Massive spoilers ahead, naturally.
Ready? Okay.
Obviously one of them has to die on Virmire when Shepard blows up Saren's cloning facility.
If Ashley dies she becomes the first Alliance soldier to be awarded the Turian Nova Cluster and the Salarian Silver Dagger.
The factors that improve Shep's chances of talking them down are:

-Shepard not 'cheating on' them in ME2
-Shep being civil on Mars
-Shep visiting them in Huerta (when they're awake)
-Shep visiting them a second time
- Shep admitting to any 'infidelity'
-Thane/Kirrahe being alive
-Shep lowering their gun.
If the assembled Effective Military Strength is too low, the suppressing fire from allied ships will be insufficient to provide cover for the Normandy to extract squadmates.
Vega and Liara can only die at the end of ME3.
Wrex can also die here during a standoff with Shepard about whether to blow up Saren's facility or not. Persuading Wrex depends on either having enough morality points, or having previously helped him retrieve his family armour.
(Interestingly you can avoid all of this if you don't recruit Garrus and Liara)

Wrex can die in ME3 if Shepard chooses not to cure the Genophage. After Rannoch, Wrex will confront Shep on the Citadel when he discovers the betrayal- and it's INTENSE. Wrex will attack and be killed by either Shepard or Commander Bailey.

If Wrex is alive, Wreav will be killed by dear old Kalros as she goes about her Reaper killing business on Tuchanka.

Whilst we're talking about the Collector Base, let's get Kelly Chambers out the way...

This is a travesty and should never ever happen.
Again, refer to that earlier graphic for all the ways Tali can die in the suicide mission. She will also die if the Normandy's Multicore Shielding isn't upgraded. and Legion and Kasumi are in your squad to fight the Oculus.
Interestingly, both Tali and Legion *must* be alive for Shepard to resolve the Geth/Quarian conflict peacefully.

On to more ME2 squadmates.

And finally, everyone on the Normandy at the end of the game can die.
Obviously there are other characters that could be on this list, eg: The Council.
But there has to be a limit.