Diederik Heinink Profile picture
Communication director, presenter | leadership • innovation • transformation | podcast host 🎙️The Next Move | realistic optimist | sports, marathon
Jan 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Goed nieuws van ‘t RIVM!

Seks met uw partner mag nog wel. Een probleempje: beiden moeten willen.

Dit staat echt op de website. Dacht even dat Jiskefet weer terug was 😂😂👇🏽 Denk dat het tijd is voor corona #promenade
Oct 19, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk business.

Many governments still struggle to understand that not controlling #COVID19 harms the #economy more. Because:

Consumers remain anxious. Also without lockdowns.

(EN translation of today's Dutch thread)


marker.medium.com/forget-shutdow… #China already seems to prove that successfully controlling the virus increases consumer confidence and helps the economy recover.

See this tweet by @jonsnowC4:


Oct 19, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk business.

Wat het kabinet nog steeds onvoldoende lijkt in te zien, is dat "het virus rond laten gaan" de #economie harder schaadt.

Want, consumenten blijven angstig. Ook zonder lockdowns.


marker.medium.com/forget-shutdow… Dus: je helpt de gezondheid EN de economie, want:

virus terugdringen = hoger consumentenvertrouwen

#ABN hoofdeconoom @SandraPhlippen zei het al bij @Nieuwsuur:


Oct 15, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
"#Herdimmunity is ‘a dangerous fallacy unsupported by scientific evidence'."

Thread to summarize new #COVID19 paper by @TheLancet via Professor @AlexWFriedrich1.



"Its high infectivity, combined with the susceptibility of unexposed populations to a NEW virus, creates conditions for rapid community spread."

"The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 is several-fold HIGHER than that of seasonal influenza."

Jun 26, 2020 13 tweets 16 min read
"Country X has been lucky." "Nation Y has low population density." "Climate in tropical state Z has an impact."

Probably true, but then still:

massively influence a country's dealing with a #pandemic or a #crisis.

Would countries have done better or worse with different #leadership and #strategy? I have NO DOUBT.

Key drivers like #leadership and #trust often seem underestimated or hard to grasp.

This is probably due to #complexity of the matter and that drivers are hard to measure.

Apr 22, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Vandaag dus terug uit Singapore via London naar A’dam. 2 vluchten. Even wat feiten en observaties in samenvatting Zoek de 10 verschillen:
1. Singapore - London
2. London - Amsterdam 1. In grote Airbus met 40 (!!) man. “Feels like private jet” 👌🏿
2. In propvolle City Hopper met 110 man. Alsof je naar Ibiza gaat. “Voelt juist nu benauwend en onverantwoord” 👎🏻