A timeline of sorts of conflicts in Mass Effect History. Again, 1-3, bc I'm just not as up on Andromeda yet.
Again, mute this for your health
So our first conflict is The Metacon War
The Protheans were monitoring 'primitive' pre-spaceflight species like the Asari, Salarians, Turians, Hanar, Quarians and Humans at this point, with a view to eventually 'inviting' them to join the Prothean Empire.
Whilst they were fighting The Reapers, the Protheans also had to fight a synthetic race called the Zha'til. An organic race, the Zha, implanted themselves with AIs to survive the changing conditions of their homeworld, becoming the Zha'til.
As far as we know, Javik is the only surviving Prothean.
1400 years later or so, The Turian Unification War happens.
The Rachni war caused the Council to be more cautious in galactic colonisation from then on.

(long before Vetra's time but here she is anyway)
As if they hadn't been punished enough, the Quarian emabassy on the Citadel was closed by the Council.
The first half of the 21st Century (earth time) also sees the end of the Drell on Rakhana.
18 Earth nations formed the Systems Alliance Military soon after
In 2183, The Eden Prime War begins. I won't bother to detail those events. Some time after the Battle of the Citadel, Jacob and Miranda foiled an assassination attempt on the council by Batarian terrorists.

In 2185, Fehl Prime was attacked by the Collectors. Delta Squad, featuring Mr James Vega, disarmed the Collector ship.

... then the Reaper War happens!
Which I trust I don't need to go into.
I apologise. Thank you for indulging me. It occurs to me now that I should have included more dates. Ah well.