A recent study funded by @DegreesNGO, executed by @peteirvine & others aims "to assess the impact of #SAG on Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Gulf of Guinea & its causes using GLENS simulations performed under high anthropogenic emission scenario (RCP8.5)."
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"Study focus on two dynamically different regions:
🔸Sassandra Upwelling in Côte d’Ivoire (SUC, located east of Cape Palmas)
🔸Takoradi Upwelling in Ghana (TUG, located east of Cape Three Points)" 2/8
Results show that "in the SUC region, under climate change, there is an increase in SST (referred to as the current climate) all year long (by 1.52 °C on average) mainly due to an < in net heat flux (lead by the > in longwave radiation) & also in weak vertical mixing." 3/8
"Under SAG, SST decreases all the seasonal cycle with its maximum in Dec (−0.4 °C) due to a reduction in the net heat flux (caused by a diminution of #SolarRadiation) & an increase in vertical advection (due to an increase in vertical temp. gradient & vertical velocity)." 4/8
"In the TUG region, under climate change, SST warming is a little more intense than in the SUC region and SST changes are driven by an increase in the net heat flux and strong stratification." 5/8
"The cooling of the SST in TUG is similar to the SUC region, but contrary to this region, the cooling
under SAG is not only explained by a decrease in the net heat flux but also by the remote forcing of
wind changes at the western equatorial Atlantic." 6/8
Read open access paper on "Impact of Stratospheric Geoengineering on Sea Surface Temperature in the Northern Gulf of Guinea" ⬇️ mdpi.com/2225-1154/11/4…
"A comprehensive #bioenergy accounting model with a multi-dimensional analysis was
developed in a new study based in #China by combining spatial, life-cycle, and multi-path analyses."
Summary in a 🧵 below ⬇️ 1/6
Accordingly, "the #bioenergy production potential and #GHG emission reduction for each distinct type of #biomass feedstock through different conversion pathways were estimated in the study." 2/6
"The sum of all available organic waste (21.55EJ/yr) & energy plants on marginal land (11.77EJ/yr) in China produced 23.30EJ of #bioenergy & reduced 2535.32Mt CO2-eq emissions, accounting for 19.48% & 25.61% of China’s T energy production & C emissions in 2020, respectively." 3/6
"A promising solution to nullify the net embodied #GHG emissions of civil infrastructure is the use of C-negative materials for concrete manufacturing. C-neutral coal ash & agriculture/forestry by-products, like #biochar, exhibit a high CO2 uptake potential."
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📝 A lately published paper aimed "to explore the viability of using #biochar as a #CarbonSink and to develop carbon-neutral #concrete with improved performance."
📉 Experimental findings suggest that "the optimal amount of biochar (1%) slightly improves hydration and mechanical properties, but the combination with mineral additives significantly enhances the performance."
The newly published article focuses on the physical & chemical aspects of #CO2#storage via liquid & solid chemical carriers & sorbents & gives an overview of the energetics around their use & options for their future development. #CarbonRemoval #CarbonStorage
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Research pointed that "exciting opportunities for coupling #capture and medium to high maturity multi-year #storage technologies could support #CarbonRemoval in the coming decades." 2/7
Highlights of the analysis are:
🔸"The remarkable #storage capacity of oxalic acid & formic acid (CO2-density of 1857 kg m−3 & 1152 kg m−3, compared with condensed liquid CO2 at 993–1096 kg m−3, respectively)." 3/7
"The energy-intensive nature of CO2 absorption-desorption processes has restricted deployment of #DAC operations. So, catalytic solvent regeneration is a valid solution to tackle this case by accelerating CO2 desorption at lower regeneration temperatures."
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The new work reports "a one-step synthesis methodology to prepare monodispersed #carbon nanospheres (MCSs) using trisodium citrate as a structure-directing agent with acidic sites." #DirectAirCapture 2/8
"The assembly of citrate groups on the surface of MCSs enables consistent spherical growth morphology, reduces agglomeration & enhances H2O dispersibility. The functionalization-assisted synthesis produces uniform hydrophilic nanospheres of 100–600nm range." #DirectAirCapture 3/8
A viable & novel formula for a #CarbonNegative, environmentally friendly #concrete that is nearly as strong as regular concrete has been developed recently at Washington State University.
🧫 Researchers exemplify "a synergistic C-capture strategy, i.e., using #concrete washout water & #biochar together to achieve carbon-negative concrete."
"This strategy enabled the biochar to #capture 22.85 wt% air-borne CO2, which precipitated CaCO3 onto the biochar." 2/6
🔬"This carbon-negative cement paste consisted of 30 wt% CO2-weathered #biochar and 70 wt% portland limestone #cement, which achieved the 7-day and 28-day compressive strengths of 22.1 MPa and 27.6 MPa, respectively," microscopic investigation revealed. 3/6
Michael Finus's project "The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of #SolarRadiation" analyzed "how #GeoEngineering in the form of #SRM, associated with the potential of high collateral damages, affects the governance architecture of climate agreements." 1/
This project "clarify under which conditions signatories to a climate agreement can avoid that non-signatories deploy risky #geoengineering." 2/
This study also "correct & qualify the results of Millard-Ball (2012): not only must collateral damages be above but also below a threshold so as the threat to deploy #geoengineering can stabilize a climate agreement on reducing #GHG."