Ioana A Cristea Profile picture
Associate Professor @Unipd | Affiliate @METRICStanford | Scholar @FulbrightPrgrm | #Metaresearch #Openscience #Psychotherapy | @ERC_Research DECOMPOSE
Dec 31, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
In 2023, let's give #psychotherapy for #mental disorders the status it deserves when examining and regulating novel or "breakthrough" treatments. Our latest comment (@NaudetFlorian @joarhalvorsen Lisa Cosgrove) @TheLancetPsych lays out arguments for this… Trials of new treatments for mental disorders should be comparative (indeed more regulatory trials should…
Patients in the comparison group should receive a 1st line/recommended by guidelines/effective treatment even if *NOT* biological or pharmacological.
Nov 17, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
I used to be on the fence about this. Trials have protocols and these are customarily published or made public w/ publication. But I changed my mind (with some caveats) Even when protocols r published, linking them to final publications & checking whether significant changes occurred & if they are justified is difficult. Trial registries often don't bring this information together. Key details are often missing. Often protocols r not published.
Aug 5, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Bashing #metaanalysis is as fashionable as ever, as always with hands up in the air. In response to a thread moaning the lack of added value of meta-analyses over individual studies, I realized I know of *many* meta-analyses that literally overturned whole fields. So I want to start my alternative thread, in which instead the of the same old lamets, we list consequential meta-analyses in #Mentalhealth, which definitely provided more information than each and any single individual study.
Oct 31, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
Our viewpoint "Preserving equipoise and performing randomized trials for COVID-19 social distancing interventions" with @NaudetFlorian and John Ioannidis @METRICStanford now in press @EpiPsychSci @CambridgeCore… In this viewpoint we make two main arguments. 1. There is equipoise for non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) for #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 containment because there is uncertainty re: the magnitude of both effectiveness & harms. Uncertainty is vast for some measures.
May 31, 2020 19 tweets 9 min read
My new & very likely most important paper of 2020 @TheLancetPsych #network #metaanalysis on the efficacy of cognitive bias modification for #anxiety or #depression in clinical or subclinical patients
(1st author @liviu_fodor, w/ @pimcuijpers @Toshi_FRKW )… People who follow this field know I have been one of its first and unrelenting critics, starting with my meta-analysis in 2015 @TheBJPsych (again w/ @pimcuijpers)…, followed by others, including many viewpoints, comments & replies that I will spare you.