call(g,a,v,in,,,)⚡️OP_😺 Profile picture
BTC⚡️,ETH, SOL. Cooking in Stealth Prev:(Spartan/Binance/Chainlink) Mostly FinTech/Infosec & a lil bit on life🧬 CryptoAnarchist. Personal opinions. NFA
2 subscribers
Dec 26, 2023 39 tweets 10 min read
(1/x) 🧙‍♂️A Consolidation of my thoughts on current state of Crypto and future Opportunities into 2024:
- #BTC ( Metaprotocols / L2 / ETF )
- $SOL / $ETH
- T̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶M̶e̶m̶e̶c̶o̶i̶n̶s̶
- Data Availability ( $Tia/Avail/Eigen) + $NEAR
- OP/ARB & #Polygon (2/x)#Bitcoin Eco
Currently BRC20 tokens are spawning everywhere, while they do have their advantages, , centralized bridging still poses a huge risk

BRC Mkt has expanded a lot, so while there are still opportunities, liquidity has become more fragmented.
Jul 22, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
🧵ZK landscape (Part2) + Diff flavors of Rollups, (ELI5 summary of Rollups)

Quite some updates especially during ETHCC. Will post some notable ones that I come across today before sharing some Rollups' notes I compiled for @ForwardAnalytic 2/15
1) @0xPolygon - zkEVM is here!
TLDR: Build an App on zkRollup without learning a brand new coding language! And take advantage of the fastest ZK tech with #plonky2 by @0xPolygonZero
(Testnet will soon be Live)…
Jul 10, 2022 17 tweets 12 min read
A 🧵thread on the overview of #ZeroKnowledge's Landscape, Points of differentiation between projects & Valuation difference.

This is my attempt to compile the current landscape of ZK, If there is additional info/updates, do reach out via DMs.🙏 (1/13) Format: Companies L1/L2 (Projects)

1) @StarkWareLtd L2; (StarkNet,StarkEx)
2)@the_matter_labs L2; (zkSync(ZkRollup,ZkPorter))
3)@0xPolygon L2; (Polygon Zero, Hermez 2.0, Miden, Nightfall)
4)@Scroll_ZKP L2
5)@MinaProtocol L1
6)@AleoHQ L1
7)@aztecnetwork L2
May 2, 2022 10 tweets 10 min read
🧵How I am playing the #Otherside/#Otherdeed

- Logic on when to enter (AKA #floor support price ?)
Upside/Downside potential

- What to buy? (#Koda / Artifact / Floors )
- Why I choose Artifact over #Koda
- TLDR of 🧵on post number #6

#BAYC/#MAYC #APECOIN #APE 1/x Determine floor price support.
(What is the %Prob of it going lower ?)

Current Floor: 4.29Eth
(Note: Pre-reveal @ 7 to 8 Eth)

Minting of #Otherdeed was 305 #Apecoin @ $22 (~$6,700/~2.4 Eth) + Gas wars ( 2.5Eth for 2 mints)
Minting cost = 2.4 + 1.25 = 3.65 ETH
Apr 20, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
1/x🧵 Thread on #NFT #Alpha, & recent opps. to look at. (probable Alpha at the end of the thread)

3 ways to play NFT (and how it related to DeFi plays)
1) Get into #whitelist ( pre-seed/private round)
2) #Minting ( Public sale )
3) #Secondary markets ( listed & freely traded) 2/x
Whitelist (AKA private rd)
A few ways
1) Own Bluechips #NFT (might give u either a full whitelist chance, or higher prob% getting into whitelist.) e.g recent @SecretGarden_FM WL from @capsule_house
2) Community Grind (time spent not 100% rewarded)
3) Sybil (Pls don't do that)
Mar 18, 2022 13 tweets 13 min read
🧵How to value #NFTs:

There is no right way of valuing NFTs, but hopefully this can act as a guide for people who are looking to enter the NFT space, for both for Fun & Profit, as NFT are generally less straightforward as #DeFi, where #cashflow & #TVL can be a good proxy. 2/x
Rule of thumb:
Similar to how you value a #DeFi token based on Future #cashflow, one can gauge the Value of the #NFT via the utility & future potential #airdrop/cashflow it can bring.
Nov 19, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Alpha Leak. It is very possible that $SFI, @saffronfinance_ is currently undervalued. Most people farming it are putting their funds into the Tranche S, rather than A. Thinking that they will probably get more SFI from S tranche. However that is not exactly the case ATM. Intuitively, it is easy for people to assume that they will get more SFI tokens in S tranche because its receives 95%, while A tranche only gets 5% of the emissions.