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Some people have the impression that the UCP won an 11-seat majority. Numerically, it's true - the UCP got 49 seats, the NDP 38. So, 11 more seats.
#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #abvotes #yyc #Yeg
But that's not a legislative majority. The house has 87 seats, Support from 44 MLAs is necessary to win a vote. The UCP has 49 seats; a legislative majority of five votes. Previous low for any government was 13 for the NDP in 2015. #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #abvotes #yyc #Yeg
And the five-seat majority is weaker than it looks. A speaker must be elected. The speaker is nominally impartial but can vote to break a tie. One MLA, Jennifer Johnson, will sit as an independent. #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #abvotes #yyc #Yeg
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The dangers of reporting too quickly late at night after a long campaign. Result - errors in what I reported and tweeted last night about vote count. #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #abvotes #yyc #yeg
So I’ve revised the column online - again.…
First, the scanners at advance polls DO count votes. They are not connected to the internet. Each local returning officer communicates the riding-by-riding votes from each machine to Elections Alberta. #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #abvotes #yyc #yeg
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And... Stephen Harper throws his support directly behind Danielle Smith and UCP. #Yeg #yyc #ableg
So, that's Harper and Poilievre in Danielle Smith's camp, along with former PC cabinet minister Ted Morton.

For the NDP, endorsements come from many former Progressive Conservatives, ranging from Thomas Lukaszuk and Doug Griffiths to peeps from Peter Lougheed's inner circle
And in a shocking twist that rivals Harper's endorsement of Smith, former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi is endorsing the NDP. Image
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Alberta NDP announce the Save Albertans Money Act would be their Bill 1, targeting utilities, insurance, tuition etc.

They would also repeal the Sovereignty Act with Bill 2, and protect the Canada Pension Plan with Bill 3.

#yeg #yyc #ableg Image
Here are the specifics of the NDP's proposed Bill 1 that addresses their plans to deal with affordability issues. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image
Here are the specifics about the NDP's proposed Bills 2 and 3 (along with more talking points on health care and education.) Image
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A bit of a party to greet Art Pawlowski at his moon presser where he’s promising more info on his interactions with Danielle Smith. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image
Okay, Art Pawlowski’s plan to hold his presser on the ledge steps is apparently changing, he’s holding it on the federal plaza, so now we’re all heading that way wheeeeee
And…. We’re back on the ledge steps
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🧵I was a longtime @AlbertaParty supporter and member, Regional Organizer for #yeg and Chair and VP of Comms.
During my time with the party we grew into a semi-serious party, elected an MLA under the banner, attracted floor crossers from both the NDP and UCP. #ableg #abelxn23
I contributed thousands of dollars and hours to help build the party along with many other smart, capable, and caring Albertans - full time in my case for 3 years, in addition to a full time job.
Despite missteps, and strategic errors on the part of our board, our leaderS (plural), and candidates - we had our best vote share in 2019 - getting the second highest vote share without electing an MLA in two generations.

But politics is about being electable and achieving
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Danielle Smith announces that UCP Bill 1 would be 'The Taxpayer Protection Amendment Act' - legislation meaning any increase on personal taxes or corporate taxes would need to pass a referendum- also pledges to strengthen same against PST proposals. #yeg #yyc #ableg
Smith asked if she would include a carbon tax in this legislation.

She says her government continues to fight it, and calls on Rachel Notley to end the retail carbon tax, says removing it is their first priority.
What about claims that canvassers are saying vote UCP, not Danielle Smith?

Smith says she loves robust debate in her caucus and delighted that her candidates can go door to door to talk about the issues they want to talk about.
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With the horrible air quality from #ABWildfire I’ve put some MERV13 rated furnace filters in my windows so we can get clean, cool air in the house. It filters pollution out of the air as it blows into the house. Filtrete1900’s are MERV13. #yeg #yyc Screen door with a furnace filter in the window portion.
Slider window with a furnace filter fit in to filter outdoor air.
To fill the large gap on top I cut a piece of cardboard and duct taped it to the filter. Used some peel & stick weather stripping along the edges of the filter & cardboard. So it’s easy to take in and out.
I’ve also got #corsirosenthalbox and HEPA filters running inside the house. I’ve made a variety of types over the years using different fans & filters. Lots of size and noise options.
Read 8 tweets

6 Facts to share with your Mother today about:

🤰 Danielle Smith and the @Alberta_UCP negatively impacting mothers and their young children


