Our mission is to educate any/all Internet users about Open Source Intelligence(#OSINT) & technology. YouTube - https://t.co/09C95FYpqH
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Feb 8, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Hey #OSINT, today in this thread we will summarize the evolution of OSINT in the past 200 years. Follow the thread 🧵
1. The advent of print media leads to the establishment of intelligence systems allowing the systemic and systematic collection from open sources.
Jan 11, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Hey #OSINT, apart from OSINT did you know that there are many other types of intelligence gathering. Here's a list of intelligence gathering disciplines (including OSINT).
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1. Human intelligence (HUMINT)
NATO defines it as "a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources." It's mostly done by people rather than any technical means, and is commonly provided by covert agents and spies.
Jan 3, 2023 • 11 tweets • 12 min read
Hey #OSINT🕵, let's create our OWN Internet Archive/The Wayback Machine. Shall we?
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Today the Internet Archive has a collection of nearly 625 billion web pages, 38 million books and texts, 14 million audio recordings, 7 million videos (including 2 million Television News programs), 4 million images, 790,000 software programs and more.
Hey #OSINT, did you enjoy Christmas? 🤶 Here's a list of signal intelligence agencies around the world (which send Santa the naughty list) 🕵️ 1. UK 🇬🇧 - Government Communications Headquarters
Formed: 1 November 1919; 103 years ago (as Government Code and Cypher School)
commonly known as GCHQ
Headquarters: The Doughnut, Hubble Road, Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
official site: gchq.gov.uk
Finding Luther — An OSINT Geo location Challenge. 🧵
Step 1: This time I wanted to approach this zero knowledge target differently. So the first thing that I did was to reverse search the image. I got few results on Google & Yandex. Even they pointed out the season and episode number of Luther. #OSINT#geolocation#verification
Dec 18, 2022 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
Hey #OSINT 🕵️♀️ Just saw some post within the community talking about the difference between 'Open Source Information' and 'Open Source Intelligence' 🤠 which I believe could be flawed and subjective. Here's why? 👇
First question - All of a sudden, what is this #OSINF
Open Source Intelligence is utilizing publicly available data for various purposes. And what should be considered as 'Intelligence' is dependent on the organization or interests. If one's a journalist or LE or spy, everyone's definition/priorities of 'Intelligence' differs.#OSINT
Dec 17, 2022 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Hey #OSINT, what is your plan for the weekend? or do you want something interesting to watch? We have a list of documentaries on the most mysterious cases in history which remain unsolved until now. 🕵️♀️
1. The Zodiac Killer
is pseudonym of unidentified serial killer who operated in North California in late 60s. It has been described as the most famous unsolved murder case. It became a fixture of pop culture and inspired amateur detectives to solve it.
Nov 29, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Terrorist groups are increasingly adapting to technology to recruit, to disseminate illegal content and to promote violence. #OSINT can help identifying these networks and understanding the way they operate online. Here's a list of tools for researching terrorism:
1. Archives Library Information Center (ALIC) - archives.gov/research/alic/…
Nov 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 7 min read
Hey #OSINT, Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data.
Investigations become easier with visual elements like charts, graphs, maps, & tools. #DataVisualization
Here are some must use Data Visualization tools for OSINT investigators.
#OSINT is increasingly accepted as evidence in court. Where police once held the monopoly on investigating, internet has opened up this possibility to many other interested parties.
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Civilians have the internet to use their voice and skills, enabling them to access data about crimes once only available to the police.
Here's a list of research papers on OSINT for crime investigation and what could be the impacts:
Nov 23, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Anything you can obtain via online as well as by traditional media research can be used for #OSINT. Here's a list of curated resources that you might find useful.
Have you ever wondered what happens to deleted posts on social media? Some companies claim they keep user data for certain period of time and delete it permanently. In this thread we’ll focus on how we archive certain things on web, which could be useful for #OSINT.
Wayback Machine — Internet Archive is not a new thing for internet enthusiasts out there. Generally what it does is, it archives most of the things which is uploaded on the internet. This service is active for more than 20 years.
Nov 16, 2022 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
Hey #OSINT, we will go into details of Maritime OSINT on this thread. Follow along to learn about it and what kind of tools can be used for Maritime OSINT.
Vessel traffic service (VTS) tracks maritime traffic similar to what the air traffic controller does for aircraft; the VTS receives vessel information via the automatic identification system (AIS).
Nov 15, 2022 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Hey #OSINT, Google Dorking is the method capable of returning the information difficult to locate through simple search queries by providing a search string that uses advanced search operators.
Here's a list of Google Dorks that might be useful for you
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1. " "
A query with terms in quotes finds pages containing the exact quoted phrase. For example, [ “Larry Page“ ] finds pages containing the phrase “Larry Page” exactly.
Nov 5, 2022 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Hey #OSINT, do you have any plan for weekend? If you don't, we have a curated list of great books on espionage 📔🔍🕵️
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1. The Unending Game by Vikram Sood
Former chief of India's external intelligence agency deconstructs the shadowy world of spies, from the Cold War era to the age of global jihad, from surveillance states to psy-war, from gathering info to turning it into credible intelligence.
Hey #OSINT, I have something special for you today.
I have always promoted the things that are 'individualistic' & aligns with the principle of 'wisdom of the crowd'. Here's a blog which has so much wisdom, patience, effort & research (without having 'OSINT elite' badge)