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As U.S. Army units penetrated the Euphrates Valley in the opening days of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), they surrounded the key city of Najaf during the headlong dash towards Baghdad.

Located at a strategic position on the highways to Karbala and Baghdad, the 3rd ID began to encircle Najaf on 24 MAR. That night, the 11th Aviation Regiment’s AH-64 Apache helicopters staged a deep-penetration assault against the elite Iraqi Medina Division near the city.
The Apaches survived a coordinated enemy effort to eliminate the strike force and were followed shortly thereafter by the 3rd ID itself, which blazed through the Medina Division en route to Baghdad. Najaf remained isolated, as-yet uncaptured by U.S. forces.
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I'm tired of reading lies about a wonderful warm kind human being.

This is who @jeremycorbyn is. 👇🏻


An ex service gentleman meets @jeremycorbyn they talk about the help ex soliders need
And end the conversation with him telling Jeremy
"I love you mate
You're a star"
"Look around this crowd
We are young, old,
We are Black,
We are White,
We're disabled,
We are the whole wonderful mosaic of diversity& inclusion

Racism divides
When you've created that sense of hate
You haven't built a house,
You haven't built a school" @jeremycorbyn
"Forty-two years ago, antifascists beat back a violent, far-right mob that had descended on a diverse neighborhood of North London.

Among the antifascist organizers was a young Labour councillor named @jeremycorbyn."

From 2019

Read 69 tweets
Numbers and statistics can become abstract all too quickly. Humans are not interchangeable, and representing their deaths solely as a statistic obscures this. Whenever possible, records and publishes demographic and personal details of victims. Image
We continue our series marking 20 years of the #IraqWar on the importance of case-by-case documentation in giving a human face to the victims of this war. As we wrote earlier:
Only incident-based recording can reveal human details such as the occupations of the killed and injured. By March 2005 we had recorded 153 occupations. Now they number over 800 (just 171, from A–C, showing in this graphic), a telling sign that no sector of society is spared. Image
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The main thrust of the OIF ground assault burst forth from Kuwait, with the I MEF striking northwards while the U.S. Army’s V Corps swung northwest to towards the lower Euphrates Valley.
The 3rd ID led the charge, breaching an earthen berm on the border and blitzing about 90 miles northwards to seize the enemy airbase at Tallil by 22 MAR. 3rd ID elements secured critical Euphrates River crossings and reached As Samawah, 130 miles away from Kuwait.
By 23 MAR, the 101st ABD was conducting attack helicopter assaults which penetrated as far as Baghdad. Special Forces units attached to Task Force Viking and Task Force Dagger penetrated Iraq from the northeast and southwest during these early days of OIF. #Armyhistory #USArmy
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It's been 20 years since the US-led invasion of Iraq. The effects continue to be felt in the country's political instability, corruption & sectarianism. But it's the Iraqi civilians who have, above all, felt the pain & anguish of the #IraqWar.

Some articles for your perusal 🧵👇
The US-led invasion of Iraq triggered a chain reaction of events that can be felt to this day, including broader global disarray and a marked weakening of the international order.

We reflect on Iraq's lost two decades in our latest Iraq Report⬇

"Since Baghdad was last subjected to a foreign invader in 2003, it has yet to rise again & continues to suffer the after-effects of an unsanctioned US-led war based on lies"

In this article from last year, we examined how Iraq was struggling to rise again…
Read 16 tweets
.@iraqbodycount begins a series of posts marking the 20th anniversary with a version of its timeline at indicating #civilians killed not as an additive but an aptly subtractive graph, with bars showing the loss in civilian lives each month. #Iraq #IraqWar Image
The violent #civilian death toll of the 20 year old #IraqWar continues to grow. @iraqbodycount has monitored this from the beginning, giving totals and continuous updates on a public website detailing the incidents and individuals killed in them.…
Credible records now bring the combined total of violent deaths, both civilian and combatant on all sides, to over 300,000. Some three-quarters of this number are civilian (which includes some not yet processed from the #WikiLeaks war logs and more recent mass grave discoveries).
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@iraqbodycount begins a series of posts marking the 20th anniversary with a version of its timeline at indicating #civilians killed not as an additive but an aptly subtractive graph, with bars showing the loss in civilian lives each month. #Iraq #IraqWar
The violent #civilian death toll of the 20 year old #IraqWar continues to grow. @iraqbodycount has monitored this from the beginning, giving totals and continuous updates on a public website detailing the incidents and individuals killed in them.…
Credible records now bring the combined total of violent deaths, both civilian and combatant on all sides, to over 300,000. Some three-quarters of this number are civilian (which includes some not yet processed from the #WikiLeaks war logs and more recent mass grave discoveries).
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“My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.”
– Pres. G.W. Bush
On 19 MAR 2003, Pres. Bush declared Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF), a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with the goal of deposing Saddam Hussein’s decades-old despotic regime and eliminating its capacity to create or utilize weapons of mass destruction. #USArmy #TRADOC #IraqWar @USArmy
The U.S. Army’s involvement in OIF began on the night of 19 MAR, when the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) attacked enemy border observation stations in the country’s southwest.
#ArmyAviation #Blackhawk #MilitaryHistory #OIF #OperationIraqiFreedom #WarOnTerror
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Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, the military intervention to liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein’s dictatorial regime, began on 19 MAR 2003 and was the culmination of months of planning and international negotiation. #IraqWar
A 46-strong coalition of the willing was assembled under U.S.-leadership. Four countries (the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and Poland) committed combat troops to the initial invasion. The U.S. Army contributed 50% of the deployed personnel utilized in the campaign.
The most of the ~230,000 U.S. Army soldiers were deployed under V Corps, which organized itself in Kuwait and included the 3rd ID, the 4th ID, the 82nd ABD, and the 101st ABD. V Corps and the I MEF would thrust northwest from Kuwait into Iraq at the start of OIF.
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A personal #thread on the #IraqWar and how it changed my career path:

