Sadly some parents of Autistic people decide to go after Autistic people on social media because they don’t believe we are Autistic as these parents are uneducated about Autism being a spectrum and the only presentation of Autism that exists to them is the one of their child’s.……
Bet it will blow their mind to learn some Autistic people are scientists, own businesses and are parents 😂🙄
the ignorance though.
If we don’t struggle in the same way as their autistic child or of other Autistic people they’ve met them to them you can’t possibly be Autistic. 🤣😂 it’s literally just uneducated ignorance. They really need to step away and go learn about Autism properly
Being a parent to an Autistic person doesn’t make you an expert on Autism. It might make you an expert on your child’s Autism… but not Autism in general. Autism is a spectrum, and each Autistic person is different.
Sadly people confuse Autism with intellectual disability just because their child is Autistic with an intellectual disability they assume every Autistic person has an intellectual disability. NOT ALL AUTISTIC PEOPLE HAVE INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES.
It’s much harder for Autistic girls to get recognised as autistic and diagnosed as Autistic earlier in life because so many of us often present differently than other Autistic people and we tend to be very good at Autistic masking.
Sadly there’s a huge………
The sad truth is certain people with large online followings are making out and trying to convince people that Autistic people on social media are all “self-diagnosed” and not actually Autistic. Obviously it’s not true.
It’s all because lots of Autistic people online support self-diagnosis due to the stigma and also the barriers to getting diagnosed. Just because we support self-diagnosis it doesn’t mean we are all self-diagnosed.…
The other reason it’s being made out online that we are all “fauxtistic” (as one mother of an autistic son put it) is because they don’t agree with a lot of things people in the Autistic community say. So it’s a way to try to silence us and discredit us by convincing people we……
And in no way have I said or imply that every parent of an Autistic person is like this or thinks like this. So many are great allies to the Autistic community!
These are the common ableist judgemental comments Autistic people often experience.
there’s a few things I thought were important to talk about that me and other advocates in the community have been discussing. It seems that in this community if you do one thing wrong then there’s nothing you can do to stop people coming after you despite apologising
and publicly and learning from what you did wrong. It’s almost as if you get bullied and chased out of the community and there’s no recovering from if as people won’t let you. That isn’t okay. It pushes people out of the community and isolated them.
It’s frustrating when someone is manipulating and twisting what happened and making out I did something I didn’t do. Just because I’m my own person with my own mind and I don’t follow the crowd in bullying someone after they’ve already apologised.
Then when someone writes a posts about you and their followers come and attack you… so I wrote a post defending myself as i haven’t done what they’re claiming yet they then play the victim and makes out I’ve sent people to harass them when they posted about me first?
It’s just so confusing why people do that. They do someone to target you yet they play the victim?
Firstly I just want to say can we STOP SHAMING AUTISTIC PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY EAT OR DRINK. I want to stress, STOP TELLING AUTISTIC PEOPLE TO EAT/ DRINK HEALTHILY, many autistic people like myself have food/ drink sensory issues due to texture and taste.
it’s why we like our ‘same’ foods/ why we like processed food as it’s consistent and the same taste and texture each and every time! whereas fruit/ vegetables and home cooked food isn’t always the same taste or texture.
There’s so many teachers at schools who will refuse students to use the toilets during class and say “you should’ve gone at break/ lunch”. But bladders and bowels don’t work according to the school schedule. And some students need to change their sanitary product if on periods
If you don’t regularly change your sanitary products then it can overflow and also cause infections/ toxic shock syndrome. And TSS can result in death. There needs to be more education in this as well as teachers shouldn’t have the power to refuse students bathroom access
It’s disgusting how teachers refuse students access to the toilets during class. It is a HUMAN RIGHT to have access to toilets. So many kids have bowel/ bladder conditions and need to use the toilet more frequently.
People say “parents know what’s best for their Autistic child” and then wonder why Autistic people get angry… it’s because we know how many Autistic people are killed, abused and neglected by family members.
Autistic peoples lives are not YOUR right to take away just because you believe that’s what’s best and think they’re are a burden.
This was a 3 year old child with his whole life ahead of him.
We are targeted by parents of Autistic kids, often because we can type, have friends, jobs, partners etc. It’s because their child’s Autism isn’t like ours they have added learning disabilities. So they become upset and frustrated and take it out on us! #actuallyautistic
They believe we shouldn’t have the same diagnosis as their child as we can do X, Y and Z and their child can’t. They don’t see Autism as a spectrum. They’re in their own little bubble of resentment, frustration and sadness.
Often it’s because they resent their child’s Autism and when they see Autistic adults who don’t have severe learning disabilities they become bitter, jealous and take all that resentment out on us.