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Emmy winning investigative journalist. Telling the stories I could not tell before, where the facts have a power all their own. #CatherineHerridgeReports
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Sep 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Statement from Brett Eagleson, who lost his father Bruce Eagleson on 9/11, their story profiled @CBSMornings @CBSEveningNews in response to the Biden Administration’s initial release of info related to 9/11 terrorist attacks which includes 2016 FBI Operation Encore Final Review. “It is particularly meaningful that President Biden and his administration today began to fulfill his promise to the 9/11 community, as my family and thousands of others memorialized those who were lost and injured 20 years ago. Today marks the moment when the Saudis cannot rely
Sep 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
NEW #GTMO: Defense attorney for 9/11 defendant tells reporters that discovery has revealed for the FIRST time a link between the still secret FBI 9/11 probe "Operation Encore" + the CIA Secret Prisons. “Operation Encore" investigated the 2 hijackers who lived in San Diego before 9/11 + their US-based support network. James Connell, who represents Ammar al-Baluchi, said as early as 2002 + then again in 2006, FBI agents linked to the San Diego probes sent questions and/or provided photographs to the CIA secret prisons for the interrogation of at least 3
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
#Nassar Attributable to @FBI
“As the Inspector General made clear in today’s report, this should not have happened.  The FBI will never lose sight of the harm that Nassar’s abuse caused.  The actions and inactions of certain FBI employees described in the Report are inexcusable and a discredit to this organization. The FBI has taken affirmative steps to ensure and has confirmed that those responsible for the misconduct and breach of trust no longer work FBI matters.  Prior to today, the FBI initiated improvements to make sure that serious allegations,
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Statement from @MarkSZaidEsq @CBSNews “This so-called internal review DHS OGC conducted was a set-up from the beginning in order for Chad Wolf to cover his own failures and retaliate against Mr. Murphy, who is the highest ranking lawful whistleblower in decades. Mr. Murphy's performance appraisals for his entire tenure at DHS are virtually stellar with the highest marks possible, including financial performance bonuses. Acting Deputy Secretary Cuccinelli himself signed off on Mr. Murphy's most recent favorably performance appraisal that contradicts
Jan 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In other news....While @DHSgov IG investigation is ongoing, @CBSNews has learned a five-month review by DHS career attorneys, interviewing +80 witnesses, has concluded + recommended against the return of Brian Murphy to head I&A (Intelligence & Analysis) for reasons that go beyond controversy over intelligence products including journalists #Portland. A source familiar with internal review confirms former Acting Secretary Wolf has left the decision to incoming administration. January 11, 2021 Memorandum from Wolf to Alejandro Mayorkas reads in part,
Dec 28, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#SpecialCounselDurham #Flashback On this day, December 28, 2016 IG Horowitz found then @FBI Deputy Director McCabe wrote to senior intel official arguing Steele dossier should be included in the "main body" of the Intelligence Community Assessment or ICA -- the most consequential intelligence product about Russian 2016 election interference. McCabe wrote, "We oppose CIA's current plan to include it (Steele dossier) as an appendix; there are a number of reasons why I feel strongly that it needs to appear in some fashion in the main body of the reporting."
Dec 10, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#COVID19Vaccine @USMarshalsHQ will provide security for vaccines "Deputy Marshals are working hand-in-hand with Operation Warp Speed personnel to provide security for COVID-19 vaccines from the facilities where they are manufactured to distribution sites" FULL Statement @CBSNews “In addition to our core missions of apprehending fugitives, transporting and housing prisoners, protecting the judicial process, and running the Federal Witness Security Program, the U.S. Marshals Service is also responsible for the Strategic National Stockpile Security
Nov 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Intelbriefings VIA HILL POOL @alanhe GOP Senators @SenJohnThune + @JohnCornyn that it ‘probably makes sense’ for former VP Biden to receive intel briefings now as ‘challenges play out’ Thune: Well, I think that it probably makes sense to prepare for all contingencies” + “as these election challenges play out in court, I don't have a problem with + I think it's important from a national security standpoint, continuity + you've seen other members suggesting that. I think that makes sense." Reporter Question to Sen Cornyn: Do you think that he should
Nov 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
#Election2020 Latest update from senior @CISAgov official, FBI is investigating robocalls urging voters to stay home on election day. Official said "this (is) more of a voter intimidation, voter suppression tactic" + emphasized that it happens every election. Official would not say whether the whatsapp messages received by voters in Dearborn, MI are part of this investigation, but said that they aren't seeing similar WhatsApp messages elsewhere. On the whatsapp messages, official gave credit to MI Secretary of State for calling it out, “Sunlight is the
Nov 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#ElectionDay NOW NEW update from senior @CISAgov official: issues facing limited number of electronic voting systems OH, GA, MO, NY were "typical challenges with technology" that are seen on Election Day considering there are hundreds of thousands of polling stations around the country + they don't have anything that leads them to believe bad actors are involved. They are in touch with state + local officials.  Regarding activity from the Iranians, official suggested that the alleged Proud Boys' email was the first time the Iranians “entered the field”