It was 10:16 pm on March 19, 2003, I threw a bag of chips at the television in disbelief: Watching from my student apartment in New Haven, the invasion had just been announced on television. /1
My 🇳🇴 and 🇭🇷 room mates were looking at me a bit bewildered. Yet for months, a friend of mine @YaleLawSch with extensive experience in the Middle East kept telling me that the 🇺🇸 government would invade. I did not believe her. She had been right. /2
I was spending a year at @Yale studying international relations and security, the most intellectually rewarding time I’ve ever experienced.
Read 15 tweets
85/. #OTD 20 years ago, Iraq rejected the US ultimatum for Saddam Hussein & his sons to leave the country

The UN was obliged to pull its arms inspector out of the country

A massive military force was amassed around Iraqi borders

The stage was set for war
#IraqInvasion #IraqWar Image
86/. “As the US prepares to attack Iraq, it is doing so on the basis of a number of allegations against Saddam Hussein that have been challenged - & in some cases disproved - by the UN, European govts & even US intel reports”

#OTD this @washingtonpost story was buried on page 13 Image
87/. #OTD “Operation Shock & Awe” began

The continuous bombing campaign involved around 1,700 air sorties (504 cruise missiles)

Over 7,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in the bombing

Many more lives would be lost…
#IraqInvasion #IraqWar #Iraq20YearsOn
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1/10 Let’s talk about @UnderSecStateP Viktoria Nuland and her role in US policy of #warmongering Because it’s look like she is just on her way under the bus! Image
2/10 Toria Nuland father real name was Nudelman, her father parents was born in Moldova and Belarus, this is how everything what happens in #Ukraine and retaliation on #Russia it is personal vendetta for Toria Image
3/10 It all began at Brown, when Nuland developed an interest in Russia. She had read and loved Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and wondered how a culture could both have produced writers like those and also developed the brutal Communist system under which Russians were living. Image
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1/. On 19 March, it’ll be 20 years since the start of the #IraqWar

50 days before war, #OTD in 2003, Bush said “the 16 words”

“The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”

It was a lie, based on a forgery
20/. “Journalists had very little choice but to accept our version of events & relay it more or less unedited to the public. Govt is an information machine. If journalists weren’t supportive we’d freeze them out” @carneross

Media complicity in #IraqWar👇
21/. Whilst US & UK journalists, editors, & columnists regurgitated official falsehoods & built the case for war, the public were far from convinced

#OTD 20 years ago, preparations were being made for the biggest demos ever seen & Human Shields were starting to arrive in Baghdad

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Exactly 20 years ago, George W Bush told Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar & that he plans to go to war with Iraq

He only told Secretary Powell two days later

On 20/1/03, Bush signed a presidential directive giving Pentagon control over postwar Iraq
#IraqWar #IraqWar20 #Iraq ImageImageImageImage
#OTD 20 years ago the UN announced

“It would appear…Iraq had decided in principle to…bring the disarmament task to completion…Weapons inspectors have examined 106 locations & found no evidence that Iraq revived its nuclear weapons programme”

No WMDs, no justification for war ImageImage
#OTD 20 years ago, in his State of the Union, Bush said “the 16 words”

“The British govt has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”

It was a lie, based on a forgery

Even the CIA rprtly thought the claims were "highly dubious" ImageImageImageImage
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(start string) Nineteen yrs ago, a truck-bomb with 1-tn TNT changed my life. In the #UN office where I worked in #Iraq, it killed my spouse #Sergio and 21 friends. ‘Til today, no prosecutor or court ever gave us answers: why? B/c the #UN is #immune from prosecution
Ironically,#Sergio was #UN #HumanRights top man.Bomb survivors would like to know why immunity was never waived to bring justice. We are not alone:many withstand #abuse from international organizations’ #abuseofimmunity. Read my story in thread:
Following the impact of #Netflix ‘s movie #SergioNetflix, wanted to share a little about who #SergioVieiradeMello really was but above all, narrate what really happened after 2003 #Baghdad attack.We were a family when the bomb went off
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1/. My friend, #EricLevy - an true activist & tireless campaigner for human rights - died today aged 93

