Ricardo López Castellanos, MD Profile picture
Autonomic Disorders fellow @BIDMCNeuroRes @Harvardmed | @movedisorder #SoMe board | #MoveDisorder Safra fellow @emoryneurology |@uamsneurology | @UCMovDis
2 subscribers
Jul 28, 2020 14 tweets 17 min read
A brief refresher about #Antibiotic-associated #Encephalopathy #Twittorial #Tweetorial #AMS
Inspired from today's #NoonConference topic
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #NeuroTwitter #NeurotwitterNetwork #MedEd @MedTweetorials #NeurologyResident #Neurology #RITEReview

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed medications in the inpatient and outpatient setting and it's important to recognize #AdverseEvents, including idiosyncratic reactions, such as #encephalopathy.

Jul 15, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
#MedTwitter #medstudenttwitter #MS3 #MS4 #NeuroMatch2021 #NeuroResidency #IMG #neurotwitternetwork #neurology #Neurotwitter #Match2021 #ERAS #ECFMG #USMLE
@NMatch2021 #Twittorial

Best ways to prepare yourself for the upcoming #virtual Neurology residency application cycle:

- Make an initial list of programs you are interested in applying to.
- Do your #research: curriculum, front loaded?, number of residents, night float?, location, categorical or advanced (needs IM prelim)?
- Start asking for LoRs (May have to remind writer at least once)

Jul 7, 2020 19 tweets 18 min read
#MedTwitter #neurotwitter #Neurotwitternetwork
It's time for another #tweetorial #twittorial!
Today's topic: Functional Gait Disorders
#FunctionalGait #FND #FMD #Gaitdisorders #Ataxia #MovDis #Medstudenttwitter #neuroresidents #neurology #movementdisorders #FNDHope
Functional Gait disorders ("FGD" for the purpose of this #twittorial) are common and disabling, usually accompanied by other symptoms. FGD are challenging for the non #MovDis physician and it can difficult to determine #inconsistencies and #incongruencies during examination.
Jun 28, 2020 10 tweets 13 min read
Good Morning #MedTwitter #neurotwitter #MedEd #Neurotwt #Neuroresidents #NeuroOphthalmology #Neuroimmunology #twittorial. Let's have a quick review on #OpticNeuritis and #NMO - Grab a #coffee and let's Start! 1/ Classic #opticneuritis is characterized by a sub-acute loss of vision in one Eye, with central #scotoma, pain on #eyemovement, positive #RAPD
- Fundus exam is usually normal
- Age range 15-45 years