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Mar 7, 2023 141 tweets 182 min read Read on X
This thread is

Chapter 9, titled,

“Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!

“Toward Species Relativism, Away from Anthropocentrism”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/1
of the book “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

which is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

& which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

D7V1 9/2
This, Chapter 9, “Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!”

is the first chapter in “VEIL ONE: Dominion & Species Superiority...Anthropocentrism”

of the book “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/3
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We are seeing what is going on in Nature through filters biased in our favor, much like being ethnocentric in judging other cultures & “races.”” []

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/4
[] “& with a closer look & putting judgment to the side we come up with an entirely different understanding—one that aids the cross-species understanding between humans & planetmates….” []

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche

D7V1 9/5
[] “…you are invited to a return to unity with Nature & a harmonious understanding of our role, perhaps our destiny, in the grand scheme of things.” []

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/6
[] “Central to all this is an acknowledgement & understanding of how we have come to set ourselves against Nature & all life on this planet.” []

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/7
[]“That is the starting point for a re-visioning of humans in Nature: We must begin w looking at the consequences of our estrangement. Certainly, as in any other process of revelation, seeing clearly allows an opportunity for transformation…”[]


D7V1 9/8
[*Chapter 9 text begins:*] “What is Real? What is true? & how can we know it? This has been the job of the branch of philosophy termed *epistemology*.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/10
“Yet that approach has led nowhere except to the place of its origin. Like a serpent biting its tail, it has revealed only what it first assumed. For primarily this undertaking, classically speaking, has been an intellectual venture.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 9/11
“& that mode of questing after truth—an intellectual or rational one—has been discovered itself to be a product of an assumption, an erroneous one.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/12
“More than that, we have discovered that the intellectual quest is the outgrowth of itself seeking to hide the truth.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism

D7V1 9/13
“Intellectualism is more than just a defense, in Freudian terms; it is a mode of avoiding truth so as to keep one separate from one’s Pain.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/14
“All defenses are distortions of the truth. It is about time we let that revelation of Sigmund Freud of a hundred years ago inform our quest for knowledge.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

D7V1 9/15
“This book attempts just that: To see what is Real, once the corruptions of thought, created by cultural prejudice & early experience, are removed.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/16
“*The Red Pill...Away the Matrix*

“So it is that in *Dance of the Seven Veils* I take you on a journey out of The Matrix. We plunge below the obfuscations come of the prejudices of prior experience & culture, both.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/17
“Incidentally, this effort could only have been attempted at this point in history.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism

D7V1 9/18
“It requires a basis of worldwide integration of cultures as well as the vast understandings of different ways of interpreting Reality for different societies now & throughout history.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/19
“Only now—with worldwide telecommunication & an anthology of data from cultures of all times & places provided by our social sciences—have we even approached anything like that.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/20
“It takes the kind of culture we have currently—a worldwide multiculturalism—in order to have even a chance at answering that.”

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D7V1 9/21
“For how can something be true if every other culture on Earth—not to mention all the cultures that have existed—thinks of it differently than one’s own culture does?”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

D7V1 9/22
“We say that “science” can accomplish this. Yet even it is skewed by a Western culture of patriarchality, misogyny, a philosophical assumption about materialism, another one about the superiority of elites in hierarchical societies,..”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 9/23
“…a prejudice of Western Judeo-Christian notions of Reality over against “primitive” or primal ones, religiously rooted notions of a species-superiority & “dominion” of humans over other planetmates, & more.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/24
“All of these we will peel back in this book, for a clearer vision. There’s your first look at some of the fallacies comprising the Veils.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/25
“Remember, however, that the quest to get below or behind these Veils—thrown up by all prior experience & learning—has been the premier goal of thoughtful, questing humans of all time.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/26
“What this book offers is a venture in this direction that is aided by all the recent developments & advances in knowledge of postmodern times. These, combined, provide new avenues around & behind previous obstacles to clear perception;”

THREAD drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 9/27
“& they allow us to overturn those prejudices of culture—even, & especially, those assumed true in our physical as well as social & behavioral sciences.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/28
“*The First Veil—Anthropocentrism*

