Sascha Ruppert-Karakas Profile picture
Authoritarianism, Syria, Political Theory / PhD / research associate @GSI_Muenchen / bylines @reviewintl @disorient_do @aljumhuriya_eng @blaetter
Apr 8, 2021 25 tweets 11 min read
While the SPD-led Justice Ministry in #Germany is providing the political infrastructure to investigate crimes against humanity committed by agents of the #Assad regime, its sister party in #Denmark decides to repatriate Syrians back to Damascus.

This reckless decision not only contradicts the ideals of European social democracy & must be interpreted as a n appeasement policy towards right-wing populist resentment but is also exemplary of the thought patterns that can be found among many European policymakers.
Jul 17, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
1/ Um den Thread von @adoptarevolution nochmal zu bekräftigen:

Wie oft soll es @HeikeHaensel unter dem Namen der @Linksfraktion noch erlaubt sein, einseitige & schlecht informierte Lobbypolitik für Assads Folterstaat zu betreiben?

2/ Wie auch bei ihren Versuchen, die Ersthelferorganisation der Weißhelme im Zusammenhang der Giftgasangriffe in #Syrien zu diskreditieren, unterlässt Hänsel jegliche Angabe von Quellen zur Validierung ihrer Behauptungen.…
Sep 20, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ If this connection turns out to be true, it would not only be a serious embarrassment for @ecfr, but also an example of how quickly the approach of offering a multi-faceted perspective on EU sanctions policy against #Syria can turn out to be a PR operation for the Assad regime 2/ Under the pretext of "realism", Nour Samaha sold her policy proposals as humanitarian pragmatism towards ordinary Syrians suffering from the sanctions as well as a longterm approach to contain the domestic pressure of some EU countries by refugees.…
Jun 23, 2019 25 tweets 13 min read
1/ In a confrontation with the protagonists of the WG on #Syria, it is inevitable to deal with their underlying world view, which, as in this case, is revealed again and again through individual narrative plots, depriving the discourse of any scientific objectivity. 2/ This world view is already noticeable in their working papers, in which they question not only Douma but also other incidents of CW attacks & link their true cause with their managed massacre theory. A massacre conducted by Jihadists to provoke a western intervention.
Jun 12, 2019 21 tweets 9 min read
1/ This tweet exemplifies how wilfully the voices of the so-called progressive left spread the propaganda of an authoritarian system once its narrative can be taken as a confirmation for their belief that there has been something like an innocent socialist alternative. 2/ The assumption of a "thorough denazification" of the GDR not only testifies to a completely insufficient knowledge of Germanys second authoritarian temptation, but also corresponds to a narrative whose apologists are already marginalized in the GER left…
May 17, 2019 23 tweets 10 min read
1/ In addition to the daring choice of title, this policy paper lacks crucial basic assumptions about the current situation in #Syria and thus suggests that there may be a more reasonable alternative to the #EU's sanctions policy against the regime.… 2/ The final note emphasizes that the interviews are intended to highlight the views of people from the territories held by the regime, but doesnt make a clear distinction between the opinion of Assad loyalists, who gain clear advantage of Assad's rule…
May 14, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ It is always fascinating to observe the imbecility with which Assad's thousand tongues try to excuse the boundless brutality of the regime. In this case, the systematic repression of the uprising is explained with "ill-prepared" security forces. #Syria
2/ The reference to the authoritarian rule in the ME as "Mukhabarat State", provides information on the composition of the elements of coercion of contemporary authoritarian states & emphasizes the security service as a pillar of authoritarian rule.…
Mar 8, 2019 24 tweets 9 min read
1/ Even if a potential review of the application for asylum of Kevork Almassian leads to no results, it is necessary to debate about his role as a pawn in a greater strategy of far-right populists in #Germany. While there are many sympathizers and supporters of Assad on the left 2/ or right side of the European party spectrum, in Germany the support for Assad comes from the far right, namely the #AfD. The party recently sent a "diplomatic delegation" to the regime to get first hand informations about the situation in #Syria…
Feb 12, 2019 25 tweets 9 min read
/1 Another article questions the new sanctions by the #EU & #US against the regime in #Syria as well as its affiliated businessmen. It is stated that the sanctions continue to aggravate the suffering of the ordinary population, which contributes to… /2 strengthening the regime instead of weakening it. I have to ask a few questions, which are always up for discussion. The author claims at the beginning of the article that outrage alone cant be a policy from which to expect any useful results.