Fast (Next-Gen) DNA sequencing, Ultrasound-on-a-Chip, Portable MRI, Next-Gen Protein Sequencing, Biological Recycling.📟
Jan 14, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1/6 @quantum_si represents the next logical step for my work in massively-parallel DNA sequencing (next-generation DNA sequencing, NGS) and proteomics. My teams created the NGS field in 2005 (454 Life Sciences) and with it changed life sciences and medicine forever. 2/6 We had the covers of both Nature and Science for our proteomics work, and were first to move NGS onto a semiconductor chip with Ion Torrent.
May 24, 2020 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Super exciting day. 78 days ago saw my lab and thought we need to help fight #Covid. Today I’m running our Covid Detect At-Home test. A sensitive presymptomatic molecular test for the rest of us. Scaling as I tweet to millions & 10s of million per month.
Just ran Covid Detect At-Home test for the first time on myself!
So simple. Swab and go!
Well I’m human, the nose collection control worked (we test for human gene).
Reporting progress on #coronavirus Home Test from our teams internal email: Just wanted to give a brief update from the #molbio team as we build momentum towards delivering an at-home, user-friendly, rapid #COVID19 test...We are actually detecting Covid19 #RNA in solution now! 1/
... we got early proof today that we can do reactions from RNA (the genetics code of #SARSーCoVー2 not DNA so it’s more insidious). Our method (which amplified the RNA without a machine) is very tolerant of #saliva - (we still have to crack open the virus RNA for full proof) 2/
Mar 7, 2020 • 31 tweets • 27 min read
Thinking about a low cost easy to manufacture home test kit for #Coronavirus. Outline: #Nasal_swab (Q-tip) w/ freeze dried reagents for isothermal #DNA amplification with #COVID19 primers. Colorimetric readout by #iOS or #Android#App w/ #geolocation & #HIPPA compliant reporting.
Read-out would be in minutes - timer in App - read by camera in your smart phone. No other machines. Links to telemedicine groups for positive results. Built in positive control - e.g. no color = improper test, green NEGATIVE, red POSITIVE.