The Academy welcomes the passing of the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill, which creates safeguard mechanism credits and imposes a hard cap on emissions in Australia. #qt#auspol
This is a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Australia, but it cannot be the only solution. We must expand our toolkit to remove already released emissions from the atmosphere if Australia wants to make a meaningful contribution
A roundtable of experts convened by the Academy identified a range of novel greenhouse gas removal and storage approaches last year which must be considered in the broader discussion:…#emissions
Additionally, the National Strategy for Just Adaptation was designed to disrupt current adaptation thinking and foster recognition, inclusion and capacity building for all Peoples and nature. This work can give the government a head-start on scoping the………
It shows Australia is continuing to warm & experience more frequent extreme weather events such as bushfires, droughts, and marine heatwaves.
But what's in Australia's future?
The report predicts:
- Global temperature rise to continue
- Sea level rise to continue
- Marine heatwaves to be more frequent and more intense
- Warmer with more heatwaves, fewer cool days
Tonight's host is @raejohnston, the science & technology editor at @NITV.
Our two #NAIDOC2020 events are hosted as part of our reconciliation action plan, which was launched last year. Read about our progress towards reconciliation:…
The National Research and Innovation Alliance, a body of organisations representing researchers across Australia, commit to the Principle of Universality (freedom and responsibility) of Science. #auspol
Peer review is widely regarded as the scientific seal of approval, denoting quality, validity, and importance.
Researchers will not consider a scientific finding as valid unless it has been approved by the process of peer review.
Many in community are looking for answers to the questions about the #science of #GeneticModification (GM). To help more people understand the evidence, today we are publishing a #Q&A that tackles some of the big questions. #auspol
Research by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has found knowledge about what foods in Australia are genetically modified is generally poor. A simple google search also demonstrates just how much conflicting & inaccurate information there is out there on GM.
Questions covered in the booklet include: What is GM? Are GM products safe? Where do we encounter GM products? The booklet draws on the knowledge & expertise of our Fellows and the Australian science community. Read the Q&A here:…