“So it is that we begin with a Veil that is approachable by reason; indeed, science aids in bringing it down.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/29
“You will see that many of the Veils that follow this one are less accessible that way, requiring more in the way of experiential, not mere intellectual, growth.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/30
“So Veil One, you would think would be the easiest; it is not. It is a set of assumptions arising of a peculiarly human Ego which is arrayed against the natural world. & that is hardly easily overcome.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/31
“Yet this perspective is possible, not just through reason—reason only confirms it, one must already be ready to take it in—but through heart.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/32
“It might not require experience, as in the other Veils, however this clearer perception is a perspective arising from a sensitive morality, one that feels for the suffering of others, even of other species.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/33
“& while that might be intellectually seen, if not felt, it is unlikely to overthrow the normal human callousness with which we confront the world of life outside ourselves on Earth—the planetmates. Yet that we must do.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro

D7V1 9/34
“I suppose you might say you need to be a better kind of a person in order to see through this first Veil.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism #anthropology

D7V1 9/35
“For you need to be able, however you arrive at this, to see the feelings & aliveness—the play, suffering, compassion, love, humor, communication, reasoning ability, memory...consciousness—of the beings around you outside the merely human.”

>… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 9/36
“You got this sensitivity or you don’t. Or, get yourself something like primal therapy to get it back.

“So, can’t help you much here, in this book, on that; & it’s not easy...for too many people.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/37
“Indeed, the “truthy” antidote to this first obfuscation is so at odds with what humans normally think of themselves, it has gone unnoticed for the entirety of human history.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism

D7V1 9/38
“Many earlier cultures—gatherer-hunter societies, primitive cultures—were closer to the truth in this regard, yet even they could not remove this Veil completely.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/39
“Consequently, there has been an *Unapproved & Hidden* in every human society, from time immemorial, containing the knowledge that no human has ever wanted to know, for it not being congratulatory of their species status.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro

D7V1 9/40
“& congratulation, sadly, is what humans want, pathetically most of the time. Frail & beaten, humiliated & defeated as humans have been by Nature in its form as the female body during birth & in the late prenatal time,..”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

D7V1 9/41
“…humans have everywhere & always, as a way of trying to defeat that knowledge, placed themselves above Nature in importance, specialness, & closeness to Divinity.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/42
“That is something that prob doesnt even strike you as odd. You prob are wondering what I could possibly be getting at.

“What I am getting at is, that view is the opposite of truth. As I explain in detail in *Planetmates* & *Prodigal Human*,”


D7V1 9/43
“…it is humans who are furthest from Divinity. It is the bipedal apeness that is us who are *less* moral than Nature in more ways than Nature is at all at fault or “evil,” even by *our* standards, when you think about it.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

D7V1 9/44
“*Take Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!*

“Let us take a look at what I mean by that. I have heard it said that if we want to find nobility, Nature is hardly the place to look.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/45
“To support that, this person pointed out that chimps have been known to murder each other & to war with other troops of chimps; that ants, monkeys, & flocks of crows engage in war.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/46
“It was pointed out that cows engage in female-female mounting during estrus & that chickens rape; that new lions murder all the cubs of their vanquished rivals & “elephant seals roar & batter away at each other like inebriated laborers.””

->… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 9/47
“So the assertion was made that animals are the wrong place to look for “honor.”

“I understand all this, yet it struck me that this appraisal was not at all even-handed & suffered from some common biases of thought.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro

D7V1 9/48
I believe it is about time we rethink these prejudices, as we go about eliminating half the species on the planet, short term, due to uncontrollable human greed & insensitivity.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/49
“Further, with the increasing awareness among humans about their own species-centeredness & the most promising rising up of valuing of planetmate consciousness ever in civilization—”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

D7V1 9/50
“—& the first since that of the Native Americans & other primal cultures—it seems that I should say something to address these common misunderstandings.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/51
“*Planetmate Sexual Preference*

“To begin: Cows engage in female/female mounting. So? Why is that not “honorable”?”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism

D7V1 9/52
“Perhaps you can see what I mean in this obvious example of cultural values & prejudices skewing our interpretations of our Reality in ways that prop up our culturally & experientially derived egos. Another lucky progression…”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

D7V1 9/53
“…[progression] in our modern advances in the behavioral sciences & our throwing off of the yoke of inane religious dogma is this realization that sexuality—in this case, homosexuality—is hardly a basis in & of itself for values assessment.”

> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 9/54
“Can you see how something as biologically rooted & irrelevant to any harm of anyone else as the nature of one’s sexuality cannot be used as a slur against anyone? Let alone another species...cows in this example?”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/55
“Put another way, is something that should rightly not be used as a basis of discrimination toward anyone in one’s own culture—let alone another culture—a valid criticism against planetmates?”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/56
“Do you see how our common prejudice against planetmates, which is in the service of raising our own species on high, obscures our ability to reason here?”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion

D7V1 9/57
“Similarly, some monkeys have been known to engage in female genital-to-genital stimulation (*g-g rubbing*, it has been termed) when celebrating. What is wrong with that?”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/58
“I would say humans are the ones who are culturally narcissistic & judgmental...not to mention homophobic. For who do these activities harm? They are physically the equivalent of massaging.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche

D7V1 9/59
“But since they do it in contrast to *our* cultural norms, we call these behaviors dishonorable. So who is not being honorable, really?”

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D7V1 9/60
“That kind of being judgmental about all of Nature,& placing it & all of its millions of species below us & judging them according to our arbitrary cultural standards is what makes humans the ignoble ones.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/61
“Relative to “dumb animals,” that kind of superior attitude, wrought of neurosis & cultural bias, I would contend also makes us the more moronic of planetmates.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

D7V1 9/62
“*Aggression, Murder, & War*

“As for murder, yes, chimpanzees have been known, quite uncommonly, to kill one of their own.”

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D7V1 9/63
“That is a discovery of rare incidence which, when observed only in recent history, managed to make the rounds rather quickly & to great effect.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/64
“No doubt it beefed up what scientists & humans wanted already to believe, as justification for the homicidal savagery of humans.

“Yet, what is less broadcast is these supposed homicidal apes are chimps who have lived in proximity to humans.”


D7V1 9/65
“These are not chimps in the wild. Take a look at the movies, *Rise of the Planet of the Apes* and/or *Mighty Joe Young* if you want to get an idea of why being around humans might instill murderous rage in an otherwise peaceable primate.”

->… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 9/66
“While these accounts are fiction, the reality, according to zoologists & primatologists, is no less telling in regard to crazy-making humans & their effects on their neighboring or captive primates.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/67
“& other than these minor instances of killing among chimps, there is virtually no within-species murder among mammals.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism

D7V1 9/68
“Whereas species will kill other species for food...for food & that’s all, mind you...it takes a special kind of planetmate—i.e., humans only—to kill their own...not to mention to kill their own for reasons other than food. Even the early…”


D7V1 9/69
“…studies on baboons & their “aggression” in dominance rituals & displays—which have most often been used to support the idea of brutality in Nature—were ultimately found to have been distorted by the male researchers who did them.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-…

D7V1 9/70
“These primatologists were selective in their picking groups to study; they blew up the significance of the behaviors they witnessed; & they failed to mention behaviors that did not fit their conclusions.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthropology #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/71
“So their studies reflected more about the savagery in the human observers who studied them than anything in the baboon planetmates themselves.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthropology #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

D7V1 9/72
“As for warring & mass killing, well, no planetmate is doing anything to end life on this planet like humans are at the moment.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion

D7V1 9/73
“Nor are any supposed “dumb” animals engaging in world wars or killing off millions of each other for reasons of collective campaigns of aggression, racism, imperialism, sexism, or religious hatred, like we regularly do.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

D7V1 9/74
“Finally: Have you ever heard of a planetmate other than humans who engages in torture?”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates #SpeciesRelativism

D7V1 9/75
“*Projection & Species-Aggrandizement*

“Essentially, we see in the world of Nature only that which we want to see. & of what we do see, we distort its meaning to rationalize & justify our own worst behavior.”

>… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/76
“We say that Nature shows a world of “kill or be killed” when in fact that is true for nonhuman species against only certain other species below them in the food chain—often only one other species.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/77
“Furthermore, such predation is behavior at work for only a fraction of the time of an individual planetmate’s existence. They kill only to eat; otherwise, nothing to see here. For the most part planetmates live in harmony with other species.”


D7V1 9/78
“We indeed know this as we depicted it in our myths describing the various Edens of many cultures. Non-hungry predators have about as much interest in their prey as we do in the foods we store in our freezers.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/79
“Additionally & as I said, planetmates do not kill or war against their own, almost universally. Yet we use this supposed axiom—“kill or be killed”—saying it is derived from “Nature”; we call it the “law of Nature.””

