Rex Patrick Profile picture
Transparency Warrior, former independent Senator for SA, small business owner, project manager & submariner.
Jul 6 8 tweets 3 min read
This thread provides a summary of the impacts across the four trial sites (Bundaberg-Hervey Bay, Ceduna, East Kimberly and the Goldfields) of the Cashless Debit Card program cessation. 🧵 #auspol Image The ending of the CDC program was widely observed in the qualitative data to have decreased feelings of discrimination, stigma and shame and given people more control and freedom over their finances. However, respondents often cautioned that at times this greater freedom over money had
resulted in poor decision-making. 🧵#auspol
May 26 10 tweets 3 min read
.@AlboMP’s entire diary for 2023 has just been released under #FOI. It shows he gave some big business CEOs a one-on-one opportunity to hear what they had to say. He started with a 30 minute meeting with Meg O’Neill, CEO of the oil and gas giant Woodside. 1/10 #PMsDiary #auspol Image Next he had a 15 minute phone call with Mike Henry, the CEO of the world’s number 1 minerals giant - BHP. 2/10 #PMsDiary #auspol Image
Mar 30 9 tweets 3 min read
All sensitive Govt docs are ‘Cabinet submissions’ or ‘attachments’ to prevent access to them under #FOI 😡. But after a 3 year secrecy battle, lost by Govt, we now know in detail what real Cabinet docs look like. This 🧵 will assist you debunking false Cabinet claims. #auspol Image Real Cabinet submissions have a strict one page summary page with mandatory content. 🧵 #FOI #auspol Image
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The Strategic Defence Review has highlighted fuel supply as a significant point of vulnerability and recommends creation of a national Fuel Council. The Govt has not agreed to this. Meantime #FOI documents shows our tanks are close to empty. 🧵1/4 #auspol #SNAFU Image After BP and Mobil shut their refineries in 2021, we now import 77% of our refined fuel. Of the 33% locally refined fuel, 3/4 of its feedstock is imported. Minister Bowen’s most recent fuel security brief reveals we only have 22 days of diesel stored in-country. 🧵2/4 #auspol Image
Nov 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
The Senate has just passed the #NACC Bill. It won’t be the blind and toothless corruption watchdog Morrison reluctantly proposed, but with public hearings only in “exceptional circumstances” it’ll be a watchdog with only one ear and rarely be seen outside its kennel. #auspol Open hearings allow the public to see the allegations being investigated, the evidence, the counterfactuals, and most importantly, the conduct of counsel assisting and the Corruption Commissioner him or herself. They allow the public to be the scrutineers. #auspol
Aug 20, 2022 13 tweets 11 min read
Since 1969 @dfat has exploited complicit and unwitting prime ministers & ministers from both sides of politics to defraud #TimorLeste of its oil & gas resource. DFAT's made the bed we now sadly have to lie in. All Aussies should read this thread! #auspol… 1969: Australia granted 5 petroleum exploration permits over parts of the seabed that lay closer to Portuguese-Timor than Australia … and then refused to talk to Portugal about a sea boundary, even after their 1970 formal protest about Australia's Timor Sea claim. #auspol Image
Jun 8, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
.@PeterDutton_MP’s rationale for the unaffordable $171 billion #AUKUS program has enough holes in it to sink a submarine without the need for @AustralianLabor to torpedo it. 1/10 #auspol… He starts by incorrectly boasting that “the US had only ever shared their nuclear sub­marine technology with the UK – and that was in 1958.” In the late 50’s the US offered nuke subs to the Dutch, Italians and Canadians who ultimately walked away from the US proposals. 2/10
Oct 12, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
ICYMI: Nice work by @TheAusInstitute highlighting an increasing lack of #transparency in the Federal Budget with greater resorting to NFP "not for publication" references to keep info secret. This #secrecy cancer just keeps growing. #auspol #righttoknow… . @TheAusInstitute highlights a few NFP examples including the costs of managing an abandoned oil rig formerly owned by Woodside; money for the controversial Inland Rail project and expenditure relating to Australia’s Export Finance and Insurance Corporation. All are secret.
Oct 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 The Senate FADT Committee is examining the Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill today. All States & Territories were invited to make submissions. Few have done so and invitations to appear before the Committee have been declined. Why? #auspol 2/4 State/Territory responses so far. NSW - No submission, invite declined; VIC - no sub, invite declined; QLD - no sub, not invited; ACT - sub made, not invited; TAS - sub made, not invited; SA - no sub, not invited; NT - sub pending, invite declined; WA - no sub, not invited.
Apr 26, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
The #covidsafe App will be useful for public health and will save lives. However, there are still some areas of concern in relation to privacy that means whether YOU choose to download and use it is matter of YOUR circumstances #auspol In the Australian hierarchy of legislation, a ‘Ministerial Determination’ (under an Act) would not override the provisions in an actual Act passed by the Parliament - e.g. such as the search warrants provisions of the Crimes Act #auspol #covidsafe
Jan 23, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
#wuhanvirus More than 40 direct #China flights will arrive in Australia today. Only flights from Wuhan are being screened by biosecurity, but those flights have stopped. Why aren’t ALL direct flights being screened? #auspol #aushealth #bordersecurity #wuhanvirus now reported to have killed 18 people. 630 confirmed infections. Of 22 Chinese provinces & 11 other regions, only 7 have not reported confirmed infections. 5 Chinese cities are locked down but hundreds of millions of people will still travel in Lunar New Year period.
Sep 13, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Australian Access Capital Company Pty Ltd: more questions for Gladys Liu to resolve in parliament next week, unless it’s just “clumsy” parliamentary disclosure #auspol It is curious that Ms Liu’s initial parliamentary declaration of interests (as at the time of her election on 18 May) failed to declare her interest in Australian Access Capital Company Pty Ltd, of which she had been the director and sole shareholder for eleven years.
Apr 22, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Listening to @RNDrive . I have seen the brief that was provided to @Barnaby_Joyce. The documentation came from the department, not the QLD Government. Before he approved the purchase he should have made his own inquiry. The Australian Government Solicitor acted for Commonwealth. Did he ask any questions of the AGS about the entity he was dealing with? #watergate