Oct 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Election2020 A source with direct knowledge of the FBI interview tells @CBSNews that former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski was interviewed by the FBI, with counsel present, at the bureau's Washington Field Office, on October 23 for approximately 4-5 hours. About a half dozen agents took part, at various points, of the interview. The source said it included an "examination and review" of the 3 phones to confirm the authenticity. Bobulinski says he used the phones to communicate with Hunter Biden + HB's business team. The FBI interview was
Oct 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW: Senate Investigators seek Hunter Biden records, according to October 21 letter, addressed to team of lawyers. Deadline October 23. “According to recent reports that published emails allegedly from your client’s laptop, the Committees have identified your client as an individual involved in one or more of these business arrangements or financial transactions. As part of the ongoing efforts to validate + verify the information in those emails, the Committees request that your client provide all records related to any of your client’s business
Oct 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
READ: The 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment of "Russian Activities + Intentions in Recent US Elections" is now the subject of investigative referral to Intel Community Inspector General by @dni_ratcliffe Referral first sent to CIA IG in 2018 but no meaningful action taken. GET FOCUSED ICA KEY JUDGMENTS + LEVELS OF CONFIDENCE: While CIA, NSA, FBI found with HIGH CONFIDENCE Putin ordered 2016 influence campaign to "undermine faith in US democratic process" + "denigrate Secretary Clinton” + "harm her electability" + developed a “clear preference" for
Oct 12, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
SCOOP #Durham: @CBSNews obtains 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, widely cited by IG Horowitz, but not public until now. Recently released to Senate investigators, the FBI spreadsheet was part of a broader effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims. While lightly redacted, the bureau spreadsheet shows the FBI relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims about Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and others.  IG Horowitz faulted the FBI over lack of corroboration + evidence of circular reporting.
Oct 11, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Durham This morning, @LindseyGrahamSC went further on recent Comey testimony about Sept 2016 CIA investigative referral to FBI over alleged 3rd party discussion of HRC approved plan “concerning candidate Trump + Russian hackers.” Graham told @MariaBartiromo, “Comey said that didn’t ring a bell. But when you look at the source documents, it went directly to him. So if we can prove, he actually knew about this request
and did nothing, then he could be charged with perjury. He said he didn’t know anything about all the problems with the dossier. That
Sep 26, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
#Durham #Flynn 13 page DOJ filing includes unvarnished assessment from FBI Agent assigned to Flynn case, code named “Crossfire RAZOR.” Pages 1 + 2 Agent William Barnett said case theory was “supposition on supposition” + predication or basis for opening probe “not great” On pages 3 + 5 Agent Barnett said FBI team considered closing Flynn probe November 2016 (which moves up timeline) + called case “exercise in futility” + believed he was “cut out” of Jan 2017 Flynn WH conducted by @petestrzok where Flynn had no lawyer + WH counsel not advised
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
In other news...
#Durham This recent, 600+ page FOIA #Buzzfeed litigation contains noteworthy FBI records about the origins of the Russia probe -- US Attorney John Durham's focus. Compare & Contrast: IG Horowitz pg. 1 that states  "Crossfire Hurricane" opened based on information ImageImage from a Friendly Foreign Government or FFG (Australian diplomat) + according to @GeorgePapa19 , the Trump campaign had received '"some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could help assist with the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.”’
Sep 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Whistleblower Statement from @MarkSZaidEsq attorney for DHS Former Acting Undersecretary for Intelligence Brian Murphy “The selective disclosure of heavily redacted documents by DHS neither contradicts what is contained in Mr. Murphy's whistleblower complaint, nor even supports the character assassination attempt by the Department. Our role, however, is not to publicly speak for Mr. Murphy regarding official DHS positions but to facilitate his ability to provide complete and truthful information to the relevant oversight authorities. Mr. Murphy has
Sep 15, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
#Whistleblower NOW Response from Chairman Schiff @HouseIntel to the @DHSgov letter + internal emails first obtained @CBSNews The chairman is now making the DHS letter public, saying “The Department of Homeland Security’s refusal to cooperate fully with the Committee’s legitimate investigation—despite repeated pledges of cooperation, including by the new acting head of the Department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis—is unacceptable and only reinforces our concern that the Department and its leadership are trying to conceal additional misconduct,
Sep 12, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#911Remembered Responding @CBSNews reporting on 9/11 families still waiting for the five al Qaeda suspects to be tried at Guantanamo Bay: Full statement from the Office of Military Commissions - Convening Authority: “The 9/11 trial date is scheduled for January 2021; however, with the filing extensions ordered by the Military Judge due to the COVID 19 pandemic, a January start date is unlikely. Currently, filing requests have been extended 180 days past the scheduled January trial date, which indicates that member selection would not begin before the
Sep 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Durham #Flynn Former senior FBI counterintelligence official E. W. “Bill” Priestap is under scrutiny by Senate Judiciary republicans over FBI draft talking points for 2018 Senate intel committee briefing which included credibility of the Steele dossier.… WHY IT MATTERS: the 2018 FBI draft talking points say the primary sub-source “did not cite significant concerns with the way his reporting was characterized in the dossier to the extent he could identify it.” But a year earlier, January 2017, the same dossier sub-source told FBI