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Mar 4th 2023

Watch the Sydney sitting of the #BelmarshTribunal to #FreeAssange.

Join us as we live tweet from the Great Hall, University of Sydney.

Tag @AlboMP, Prime Minister of Australia, and Joe Biden, @POTUS.


#BelmarshTribunal #FreeAssange…
Aunty Nadeena Dixon, a Gadigal, Yuin and Wiradjuri woman, welcomes us to unceded Gadigal Country.

The Progressive International pays respects to the Traditional Owners of the land and their Elders, past and present.

We acknowledge their ongoing resistance to the destructive forces of colonialism and their sustained connection to water and land.

Sovereignty was never ceded.
Read 36 tweets
May 15th 2022
The #RANZCP2022 Congress hears a Welcome to Country by Uncle Allan Murray, acknowledging the First Nation's people of Gadigal land, Eora nation & First Nation's people in New Zealand, a trans-tasman congress.
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe Image
The #RANZCP2022 Congress will hear opening address by The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC @bronnietaylor, Minister for Mental Health in NSW.
Acknowledges the impacts of the past few years - Catastrophic fires of 2019/2020 damaged national psyche, communities have become disconnected during pandemic, and then suffered again during recent floods - @bronnietaylor #RANZCP2022
Read 8 tweets
Jan 13th 2022
4 moments I’m incredibly proud of from 2021

Thankyou @IndigenousXLtd for inviting me to ring in the New Year with some of the deadliest followers on Twitter 😎🎆🥳

#Thankyou @Barkaa__ @walkleys @junkee @10NewsFirstSyd @SBSNews @NITV for making these moments possible! Happy 2022
Thankyou to every single person who is doing the work for our people and communities every single day. You are seen! You are important!

Thankyou to my supporters and those who continue to learn and support our mob throughout the country & the Torres Strait 🖤✨❤️🙏🏽 #Grateful
I feel like I just came in and messed the whole page up but it’s been the funnest week ever! 😁🖤🥳

Thanks for being patient with me! 😅
Read 5 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
We'll see how long this lasts, but going to try to keep a thread of films watched and/or TV seasons finished in 2022.
1. DAREDEVIL (Season 1, 2015) via @NetflixUK. Image
2. THE RIOTS 2011: ONE WEEK IN AUGUST (@jamesjonesfilm, 2021).… Image
Read 217 tweets
May 30th 2021
Intergenerational Trauma: My humble two cent for First Nations Australians. Every year I hear Australians say “Why should I say sorry? I didn’t do anything!”, “If their culture is so good why did they adopt ours?” 1/13 ❤️ #HealingTrauma #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
or “Why do they drink so much and waste their money?” “That was so long ago! Why can’t they move on and get over it?” So, intergenerational trauma does not work that way. You don’t just get over Genocide. 2/13
Or school kids calling you the [James] “Cook Killer!” because the History Teacher taught it. No parents to cry to. You were taken away. Or going to Church listening to migrant children allowed to speak Italian or Japanese, yet strictly banned from speaking your language. 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
To me, a proud Gunnai and Monaro man, Jan 26 is a day that has always been filled with mixed emotions. As the rain cleansed the beginning of the day, I joined Elders, community leaders and the public for a dawn service #truthtelling #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe 🧵
At the dawn service, we reflected on the many injustices, the systemic failing to properly educate this nation about it’s true history, and a calling out of the massacres of Aboriginal people across Victoria #truthtelling
Today, I’m thinking of the people of the Eora Nation, who’s land was invaded on this day in 1788. I’m also thinking of my own Elders and Ancestors - and those right across this beautiful continent - who’s Culture, Country & way of life was shamefully disrupted from that day forth
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
NOW LIVE: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were some of the world's first astronomers.

Explore the sky and the stars with us, @raejohnston, @AstroKirsten and Djarra Delaney. #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe…
Tonight's host is @raejohnston, the science & technology editor at @NITV.
Our two #NAIDOC2020 events are hosted as part of our reconciliation action plan, which was launched last year. Read about our progress towards reconciliation:…
Read 15 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
It is undeniable that January 26th is a day tainted with dispossession and bloody violence for First Nations People. It is a an unescapably painful day for many #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe Image
Since colonisation, First Nations peoples have been subjected to and targeted by the worst forms of oppression and discrimination. Our country still hasn’t recognised the consequences of that invasion and its ongoing effects and legacy on society and First Nations People.
Today, I’ll be standing in solidarity with First Nations People and joining the Invasion Day Protest, then heading over to the Yabun Festival. Find your nearest protest today at
Read 5 tweets
Dec 16th 2019

"What percentage Aboriginal are they?"

"Are there still any 100% Aboriginal people in Australia?"

As a former settler in Australia these are genuine questions I've gotten from people around the world.
"But they don't LOOK Aboriginal," people say. What's wrong with that?

...everything. Apart from nobody owing you an explanation about their identity (ever), here's why.
Genocide, rape and forced separation were used to 'stamp out the Aboriginality' in people by colonisers in Australia. They were used as a weapon to erase culture and history.
Read 10 tweets

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