I met Eric 19yrs ago when he signed up to be a human shield to try & stop the illegal invasion of Iraq

One of the most courageous people I know, I asked him about courage👇
2/. “I hate to see the evening sun go down”

While talking about courage, #EricLevy - who was active in the US Civil Rights movement told me how activists had surrounded activist & singer, Paul Robeson, to shield him from possible white supremacist snipers
3/. "We may have failed to stop the invasion, but by putting ourselves in harm’s way, we sent a clear message to the world"

#EricLevy was one of only about 80 human shields who stayed in Baghdad throughout the #IraqWar

10 years later, I interviewed him…
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What I do not get is how the #Left, usually #AntiWar, is supporting #Ukrainian case and war efforts.
In #IraqWar the left played important role yet little was achieved.

The #WarInDonbas was a miss.

The Saudi Arabian–led intervention in #Yemen was totally ignored.

The #Palestine issue keeps going yet not many protests get publicity.

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict/war?
Part 2/2
...First protests were massive. Now?

Two issues:

- The #AntiWar movement demands stop of military operations by RU forces.

- Not many voices speak for stopping all use of military force.

What happened to #Peace #Movements?
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Let's be honest: This man had a lot more dignity than we did:

We (the coalition of countries, led by America and Great Britain) murdered him and bombed the crap out of his country, ...

Why? Exactly. The reasons our leaders gave were bullshit!
We knew #Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. So did #DrDavidKelly, who was murdered for saying so!

What was the real reason for the #IraqWar? Money was one reason. What else? Don't say to liberate the Iraqis. I suspect they'd rather not have been liberated with ...
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1. some recommended readings to defend yourself from those mainstream media which lie us in a new war: #Ukraine:
1. read how US public was lied into the #VietnamWar which cost over 2MILLIONS civilian deaths to Vietnam and 50,000 young American lives:…
2. read how US #SIGINT (signal intelligence= #NSA intercepts) was manipulated to lie US public into the #VietnamWar:…
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19/. If you think our press is free, think again

Here’s John Stockwell - ex CIA Operations Director - speaking in 1978, about how the CIA disseminate propaganda in the media

Methods are sophisticated

In the UK the MOD has 77th Brigade, SGMI etc
20/. “Journalists had very little choice but to accept our version of events & relay it more-or-less unedited to the public. If journalists weren’t supportive we’d freeze them out”

@carneross who was a key UK govt official on Iraq during build up to war
21/. “It was basically a PR process led by No.10”

Carne Ross explains how #TonyBlair, Alistair Campbell etc. prepared the path to war in Iraq in 2003

“Certain journalists are rewarded with access for being supportive of the story" #IraqWar
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He's a Fucking War Criminal, a Torturer, a Liar & a Murderer!!!
That Fucker lied us in the #IraqWar at the U.N. holding a Vial saying Saddam Hussein has "Weapons of Mass Destruction" & @TheBushCenter said, "The US cannot wait for final proof in the form of a mushroom cloud..."
#ColinPowell held up a Vial of what he claims as "Yellow Cake Uranium" cynically, as the Bush Administration without any Evidence to support their statement, went in & overthrew #Iraq which lead the death of 100,000 or more deaths of Iraqi People! Women, Men, Elderly, Children...
Colin Powell's wrongful Lie lead us into an Illegal & Offensive War by his Actions!! This Cocksucker isn't an Inspirational Hero @JamaalBowmanNY! Do you call Mass Murders & Torturing of Civilians who did nothing wrong an "Inspiration"? What your doing is rehabilitating people...
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#Iraqwar is trending. I knew it was a fraud and spoke out. I also went there before and during to document the crime being committed.
The late Danny Schechter did a great doc on this. Yes I helped. That's me mumbling in the intro and explaining what its like to be embedded with journalists. Homemade but earnest it's an attempt to show the collusion of the media in the murder of Iraqis.
Tired of the bullshit being fed into the public from embedded media, I created IraqSlogger with Eason Jordan. The most insightful and real reporting from the ground in Iraq.
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1/. 18 years ago as the bombs rained down on #Iraq as Operation Shock & Awe began, Eric Levy was in Baghdad in a power station

He'd gone to #Iraq with hundreds of human shields to try & stop an illegal war & to protect Iraqi civilians by staying in civilian infrastructure sites.
2/. Eric - now 92 - was one of about 80 human shields who stayed throughout the #IraqWar

"The war was illegal & immoral. We may have failed to stop the invasion, but by putting ourselves in harm’s way, we sent a clear message to the world"

That's courage…
3/. In 2003, a convoy of 3 double- decker buses left London for Baghdad

On board were 50+ human shields; the first hundreds of Western
anti-war activists to travel to #Iraq

None knew what lay ahead

All of them knew that they might not be coming back.… ImageImage
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