1/ We saw how interest income could be misleading unless we add in accrual based accounting from our income statement. So how can we use this information to see if $veBEND might be worth holding?
2/ Holding $veBEND is similar to owning stocks and receiving dividends in tradfi. In web3, the “dividend” or return is difficult to keep track. The rate of return (ROR) fluctuates over time. Hence, one needs a way to track and accurately calculate the expected return.
3/ Additionally, many may think that the APR represents the return, but it doesn’t. There are many APRs involved, and you need additional calculations to assess the true return as a $veBEND holder.
4/ Again, this is what we aim to do: surface clear and intuitive data for informed decision-making. This is exactly what we capture in the financial statement of BendDAO 👇👇(substack.com/inbox/post/100… )