Dan Boyd | Story Teller Finder Profile picture
I help you wrench meaning from the random plot of life. When you understand yourself, you articulate it for the world too. https://t.co/0fH8NeS0Mn
Mar 25, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
You Should Probably Stop Stealing Joy... A #Storytimethread

#fiction #storytelling #storyteller #writing #writer #thread #story #writingitps #highschool #school #study #hamsterdance #dancing #teachers #nonfiction #literaryfiction #truestory #fakestory #lies #orign #girls #boys Sitting in the cramped high school library I sat a table chicken scratching a script outline for a Western style video game.

Hampsterdance plays endlessly on loop as a bunch of freshman giggle uncontrollably at the classic meme.
Mar 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A book that changed me as a human being was Knowing the Enemy, Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists by @ScottAtran.

[ad] Scott is often introduced as a controversial writer and historian.

Because he doesn't deal in easy answers.

I found his book incredibly persuasive, and upon reflection it aligned with my personal experience. Both in what I’ve seen in the world, but also...