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Feb 11th 2022
Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Here are just some of the women who have shaped the way we understand our planet, the universe and everything in it.
#womeninscience #womeninSTEM
Research behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine was led by Sarah Gilbert, alongside a team including Teresa Lambe, who helped design the vaccine’s genetic code, and Catherine Green who helped manufacture the first batches of vaccine used in trials.…
Katherine Johnson was a NASA mathematician whose calculations helped the US get an astronaut into orbit for the first time. She also played a crucial role in calculations for the first moon landing.…
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Feb 11th 2022
Hoje o Dia das Mulheres e Meninas na Ciência! 🧬🔬👩‍🔬

Mulheres, o que vocês diriam hoje para uma menina que gostaria de trilhar uma carreira científica?

Comente abaixo👩‍🔬🌻

#InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience #DiaInternacionaldeMulhereseMeninasNaCiencia
Eu começo: nunca acredite em alguém que disser que não há espaço para ti na ciência. Tu não só encontrará um espaço, como encontrará outras mulheres no caminho que serão inspiração, colaboração, parceria e cumplicidade. Por mais que tenha seus desafios, juntas conseguimos
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Feb 10th 2022
Today is #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience! I am so incredibly lucky to have so many amazing #WomenInScience to work with! So listing just a few here… 👩‍🔬👩‍🔬👩‍🔬

#11Feb #WomenInSTEM #GirlsInSTEM #GirlsInScience

Starting out with my team @Uni_Newcastle @UoN_CaMS with so many stellar women doing super cool research! Big shout outs to @rosey_hart, @Cristina__Viola, Maddy, @annette_burke77, @EliseBuller, Kendall (not on Twitter 🤯) and @_KarenPalmer down in Tassie!
@UON_research I have amazing colleagues in #STEM, from those I work with like @KiddVerdon to others who are just doing amazing stuff like @scientistjessie, @DaphneJamesUON, @oreotheoread, @juanitatodd10, and @Dr_Jess_Allen. Some I’m lucky enough to consider as mates!
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Feb 11th 2019
1/ Today, we celebrated the #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience at Archbishop Taylor Memorial school, in partnership with @OandoFoundation. ImageImageImage
2/ #WomenWithWings volunteered their time to mentor the girls from primary 4-6 and discuss the importance, challenges and opportunities of choosing a career within STEM. #WomenScienceDay #WomenInSTEM #HumansOfOando ImageImage
3/ We are always glad to impart knowledge on the next generation of Africans whenever the opportunity arises. #WomenScienceDay #WomenInSTEM #HumansOfOando
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Feb 11th 2019
1/ Happy #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience! The theme for this year is “Investment in Women & Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth”. #OandoCares #OandoIsNigeria Image
2/ Our #WomenWithWings in collaboration with @OandoFoundation will be visiting Archbishop Taylor Memorial school, Victoria Island for a career mentorship talk with the girls in Primary 4-6 to discuss the opportunities that lie ahead of them. #HumansOfOando #WomenInSTEM
3/ We never pass on an opportunity to show our support and promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as a career option for women. #OandoCares #OandoIsNigeria
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