Richie Merzian Profile picture
Climate wonk. International Director at Smart Energy Council. All thought bubbles shared are my own
Apr 18, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
The PM will tell WA Mining Execs today he will roll out red carpet for gas and coal justified by 'events in Europe'

What do events in Lismore remind us?

Or the Black Summer bushfires?

Or the European event in Glasgow he just attended?

Thread #auspol… The PM claims we need more fossil fuels

The IEA warns we can't open any new gas and coal projects and keep to 1.5 degrees

@TheAusInstitute warned net zero by 2050 is a fraud if fossil fuels flourish

There are 116 new gas and coal projects in Aus 🤦…
Oct 26, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
The Prime Minister and @AngusTaylorMP about to step up for the LONG AWAITED (and likely underwhelming) press conference on #COP26 plan

What to watch out for (thread)
- is it responding to request to increase short term target (this decade - known as an NDC going to 2030) So far alot of talk about a balanced plan, to 'protect industries' and 'backs Australians' 'uniquely Australia' 'by Australians for Australians'

What does it do though - yep there were go 'technology not taxes'

Thats code for supporting the fossil fuel industry.
Apr 22, 2021 47 tweets 28 min read
The United States, the world's largest economy is about to officially annouce atleast a HALVING of its emissions and new @TheAusInstitute shows Australia should do the same

Thread #auspol At Biden’s Earth Day Leaders #ClimateSummit tonight, Australia will be left behind when the US announce 50-52% cut to emissions by 2030.

We have no reason not to follow. That is what fair, proportional and aligned with Paris Agreement #auspol #abc730…
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Full page ad in @theage from broad coalition today telling Victorian Treasurer @timpallas & Vic MPs to drop plans to tax Electric Vehicles

A tax only approach to EVs tax will harm Victorian's access to cleanest most affordable EVs

#springst #auspol… Victoria is the only place in the world that is bringing in a tax on EVs with no incentives to balance it out

EVs are cheaper to fuel, to maintain and good for climate but the cheapest models aren't coming here cause of moves like this from @timpallas…
Sep 14, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
NEW - Morrison will 'fire the recovery' with fossil gas

Expect new gas hub, new pipeline, gas plants, gas research & 'voluntary industry-led code of conduct'

Ensuring efforts to recover from Covid crisis exacerbates the climate crisis

Thread #auspol… Creation of an ‘Australian Gas Hub’ is eerily familiar to what Covid-19 Commission adviser, Saudi Aramco Board Member Andrew Liveris wants by importing the US gas boom (and bust) approach

Andrew 'tingles with pride' over Trump Liveris #auspol
Aug 27, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
Minister @AngusTaylorMP is trying to amend Australia's green bank @CEFCAus from a profit-making investor in renewables to a loss making underwriting of fossil fuel projects

Key concerns with amendment (thead) #auspol… summary in @smh from @micksfoley 1. Invest

Definition of 'investments' to now include funding projects that 'may not have a return on investment'

Why make a successful public bank do that?

So it can back in dud projects cherry-picked by Minister Taylor (hint -they are gas + coal)…
May 18, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
Energy and Emissions Reductions Minister #AngusTaylor quietly commissioned fossil fuel executive Grant King to review gov climate policy

Its out and its worrying

It help polluters with quicker, cheaper, easier reductions at climate's and taxpayer's expense.

Thread First this is a red carpet exercise for the Government's failed clean coal technologies

This includes amending mandates for our clean energy funding bodies the @CEFCAus and @ARENA_aus to now allow them to not fund clean energy through CCS…
Feb 27, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Minister for Emissions Reductions will move away from highly successful emission reduction tech (renewable energy)....

To the most unsuccessful emissions reduction technologies in the last 15 years - Carbon Capture and Storage for Fossil Fuels

Thread… Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) coupled with coal ('clean coal') has been a dismissal failure

Both Labor and Coalition governments have invested over $1.3 billion since 2003 to get CCS on coal up and running and have nothing to show for it

Jan 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
There will be alot of scrambling to hide years of climate wrecking behaviour from the likes Business Council of Australia and major fossil fuel companies

Don't be fooled - they are just trying to buy their way back and as cheaply as possible

thread… Chevron

Responsible for half national increase in Australia's emission 2017-2018 from failed CCS

Shouted down the WA Government when asked to offset future emissions

Massive tax dodger! Caught by ATO expects $10 BILLION back

Gives $1m charity #auspol
Dec 10, 2019 31 tweets 14 min read
Minister Angus Taylor addressed the UN Climate Conference #COP25 today

While Australia is on fire, impacts supercharged by climate change, the Australian government is lobbying for it (and others) to do less climate action

Worth letting that sink in

Mega thread #auspol Speech - "The Paris Agreement sent a powerful signal to the world that countries are serious about climate action...

Unfortunately this doesn't extend to Aus, with
- emissions
- fossil fuel exports
- climate impacts
- reliance on loopholes…
Nov 21, 2019 8 tweets 8 min read
1/ Time to dispel a few climate furphies.

The first is that no one is doing anything on #ClimateChange.

Here is the % change in emissions (excluding LULUCF) from 2005-17 for all #OECD nations.

Australia is one of only five (in red) that has increased emissions! #auspol Image 2/

All 32 OECD countries combined make up 57% of world GDP and those countries that saw emissions fall make up 54% of world GDP.

Australia is not part of the pack. It is at the back and is an outlier #auspol #ClimateCrisis

(thanks @MattGrudnoff @TheAusInstitute for stats)
May 1, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
The long expected modelling of Labor's climate policy by long-time coal consultant Brian Fisher, BAEconomics is out and it will be parroted by #greatworkme @AngusTaylorMP on @RNBreakfast this morning #auspol

Here are the many red flags in this work 👇… Firstly, it misunderstand Paris Agreement. It assumes the Coalition Government's 26% target is all Australia needs to comply.

It is not.

Coalition policy to hit 26% is rated as 'highly insufficient' according to @climateactiontr and in line with 4 degree global warming
Nov 16, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
Professor Diesendorf's simple four-step recipe for #fairdinkumpower published by @TheAusInstitute in @renew_economy today

1) Provide additional $4 billion to @ARENA_aus & $2 billion @CEFCAus over 4 yrs to to stimulate dispatchable, flexible, renewable electricity and storage 2) expedite construction of key transmission links between Qld and NSW, SA and NSW, within north-western and western Vic, and within northern NSW to better integrate renewable electricity into the grid;… #auspol