✂️- Cuts to funds for children-in-need

✂️- Cuts to child care programs

✂️- Cuts to women’s health

Let’s jump in! Image
#Ableg 👩 🧵

1. The UCP DEFUNDED early intervention programs for children in need by $128,000,000

This resulted in:
- #YEG public schools closing 76% of early learning programs
- 68% cut for language programs
- Criteria changes to make it harder for parents to access key funds Image
#Ableg 👩 🧵

2. The UCP cancelled the made-in-Alberta $25-a-day child-care program

This move INCREASED costs to operators AND Alberta mothers

The UCP had to be DRAGGED by Alberta families to sign the federal deal

Smith THREATENED to use her “ Sovereignty Act” against it. Image
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12 Facts to share with your family about:

👮‍♀️ Danielle Smith and the @Alberta_UCP silently defunding Alberta Police Agencies by $96,000,000 since 2019 (despite saying “they’re tough on crime”

Let’s explore the HUGE impact on 61 rural municipalities and major cities
#Ableg Police 🧵

1. On April 1, 2020, the UCP SUDDENLY began taking a 50% higher cut of fines collected by municipalities

This left 61 cities with MASSIVE holes in their policing and traffic safety budgets

Which cities and by how much???

#Ableg Police 🧵

2. The 61 Areas included:

✅ Hinton
✅ Lloydminster
✅ Wood Buffalo
✅ Lethbridge

In total, the UCP took a combined $32,000,000 in 2020 alone!

This money SHOULD HAVE gone into local policing, victims services and prevention programs

The UCP gave 0 reasons! Image
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Danielle Smith asked if she would include vaccine status in Human Rights Act.

Says "we're not going to do that."

But adds they are waiting on Preston Manning's interim report and look at recommendations and make decisions about future pandemics then. #yeg #yyc #ableg
What influence does Take Back Alberta have on your government?

Smith says UCP is one person, one vote- calls it a very positive approach to have many voices.

Adds in this model, there's no way that TBA rises to that level of influence.
Smith asked about need to offer a broader correction on NDP net zero costing.

Says they don't have to do that, adds that they're numbers were correct because the $87B figure was based on two reports, not just the Navius one.
Read 14 tweets
UCP leader Danielle Smith lays out her party's job and economy plan.

That includes launching the 'Alberta is Calling' signing bonus - a $1,200 payment to newcomers who fill voids in applicable fields. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image
Smith also announces as AB graduation retention tax credit to keep more graduates in Alberta- which would be a non-refundable tax credit worth between $3k-$10k, depending on the program.
Smith also announces a streamlining of certification for skilled trades and HC workers.

They'll also expand auto-credentialing and internationally trained professions.
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UCP claim that NDP's previous pledge to make Alberta’s electricity grid net-zero by 2035 would cost a total of $87B. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image
For those asking, the UCP is eyeing a 2050 net zero plan, but has not provided details or costs for their plan. #yeg #yyc #ableg…
UCP candidate Brian Jean says his party's plan to go net zero by 2050 doesn't yet have a cost, but that it's affordable and in line with global goals.
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UCP Youtube live stream of their day one launch was initially over 30 minutes, including a Q&A with Danielle Smith.

The stream has now been chopped down to 10 minutes, removing the Q&A portion with Smith. #yeg #yyc #ableg Image
It's not the only UCP presser that removed the Q&A.

The UCP's newser calling out the NDP on police is now just 5 minutes. Image
And other pressers, including Danielle Smith's health care pledge appear to be just completely removed off their youtube and facebook pages. ImageImage
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Heads up, Edmonton.

A FIRE BAN is now in effect as dry, windy and hot conditions are creating a recipe for fire nastiness. #yeg #yegcc #yegwx
Fire ban in Edmonton means no:

open burning
backyard fire pits
cooking stoves and BBQs that use fuels such as wood and briquettes #yeg #yegwx #yegcc
Officials will emphasize with compliance over enforcement on fire ban.

But they add they will use fines and charges if necessary - and oh, that could include paying for all emergency costs tied to any fire you start.
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1/ What they don't talk about when they start praising the #yeg #RogersPlace project is this: how it stalled projects in east downtown and contributed to the crises we have now. How the smart development plans were suddenly too expensive because landowners saw their chance to
2/ manifest a gold mine from their gravel surface parking lots. How all the air got sucked out of The Quarters and the Boyle Renaissance and how that benefited some folks, but not the locals so much. How university students saw parking rate hours extended and spaces reduced,
3/ adding more expenses to their education. But we don't talk about the thousands of people who pay extra over and over for an arena they can rarely afford to attend.
Or the community garden that was plowed over with a promise of replacement - but once the arena was announced,
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Here's the video shared by the Alberta NDP from Jun 3, 2021 on the Alberta Enterprise Group Youtube where she makes reference to restoring the payment relationship in healthcare. #yeg #yyc #ableg
NDP Sarah Hoffman asked about the timing of the clip - after her time at CORUS but also a year before running for UCP leadership.

