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▫ Trading Price Action ▫ Buying the #Bitcoin dips since 2016 ▫ Not your financial advisor ▫ I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you
2 subscribers
Jun 18, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Since its inception in 2009, #Bitcoin has gained mainstream recognition & acceptance, therefore the need for a Bitcoin Spot ETF has become increasingly important. A $BTC spot ETF would offer numerous benefits, not just for individual investors but for the overall #crypto market Throughout the years I've talked to numerous high-net-worth people, and I mean the top tier, like 0,1% type.

Many, if not all, are still very skeptical towards Bitcoin, not because they don't like the tech or the possible returns, but because they don't like the EXTERNAL RISK! ImageImage
May 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Here are some threads to give you a small glimpse @ trading:
Profit taking


Risk management

When to trade

Improving by managing your trades

General tips for all categories:

There is no good or bad path; the only path that works is the one that makes YOU the most money.

Create a daily routine because input is output.

Start following the market and the news.

May 7, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
How to Get Rich with #Crypto in 2023

Beginners are often looking for ways to get rich (quick) in the crypto space. In this thread, I will share the best possible ways to achieve that specific goal.

1/32 🧵 Image IMO, there are 3 main paths that can lead to success:

-In for the long haul
-Try your luck
-Enter the grind

/2 Image
Oct 6, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Why we still believe #BTC will hit 100k in the next few years 101👀

It's easy to call for new ATHs while trading in one of the most crazy bullmarkets seen in recent human history...but since the drop from $68,789.63 (coinbase) towards 17,5k (-75%) many have gone silent. Lets start with a disclaimer...anyone who claims to know any cryptocurrency’s future value is lying, either to you or to themselves.

This thread is based on our personal few & experience trading the markets for over +25 years, added with some math.
Jun 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
#Bitcoin LTF things

Try to create conditions be4 you get lost

Jan 1, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
BreakOut trading 101:

#trading the BO a viable option these days...? 🤔

Oh, you bet it is! +1000% yearly compounded ROI isn't bad IMO. You just have to respect some simple rules.

$BTC #Bitcoin

1/ To trade the right BO you first have to identify the right range. Preferably you're searching for a range that is formed right after a big impulsive move.

Currently, we're seeing some PA that could offer a nice opportunity in the near future 🤫

Dec 8, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Educational threads 🤓


#crypto #trading #bitcoin #priceaction How to grow a small account:

Dec 6, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Hedging 101

Hedging allow you to stay in position during trend changes while also playing the counter trend. Counter trends can vary quite a bit making them much more unpredictable than the main trend.

1/ Hedging is next tier trading (and i will only explain the basics here...) since you need to monitor and manage multiple positions so if your not yet able to CONTROL a SINGLE trade, hedging wont be a thing for you.

Mar 17, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
#Stoploss 101:

A stop-loss (SL) is an order to buy or sell a specific asset once the asset reaches a certain price. An SL is designed to limit a trader's loss on an open position. Basically, it's a insurance against unexpected loss.

#1 When you take a trade, you take a risk. Acknowledging this means accepting the risk and quantifying it before you enter a trade. Not using an SL, means that you‘re not accepting the risk and thereby increasing it! If you don’t use an SL your whole account will become the SL.

Apr 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
$BTC #BTC #Bitcoin

There is this asset. It is used for fast, safe & borderless transactions without any central authority controlling it. It cannot be printed endlessly since it has a limited supply.
Most off it (+87%) is already distributed all around the world. Everybody can use it if they want. It doesn't matter where you come from, if you are young or old, how much money you make, or whether you are male or female. You even don't need advanced technology or equipment to utilize it purposes.