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/80
“Why? Well, to justify the very modus operandi of humans in regard, not only to all other planetmates of Nature...notice, not just the one or two that other planetmates might be set against...but also each other!”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthropology

D7V1 9/81
“You can see that these chest-thumpings of humans—even the “scientific” ones of us—have nothing to do with truth.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/82
“*Remove the Veil of Anthropocentrism*

“However, this is an area—this Veil of anthropocentrism—where reason can be employed to dispel the fog of species-braggadocio obscuring any & all attempts to view Reality.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates

D7V1 9/83
“These self- & species-serving projections are something, as well, which you can remove from your assumptions about Reality without necessarily some kind of experiential modality or entheogenic experience to reveal it to you.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 9/84
“Although such transformative, deep inner experiences lead inevitably into this awareness, I should add. Which is how we can know that this perspective is a valid one:”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism #Veils

D7V1 9/85
“For it is upheld by greater understanding, personal growth, wider perceptions of Reality, & the encompassing & integration of greater amounts of facts & data of a scientific or verifiable kind.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/86
“As a rejoinder to anthropocentrism, species-relativism is confirmed & additionally substantiated by further inquiry into the nature of Reality & Self, is another way of saying that.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche

D7V1 9/87
“*The World According to You*

“My friend, Sonjamarie Weems, provides an excellent example of how we—humans in general—misinterpret Nature’s ways looking through our cultural biases & filters & how, with greater awareness & employing reason,..”


D7V1 9/88
“…we can change our perspective here. She says, “I remember watching this documentary where a mother elephant killed her baby, & through tears I was thinking that was the cruelest thing I had ever seen another animal do.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates

D7V1 9/89
“Years later I watched the same documentary & had a different perspective, because I saw that the herd was starving & that the baby was sick.”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

D7V1 9/90
“A pride of lions was already tailing the herd. The mother, knowing that the baby would die first, killed it to likely prevent the agonizing death that she knew was coming to it.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

D7V1 9/91
““It’s hard for us to understand how a mother could do that. Think of the movie *Titanic*...who wasn’t upset with the mother in Third Class for putting her children to bed in a sinking ship? Makes you think.””

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #anthropocentrism

D7V1 9/92
“Or approach our unconscious species-centrism by placing it in the light of understanding wrought from our overthrow of other “centrisms”—ego-centrism, ethnocentrism, racism, misogyny, bigotry, nationalism, for example.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro

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“White Man used to say Native Americans were savages because they would fight back ferociously in hand-to-hand combat. Indigenous people were depicted as “uncivilized” & as “animals,” who killed in bloody, ghastly ways, too.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro

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“Apparently when White Man murdered with guns & more sophisticated weaponry it was alright, because it was done in less bloody ways?”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #SpeciesRelativism

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“Further, they never made note of the fact that indigenous people, when they went to war, did very little killing & quite a bit of their “savagery” was merely display.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism

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“So White Man wiped out these “savages” & committed genocide on entire societies/cultures of them. & the indigenous peoples...they were the savages?!”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism

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“Well, I want you to consider that we currently have an attitude about our planetmates similar to what White Man has had about indigenous peoples historically.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion

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“We are the savages seeing “savagery” in other people...and in Nature. That is my contention.”

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“We are seeing what is going on in Nature through filters biased in our favor, much like being ethnocentric in judging other cultures & “races.””

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion #planetmates

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“& with a closer look & putting judgment to the side, we come up with an entirely different understanding—one that aids the cross-species understanding between humans & planetmates which is now, & none too soon, dawning on us.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

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“*Note on Human “Rationality”*

“Furthermore, I wish to put forth the idea our sciences are not only anthropocentric but also built on a highly questionable theological position—a Judeo-Christian-Muslim one—that we are “God’s chosen species.””


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“Another of my readers challenged this notion of religious puffery imbuing our science, exclaiming, “Our science is built on Greek rationalism!” The implication in his statement is that the bases of our sciences—”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates

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“—disregarding for the moment the even more egregious fault that the idea of dominion over Nature is central to scientific, not only religious, thinking—is that science is “rational”...hence, irrefutable, it would seem.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates

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“My response is that this purported “rationality” of humans, & their sciences, was overturned long ago by Freud & later by the experiential psychotherapies.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

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“Even quantum physics demonstrates that we do not view the world at all purely “objectively” in even the most “objective” of sciences.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

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“Modern physics has shown that the observer—his or her subjectivity—influences the outcome of experiments of the most elemental kind.”

