“It’s easy to feel hopeless in the face of atrocities & abuses but throughout the last year, people have shown we’re not powerless. We need less hypocrisy, less cynicism, & more action by all states to promote & protect all rights” @AgnesCallamard@amnesty
From targeted surveillance to internet shutdowns, govts around the world have made it increasingly difficult for people to exercise their right to protest
Yet despite the tear gas & the kettling, the rubber bullets & swinging batons, people are still on the streets #HumanRights
86/. “As the US prepares to attack Iraq, it is doing so on the basis of a number of allegations against Saddam Hussein that have been challenged - & in some cases disproved - by the UN, European govts & even US intel reports”
1/. Tmw, Amnesty Turkey's former Chair Taner Kılıç & Amnesty Turkey's ex-director, İdil Eser, Özlem will be back in court facing absurd "terrorism" charges
A square of metal (iron?) embedded two feet beneath the soil, pulled up by a 350 year old fallen tree, on the ancient thoroughl-fare (now Mill Lane) that ran beside the River Fleet (Highgate Brook)
UPDATE: After some delicate excavation, it seems as if the ancient iron square exposed by the fallen oak is attached to an iron post (gate post?)
For a history of the River Fleet - London’s most beautiful subterranean waterway - see below👇
2/. The legislation risks resulting in more deaths at sea & is being introduced in tandem with a new ‘distant ports’ policy requiring NGO ships to disembark rescued people far from where they're rescued
3/. #BREAKING: The Italian parliament has approved Meloni's decree which will inevitably lead to more suffering
“These measures are clearly designed to hinder NGOs undertaking life-saving search and rescue missions in the central Mediterranean" @amnestyamnesty.org/en/latest/news…