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❦ C-19 journals threading back to 2021. ❦ SARS-CoV-2 archives at https://t.co/LJ6iAUALAt.
Jan 29, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Celebrating the soft-opening of my C-19 website.


A patchwork of scientific papers and media pieces married with the best of Twitter.

○ Heart
○ Brain
○ Body
○ Immunity
○ Transmission
○ Solutions
○ C-19 Blog
○ Cartoons

#C19Life #SARSCoV2c19.life On C-19, the heart, and the circulatory system.


‘Heart attacks, strokes and other major adverse outcomes doubled in people post-COVID at one year.’

#C19Life #SARSCoV2 c19.life/heart
Mar 21, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
The Atlarntic has had a change of editorial management after forced Seppuku (ritualised self-disembowelment).

Long live The Vertlantic!

(If you have any original Atlarntic gold buried in your Gallery, please share and retweet!)

😊😇 @1goodtern

Jun 1, 2022 43 tweets 34 min read
From hereon in, this thread'll be a hit-job on every Fifth Columnist ever to walk the streets of London, and Edinburgh, and Cardiff, and... oh. Forgot. We sold NI down the river a long time ago...

Note 1: The BBC Disease has Gone Ozzo. (It's catching.) Image 'Rich and powerful people will tell you anything to help them stay rich and powerful; and their armies of media stooges, PR companies, and social media influencers are no better than Vichy puppets.' Image
Mar 18, 2022 59 tweets 72 min read
A note on masking - and not masking.

Here's another note on masking:


#MaskUp #MasksSaveLives #MasksInSchools #GoElastomeric #P100 #N95 #FFP2 #Masks ImageImage

As if you needed reminding.


'A well-sealed FFP2/3 [N95/N99] mask is the single greatest tool humankind has come up with to prevent initial infection, further spread and mutations - as well as an endless pandemic.'

#MaskUp ImageImage
Mar 10, 2022 272 tweets >60 min read

'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage
Dec 30, 2021 66 tweets 96 min read
A rash of mask tweets 🧵.

On elastomeric masks, N95s, KN95s, FFP2s, KF94s, care and fit, sourcing, testing, real-world examples & tips, warnings, children's masks, cute alternatives - and why you might want to upgrade now.

#facemask #facemasks #Masks #COVIDisAirborne Image Why you might want to strengthen your first and most important line of defense.

Bear in mind the type of people you are sharing your supermarket air with.

#facemask #facemasks #Mask #Masks #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne ImageImageImageImage