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“Of course, the human ability of rationality has been proven grossly at fault in the social sphere as well. Witness, in the United States currently, the Tea Party & right-wing rhetoric in general. Look also to the Trump phenomenon.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

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“It is perhaps in these obvious examples of common insanity that we might easiest see how much of our “reasoning” is actually moved around & determined by largely unconscious & pervasively irrational forces. & the most telling example of…”


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“…human irrationality of all is a bell I ring incessantly throughout my works: Which is, how is that we can be rational & yet be bringing about, not just the end to all other life on this planet, but also our own?! & in our very lifetimes?”

> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

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“Such it is that the idea of humans being rational is at present a kind of a joke. The idea that we are “God’s chosen species”…”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #SpeciesRelativism

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“…& magically endowed with the kinds & number of senses & the quality of those perceptions to see Reality better than any other species that we even know of...well, that would be comedic if the inherent arrogance in it were not so un-funny.”


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“*Invitation to Nature*

“In any case, this journey of ours goes a long way toward overturning these & many other biases we have—the self-congratulatory prejudices humans have in looking out at Nature.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates #anthropocentrism

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“You will be challenged & confronted to think differently about many things you thought were certain. Attitudes & habits of thought are undermined.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

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“But what remains is something stronger. Among other things, you see humanity in a new light. It is one that opens a door on a reality greater than the one humans have contrived for their benefit alone.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

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“In doing this, you are invited to a return to unity with Nature & a harmonious understanding of our role, perhaps our destiny, in the grand scheme of things.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

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“Central to all this is an acknowledgement & understanding of how we have come to set ourselves against Nature & all life on this planet.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psyche #Speciesism #Veils #dominion #planetmates

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“That is the starting point for a re-visioning of humans in Nature: We must begin w looking at the consequences of our estrangement. Certainly, as in any other process of revelation, seeing clearly allows an opportunity for transformation,..”

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“…whereas staying stuck in counterproductive habits of thought leads only to increasing stagnation of life process & a slow, though feverish, slide to death.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #dominion

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“Beyond that, vistas of larger possibilities for humanity abound. One might very well see one’s own destiny & future within them.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

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“So, if we are not especially rational & are not specially endowed with correct perception, on what basis do we raise ourselves above the rest of Nature & all other planetmates? On no basis, is the answer.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #anthropocentrism

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“& that is what I will roll out for you in detail in the remaining chapters of this part, Veil One. Here we will see how to drop that first Veil across Naked Reality—that first assumption, that first prejudice & egotism.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro

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“To foresee a path for ourselves, or humanity, requires not only a conceptualization of a possible goal, but an honest understanding of where we are in relation to it. It is to that, that we now turn.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #anthropocentrism

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This has been a thread of the entire Chapter 9, titled,

“Down the Walls of Prejudice...Between Species!

“Toward Species Relativism, Away from Anthropocentrism”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils

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…of “Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

which is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

& which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology

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The complete book is available online at the links

you can read the book, posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of *Dance of the 7 Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self*.


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This is the completed document for “Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self”

It is a pdf file & looks exactly as the book looks.

To read and/or download a copy, click link:



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If you like & agree w these ideas & want more attention on them, feel free to download the book & pass it around, as you wish; use it to share this perspective.

If you like it, I encourage you to comment on it at Amazon, for others’ benefit


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It is time now to regain the primal legacy of belongingness in Divinity & Nature which we lost when we claimed ourselves “crown of creation” & peak of the evolutionary pyramid. This book is a powerful aid in regaining one’s authentic self.


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“…if we do not regain our truer & underlying humanity, & instead, coming forth as we normally do, we continue acting out of our pain grids, we are not going to have a ‘human’ experience or even an Earthly life experience…”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro

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“…[if we do not regain our truer & underlying humanity, we are not going to have a ‘human’ experience or even an Earthly life experience] to be detailing & exploring, in the future, let alone people to hear about them.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates

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In looking at these matrices embedded in us through our cellular & womb & birth experiences, it will be possible to have our best chance to get a look at existence outside of these matrices—the No-Form State.

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro #planetmates

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& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

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Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.