Hoffman says this is the authentic Danielle Smith.
Hoffman asked what the NDP would modernize.

Claims under the NDP watch you could get a family doctor in a day - and points to issues of Albertans being able to get one now.

Says biggest step is taking steps to ensure everyone has a family doc.
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"We are no closer to the truth."

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam is urging the feds to assert control over management and cleanup of the Kearl site, saying hearings this week have yielded more questions than answers from oil and gov officials. #yeg #Yyc #ableg Image
"It created fear, the fear was real, it was palpable."

The federal committee took Imperial Oil to task Thursday over the way they communicated with FN and Metis communities over the Kearl site seepage. #yeg #yyc #ableg
The Alberta Energy Regulator is scheduled to testify in front of the federal enviro committee on Monday.

Chief Adam has called for the AER to be disbanded.
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Here's a thread of true things that happened surrounding a luxury apartment which led to us being threatened with legal action today by a high ranking employee of a crown minister...

LONG thread, but totes worth it.


#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli Image
So anyways, back in October we were wandering through the inter webs looking for headshots of a few UCP heavy hitters when we came across this particular image with a luxurious amount of hair...

/2 Image
Of course, we were super curious about where the source of this photo was, and it turns out it was a somewhat derelict LinkedIn page...

/3 Image
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Wow. A leaked cell phone video has just revealed the true extent of Danielle Smith’s coordinated political interference in the justice system on behalf of those charged following the Coutts blockade.

🧵 1/9 #ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg
The video appears to capture a Jan 2023 call between Danielle Smith and street pastor Artur Pawlowski, who faces charges of breaching a release order and mischief for inciting people to block public property at the Coutts border crossing in Jan 2022. 🧵 2/
Pawlowski also told a crowd, “For freedom to be preserved, people must be willing to sacrifice their lives. This is our time. If this is our Alamo then so be it.” Prosecutors called Pawlowski’s actions “an overt threat to violence.” 🧵 3/
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In a leaked video chat with Artur Pawlowski, Premier Danielle Smith says “I can assure you, I have asked them (prosecutors) that almost weekly ever since I got started here” about COVID prosecutions.

#yeg #yyc #ableg
Premier Smith says she was hesitant to go public with her support of Pawlowski and others because that's what got PMJT in trouble in JWR situation.

She adds that she assumed that Premiers had clemency powers like U.S Governors.
Premier Smith says that everyone has moved on from COVID, adding that she's frustrated that it was a political decision that led to the COVID charges but that it can't be a political decision to end them.
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Premier Danielle Smith going on the defensive, reiterating that she nor anyone from her office (not to her knowledge) ever spoke to the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service.

This in advance of an upcoming CBC article. #yeg #yyc #ableg
The Alberta NP are also planning to share a leaked video that "raises new questions about Danielle Smith’s interference in criminal prosecutions." #yeg #yyc #ableg
The COVID prosecution story has been a roller-coaster, with Smith herself saying she had contacted lawyers but later claiming she had used imprecise language and that she had not interferred. #yeg #yyc #ableg

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The red serge of the Mounties on prominent display as Edmonton mourns Csts. Brett Ryan and Trevor Jordan. #yeg #yyc
A strong and touching show of support today from officers grieving the loss of two close police family members. #Yeg #yyc
It's one thing to hear that thousands of officers are paying tribute to Csts. Ryan and Jordan, but it's another thing to see the size of what that looks like from above. #yeg #yyc
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Wow. @ABDanielleSmith has been caught lying to Albertans again.

She claims that all of her advocacy for her $20 billion handout has been in public. Lobbyist records prove that was a lie.

🧵 1/6 #ableg #abpoli #yyc #yeg
On Monday, Smith was asked if her time as a lobbyist for her $20 billion handout is a conflict of interest now that she is pushing for this plan as premier.

Smith responded that “All of the advocacy that I ever did was always in public.” 🧵 2/6
However, lobbying records show that Smith met with then Energy Minister Sonya Savage, as well as the UCP energy caucus and an official from the Alberta Energy Regulator, during her time at Alberta Enterprise Group. 🧵 3/6
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