Alex Panchenko Profile picture
#Ukraine-based journo/analyst/etc. #Russia #HybridWar #CriticalThinking #factsmatter Native-speak Ukr. & Rus.; tweet mostly Eng.; get Belarus & (almost) Pol.
Sep 26, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
Remember the #Germany's "green" talk ab turning #Ukraine (with her #natgas network) into a "Europe #hydrogen hub"? A UA expert says it's now being framed strictly as [pseudo] compensation for UA's support of the RU #NordStream2 project.
Post in Ukrainian:… M.Gonchar (a respected #Ukraine #energy & security expert) is also concerned that this #hydrogen payoff is seemingly being promoted by #Siemens (a GER corp notorious for violating sanctions on #Russia) & DTEK (notorious UA electricity monopoly owned by a chameleonic UA oligarch).
Sep 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
IMPORTANT: #Russia military planes repeatedly violated the #BlackSea airspace temporarily closed by #Ukraine for the live-fire anti-air drills held today Sep 24 at a coastal UA test range in Kherson Region, UA Air Force General told UA media. VIDEO: one of the UA media news stories that quoted the General, by the @ICTV_Fakty
(fragment begins at ~01:50)
Apr 1, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
IMPORTANT context of the supposedly-imminent further #Russia invasion of #Ukraine: outsiders might assume that recent domestic UA developments are somehow unbearable for #Putin or ruining his Ukraine takeover plans.
They're NOT (analysis🧵👇) Despite #Ukraine public's steady and overwhelming resentment of #Russia and capitulation to the latter (as shown by polls), Kremlin's chances for a successful "hybrid" (less-bloody) capture of Ukraine (for a short time, of course) aren't completely gone: