I also made a poor decision in not closing out the week earlier.
In the following tweets I'll tell you what happened, what will changed and what I'll do about it.
Please note the point about replies and engagement.
Again, this is before they take the account.
It also advises that personal accounts are being checked
After this advisory email, people are asked if they'd like to proceed.
They're given the choice to take it or not.
I don't expect them to reply to everything. I expect them to at least reply to some things.
They agree to this before they take the account as Siobhan did
All curators, including Siobhán, confirmed their acceptance
I tried my best to be accommodating, reasonable and kind this week. I really don't feel I could have done more.
I did this by email, DM, WhatsApp and phonecall. I made it a condition of continuing with the account.
This was not done as requested.
I tried to pick as many reasonable, appropriate and challenging questions as I thought reasonable. There was not an unrealistic amount.
This was a condition of continuing.
Siobhán agreed.
This did not meet the agreed criteria.
Again, here is what she agreed to on her application.
If I had known beforehand, I'd have advised her that the @ireland account wouldn't be appropriate, because of the reaction people would have had. I knew what the reaction would be and would have advised so.
Siobhán asked to stay.
Siobhán asked to be allowed reply to questions about her employment. I reluctantly agreed, as I thought I'd like that option if it were me.
I was checking in with Siobhán every hour.
I really had empathy as I knew the account was overwhelming.
She asked to continue.
Simply, the @ireland account wasn't right for Siobhán and vice versa.
I did not choose properly
Again, she had agreed before I took the account I could do this, plusthe agreement we had made simoly wasn't followed.
Attached again- the t&c agreed to and the email sent.
I got no reply.
That part of the agreement email attached again.
If I hadn't made the decision before, that was the last straw.
It was a deliberate provocation.
- RTs from anonymous accounts (people are advised not to for the most part),
- from accounts with very extreme views, to say the least
- The non disclosure of affiliations
- the mostly non reply, non engagement, non involved week
I am happy with my decision
She was not experienced enough on twitter for the @ireland account and I wish I'd been more strict both in my choice and my advice.
I wish her well.
Thank you for reading. Your feedback is welcome.