(or there’s a Patreon if that’s more your vibe: Patreon.com/chazhutton )
- OK! Back to it! Who’s gonna be next???

Okay, who’s getting drawn next? (And no, I don’t know why I don’t draw myself with a beard)

Also me: “Hey @misscrisp @elfriesen @queenplushie @Axiopoeticus @silentypewriter and @kamazingh!!!! Wooooo!!! ”

( also, for anyone wondering, here’s the other thing I was doing today: medium.com/@chazhutton/ho… )

Also, hot-tip: I’ve been told the best way view this thread is on a desktop where you can hover over the names to see profile photos. 👌🙌

Okay, back to drawing...

1: your actual face here.
2: some interests/jobs/things in your bio.
3: a header photo can help too (but less important)
( @Jeds_7’s drawing is a good case in point!)
Ok, back to it!

(In other news, I’ve now drawn 224 of you, which is... 5.05% 😂😂😂)

So, here is @nfyahaya @angebella72 and @VladimirConV

I think I’m done for today though. Thanks again for all the coffees guys, that support is so very much appreciated!
Big plans tomorrow!

So, here in the best clarity yet is @sbz drinking in the shower, @Pedro_Torrijos @Thebadassbeauty @STVLouise and the king of maps and data on twitter himself @simongerman600 !

If anyone wants to add to that you can here: ko-fi.com/chazhutton
Ok, back to it!
Who’s next?

Also along for the ride here is @ChuckE99 (sorry for the wait), @DamienCWalker, @oracle61 and @Superslimon

(And yes if you’re wondering, that’s one of Richard’s artworks I found on his site and put in, because accuracy)

I’m off to bed now, but I’m not finished!
(if you want to support this crazy little thing you can here via ko-fi.com/ChazHutton )
Looking forward to more tomorrow! See you all then. - c

To get things started is @ckgill, @nutshellversion (that’s a sgt pepper jacket btw) @FreedomAhn and @JuliaMHawkins -(thx for the ☕️ guys)

In other news, I’ve got vegemite toast, 3 coffees and cranking some @NTSlive - all set for more drawing.
Who’s Next?!

You can find season 2 right here: