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May 14th 2023
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

A thread 🧵 with @Stocktwit_IN & @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView Image
History: Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka
Formation of the candlestick: Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
May 13th 2023
📶Systematic StopLoss using
#SuperTrend Indicator

✅ Technical Analysis Simplified

A Learning Thread 📚

🚀 Telegram

#trading #StockMarket #tradingstrategy #PriceAction

@kuttrapali26 @KommawarSwapnil @sunilgurjar01 @caniravkaria @Stockstudy8 Image
Entry As Per Your Setup Image
Apply Super Trend Indicator Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
🔹Msb Sonrası OTE ile Açılan İşleme, Trend Tabanlı Fib Uzantısı İle Hedef Belirleme Stratejisi
(Bullish Market)
#Solana #DOGE
- Öncelikle trendi belirlemek için dip ve tepeleri belirliyoruz.
HH: Higher High
LH: Lower High
LL: Lower Low
HL: Higher Low
- Fiyatın yeni tepe yaptığı alan, bizim için önemli alandır. (yeşil HH)
- Yeni yükselen bir tepe yapan fiyatın, düşüş trendini sona erdirebileceğini ve yeni yükseliş trendini başlatabileceğini düşünüyoruz.
- Fiyat, eğer ki yeni bir dip yapmaz ise bu varsayımımız dahada güçlenir.
- Bu alanı MSB olarak belirliyoruz.
(Market yapısının kırılması)
Read 10 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Hi Friends,

Sharing some useful #trading threads here

Like & Retweet for Max Reach for learners benefit

it's 100% FREE

by @TechTradesTT & @Stocktwit_IN

1- Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern -- part 1

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView

Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels
& @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView Image
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
(1/8) Due to the #crypto market's volatile nature, it is feasible to spot patterns and trends in #marketcycles. This thread will examine the main signs of a #bull market and discuss how to take advantage of them. 🧵
Read below to learn more: 👇🏻… Image
(2/8) When the market is generally bullish, and #investors are confident in purchasing and hanging onto their assets, a #bullrun happens in the bitcoin market. 🤩 🎉
#Zignaly #LLTS
(3/8) A bull run is characterized by a significant increase in #stock prices, active purchasing, greater #liquidity, and higher levels of #trading activity. 💯 ⚡️
#Zignaly #LLTS
Read 8 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
KEY LEVEL (2/3) - Breakout Zone:

We are going to look into the second type of key levels.

👑 Breakout Zone 👑

Like & RT appreciated ❤️
#alanstapa #technicalanalysis #priceaction
✳️ The concept of key levels is very important in technical analysis (TA).

Here is my previous thread regarding the first type of key levels.

👑 Support & Resistance (S/R) Flip Zone 👑

Read 20 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
KEY LEVEL (1/3) - Support & Resistance (S/R) Flip Zone:

We are going to look into the first type of key levels
👑 Support & Resistance (S/R) Flip Zone 👑

Like & RT appreciated ❤️

#alanstapa #technicalanalysis #priceaction
✳️ The concept of key levels is very important in technical analysis (TA).

In this thread, we will cover:

➡️ Outline of S/R flip zone

➡️ Identifying S/R flip zone

➡️ Story behind S/R flip zone

➡️ Bullish and bearish types of S/R flip zone

➡️ Practical trading examples with S/R flip zone

Read 19 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels
& @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView
@valuelevels @TradingView_IN History:
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

@valuelevels @TradingView_IN Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
#Volume is one of the simplest indicators in #Technical Analysis but when used properly it is also one of the most powerful confirmatory indicators out there. It's all the more important in the current #market. In this thread, we'll take a detailed look at volume with examples.
1) Volume is the total no of #shares that are bought/sold. Huge volume can be associated with accumulation/distribution by FIIs, while small volume can be associated with retail investors. When #PriceAction is combined with #volume, you get some interesting Price Volume patterns.
2) If #Price goes up with increasing volume, that's a sign that big guys are accumulating, hence, a #Bullish sign. When Price goes down with declining volume, that's a sign that the small retail #investors are exiting. Nothing to worry, again a Bullish sign.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
How I sell options for a living.

Out of 200 F&O stocks Find stocks that have high chances of going in one direction, on the basis of price action, support & resistance, multi timeframe, candlestick analysis & general market condition after hours of analysis watchlist is ready
I do share the watchlist here for everyone's learning, based on analysis, when price starts moving in the expected direction, sell option, put SL, if price does not moves as expected then get out even if SL not triggered, i mostly update here as well when initiating trade
Mostly positions get in profit within few minutes & i keep trailing on the basis of price action so that i get maximum time decay and directional move, both, mostly position are held for 1-2 week, it gives 60-70% of option value at least, in % terms its 5%+ on capital deployed
Read 7 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
a simple way of trading straddles, and it also tells if mkt is trending or sideways
Forgot to mention - these straddle charts are now part of the free version of TradePoint in Definedge Securities, u can get free access by just opening an account
you can plot Straddle 'Line' charts in Opstra also

1. Open Interest ===Straddles
2. Options - Strategy charts
Read 6 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
Intraday trading tips and tricks

With @Stocktwit_IN & @valuelevels

As the name suggests, Intraday Trading is the process of buying and selling stocks on the same day. Basically, you buy stocks on daily basis, you look for a reasonable price to sell it and then earn your profit.
Daily analysis and research is necessary for Intraday Trading. The movement of the market’s momentum must be reflected in the strategy used by a trader.
It is advisable to look for liquid shares for Intraday Trading. As the trader needs to square-off their position at the end of the day, it is better to go for large cap shares.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
Hi Friends,

