that #home owners can use to stop the hum from entering their homes. If anyone is successful creating or comes across something that stops the hum in their home, please share - I definitely will... 6/...
IMO, efforts need to determine the cause of the noise (i.e. #naturalgas#compressors) and have the #hum stopped at its source. 7/...