Also, these are the Amazon links where you could comment on the book:

Paperback: amazon.com/Dance-Seven-Ve…


#planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology

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Up next,

in “Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self”

by Michael Adzema, is

Chapter 10, titled,

“Our Knowledge Is Anthropocentric:

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism

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Chapter 10 is subtitled,

“Many Beings, Many Worlds...

“While Our Science Is Built on an Assumption, Rooted in Religion, That Humans Are “God’s Chosen Species”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #planetmates #anthropocentrism #psychology #Speciesism #Veils #dominion

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[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…to suppose that there is, in some magical-mystical sort of way, a kind of authentic, exact replication of the ‘out there’ by our particular sensory apparatus is not only to state more…” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #anthro

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[] “…than is conceivably possible to be stated...and to reveal an adherence to a kind of ‘faith’ that is more reminiscent of religion than true science...it is also indisputably anthropocentric.” []

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #planetmates #anthropocentrism

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[] “For even our thus limited sensory apparatus informs us of other sentient creatures whose sensory systems are different than our own, indeed, vastly different in some cases.” []

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #anthro #planetmates #anthropocentrism #Speciesism

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Sep 26
💙📚🧵🧵 "We are the myths in motion..."

How to acquire free copies of Michael Adzema's "Funny God"

FUNNY GOD: THE TAO OF FUNNY GOD AND THE MIND’S TRUE LIBERATION is a composition in three movements. It is activism, a prophecy, and a vision — integrated by the idea of Funny God.

“these times are the coming together of heaven and earth…."

“we walk in realms of the mythical, the archetypal….

“we are embraced by arms of Divinity … and find ourselves as fingers of God Herself…"


Read 18 tweets
Sep 16
💙📚🧵🧵 Roadmap to Ecstasy …

and How to Acquire free copies of Michael Adzema's latest book, "Dance of the Seven Veils II" (2023)

In “Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology,& Your Divine Self,” Michael Adzema embarks on a profound exploration of the human psyche, unraveling the intricate web of societal conditioning & personal illusions shaping our perceptions & behaviors.


This book is a deep dive into the core of our collective and individual consciousness, challenging readers to confront the deeply ingrained beliefs and narratives that limit our potential.


Read 18 tweets
Sep 13
💙📚🧵🧵 The Journey Before Birth and the Divine Self…

*DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS* presents the grand overview for understanding your reality and is free, now, on Amazon.

*DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS* presents the grand overview for understanding your reality & liberating yourself from limiting perspectives, unconscious prejudices, & denials of the reality before you which would otherwise be obvious.

The first volume answers the question, What is the real self? The second, What is the Divine Self? The third, What is Naked Reality?


Read 17 tweets
Sep 4
"You will find Divinity there. You will also sense the path to be free, the way of ecstasy." ...

How to acquire "Dance of the Seven Veils II" (2023) by Michael Adzema for free.

“Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, and Your Divine Self” by Michael Adzema is a profound exploration into the depths of our being, blending psychology, mythology, and spirituality in a way that is both enlightening and transformative.

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In this third volume of “The Path of Ecstasy” series, Adzema delves into the concept of the Divine Self. He poses intriguing questions:

Do we possess an inner core that is inherently positive, blissful, and interconnected with the universe?

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Read 17 tweets
Sep 2
"Dance of the Seven Veils II: Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self" (2023) by Michael Adzema is free September 2nd thru 6th, 2024

“Dance of the Seven Veils II” by Michael Adzema is a profound exploration into the depths of human psychology and spirituality. This book is not just a read; it’s an experience that invites you to journey into the very core of your being.

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Adzema masterfully intertwines prenatal and perinatal psychology with mythology, offering a unique perspective on how our earliest experiences shape our lives and our connection to the Divine.

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Read 12 tweets
Aug 30
The Cause of, and Solution to, Human Evil … the Prenatal Matrices of Evil.

Get your free copy of “Psychology of Apocalypse”

1/ sillymickel.blogspot.com/2024/08/free-P…
Michael Adzema's thought-provoking book, "Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, and the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide," reveals how prenatal experiences shape human behavior, influencing perceptions, behaviors, and sociocultural dynamics significantly.

Prenatal imprints of discomfort manifest in personal interactions, leading to misogyny, bigotry, violence, and political divisions.

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Read 22 tweets

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