Sharing some useful #trading threads here

Like & Retweet for Max Reach for learners benefit

it's 100% FREE 🖐️

1- Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern -- part 1
Some Complex candlestick patterns ---- thread Part 2
Are you Stock Market Trader? Learn something new every day
Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
In Technical Analysis, a candlestick pattern is a movement in prices shown graphically on a candlestick chart that some believe can predict a particular market movement.

thread 🧵 👇 with @valuelevels & @TradingView_IN

#TechnicalTrades #TradingView
Some of the earliest technical trading analysis was used to track prices of rice in the 18th century. Much of the credit for candlestick charting goes to Munehisa Homma (1724–1803), a rice merchant from Sakata, Japan who traded in the Ojima Rice market in Osaka

Formation of the candlestick:
Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument.

#priceaction #StocksToTrade
Read 11 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
Elliott / ABC Wave Theory

Elliott Wave Theory, or ABC wave theory, is a term for three-wave counter trend price movement.

With @Stocktwit_IN & @TradingView_IN

#TradingView #stocks #nifty #niftybank #trading #priceaction
Here, wave A is the first price wave that is against the trend of the entire market. B wave is a corrective wave for wave A. Wave C shows the final price move to complete the counter trend price move.

Alphabetical labeling helps to differentiate between the degree or level of the wave. It speaks to the span of the basic pattern.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
Definition of Alpha Figure

An Alpha indicates the measure by which a stock or portfolio has managed to outperform a benchmark like an index of shares.

#investing #StockMarcket Image
It takes into account the active returns on investment.

A positive Alpha means that the security or portfolio is beating the market while a negative Alpha means that it is lagging.

#stocks #nifty #niftybank #trading #priceaction
#StocksToTrade #stockstowatch Image
Alpha can also be used to measure the competence of a fund manager and their strategies.

It is also called an ‘abnormal rate of return’ or ‘excess return.’

#stockmarketindia Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
Elliott / ABC Wave Theory

Elliott Wave Theory, or ABC wave theory, is a term for three-wave counter trend price movement.

#TradingView #stocks #nifty #niftybank #trading #priceaction
Here, wave A is the first price wave that is against the trend of the entire market. B wave is a corrective wave for wave A. Wave C shows the final price move to complete the counter trend price move.

Alphabetical labeling helps to differentiate between the degree or level of the wave. It speaks to the span of the basic pattern.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Intraday trading tips and tricks

As the name suggests, Intraday Trading is the process of buying and selling stocks on the same day. Basically, you buy stocks on daily basis, you look for a reasonable price to sell it and then earn your profit. Image
Daily analysis and research is necessary for Intraday Trading. The movement of the market’s momentum must be reflected in the strategy used by a trader. Image
It is advisable to look for liquid shares for Intraday Trading. As the trader needs to square-off their position at the end of the day, it is better to go for large cap shares. Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 15th 2022

Web3 is the FUTURE.

If you want to master web3 (in months instead of years), study these in chronological order:

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap

The Bitcoin Whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Learn how web3 begins and the thinking behind it. ✔️

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap

Bitcoin by @fredwilson

Learn how prescient thinkers are intrigued by the new tech.…

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
Read 30 tweets
Aug 14th 2022

We are currently holding crucial support of 0.6 ETH. The last time a community space took place, we saw prices go from 0.6 ETH to 1 ETH.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
I think that the ability of core holders, to give back to space attendees and sweep, without getting any benefits from the team or from others, is truly incredible.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
It shows that they really really are in this for the fun, not the money, the pure vibes, and enjoyment.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
Read 8 tweets
Aug 14th 2022

__[@tinyastroNFT ]__

Entry: 0.125ETH
Exit: Short - 0.2 ETH | Mid-Long 0.3 ETH
Risk: 5/10…

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap

Consisting of 8 full-time team members who have worked together for 6+ years scaling a platform used by millions, generating over a billion data points.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
Team members have been well known most notably for being in the Forbes 30 under 30. They're always finding ways to provide more value, and fixing minor issues!

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
Read 11 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
What is NFT wash trading?

Wash trading or "painting the tape" is a form of market manipulation whereby market players attempt to influence the price of a security by buying and selling amongst themselves to create the appearance of substantial trading activity.

#NFTCommunity Image
The practice of wash trading may be to create the illusion that demand for a project is higher than it actually is, or simply to mine activity rewards offered by platforms that encourage platform activity.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
The current conditions

The traditional securities and futures markets prohibit wash trading, but it's still commonly seen in the NFT market as the market is still in its early stages of development.

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
Read 50 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Hello everyone With the impending bear market rally, here are top projects that I'd suggest you prioritize in securing a whitelist for a profitable mint.🤝

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap
1. @Memeland

- I think this is pretty self-explanatory. 9gag, potatoz = bullish

It- Probably the hardest to secure a whitelist for since it's pretty much everyone's top priority as well

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap Image
2. @petsland

It- Supposedly a SUPER early branch project of the 9gag ecosystem.

- Early = easier whitelist

#NFTCommunity #priceaction #NFTs #BTC #ETH #coincodecap Image
Read 10 tweets

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